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CRFM Fishery Report 2011 Volume 2 – Fishery Management Advisory Summaries. Report of Seventh Annual Scientific Meeting–Kingstown, St.Vincent and the Grenadines,16–24 June 2011
The Seventh Annual Scientific Meeting took place during 16 – 24 June 2011 in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. During this Meeting, CRFM Resource Working Groups examined data from the following fisheries: the flyingfish fishery of the Eastern Caribbean, the seabob fishery of Suriname, and the shrimp trawl fishery of Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. The SGWG also reviewed catch and effort data from the white shrimp fishery in Kingston Harbour, Jamaica. The LPWG conducted several activities: exploration of catch and effort data from the blackfin tuna fishery in St. Lucia, Vincent & the Grenadines and Trinidad & Tobago; review of a report on the fishing fleets targeting dolphinfish, flyingfishes and blackfin tuna in Martinique and Guadeloupe; review of a report on blackfin tuna catch, catch rates, and size structure from Venezuelan fisheries; and completed the first part of an ERAEF analysis of the Eastern Caribbean dolphinfish fishery. This year’s CLWG meeting completed a peer review of a Caribbean spiny lobster stock assessment that was conducted intersessionally in The Bahamas during 2010. The RSWG did not meet in 2011.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2011
Keywords: Fishery Management Advisory Summaries the flyingfish fishery of the Eastern Caribbean, the seabob fishery of Suriname, and the shrimp trawl fishery of Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela.

CRFM Fishery Report 2012. Volume 2. Report of Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 20-30 June 2012 (CRFM Fisheries working Group)
The Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting took place during 20 – 30 June 2012 in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. During this Meeting, the five CRFM Resource Working Groups met. The CLWG completed a bio-economic assessment of the Jamaica queen conch fishery. The LPWG conducted several activities including: the evaluation of the status and availability of blackfin tuna data in the Eastern Caribbean; a preliminary assessment of the blackfin tuna fishery; and a review of the ERAEF methodology.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2012
Keywords: Annual Scientific Meeting CRFM Working Groups Habitat

CRFM Fishery Report, 2012. Volume 1. Report of Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 20-30 June 2012 (CRFM Fisheries working Group)
The Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting took place during 20 – 30 June 2012 in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. During this Meeting, the five CRFM Resource Working Groups met. The CLWG completed a bio-economic assessment of the Jamaica queen conch fishery. The LPWG conducted several activities including: the evaluation of the status and availability of blackfin tuna data in the Eastern Caribbean; a preliminary assessment of the blackfin tuna fishery; and a review of the ERAEF methodology.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2012
Keywords: Annual Scientific Meeting Working Group

CRFM Management Report – PY 2012/ 13. Volume 2 – Supplement 3. Report of the Second Meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 22 February 2013
The Second Meeting of the CRFM Ministerial Sub-committee on Flyingfish was held at the Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on 22 February 2013. The Meeting was chaired by the Honourable V. Alfred Gray, Minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government, The Bahamas.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2013
Keywords: Second Meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish Flyingfish, fisheries

CRFM Management Report – PY 2012/13. Volume 2– Supplement 2. Report of the First Meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Flyingfish, St. John’s ,Antigua and Barbuda , 18 October 2012
Author: CRFM
Keywords: Flyingfish working group

CRFM Report of Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting – Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, 20-30June 2012 CRFM Fishery Report– 2012. Volume 1, Supplement.
The Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting took place during 20 – 30 June 2012 in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. During this Meeting, the five CRFM Resource Working Groups met. The CLWG completed a bio-economic assessment of the Jamaica queen conch fishery. The LPWG conducted several activities including: the evaluation of the status and availability of blackfin tuna data in the Eastern Caribbean; a preliminary assessment of the blackfin tuna fishery; and a review of the ERAEF methodology.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2012
Keywords: Working Groups CRFM The Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Working Group, fisheries

CRFM Research Paper Collection. Volume 7 Recreational Fisheries
Author: CRFM
Year: 2012
Keywords: Fishing in the southern Caribbean Sea venezuela Habitat, fisheries

CRFM Reserch Paper Collection. Volume 6 Flyingfish Fisheries and Ecological Risk Analysis Large Pelagic Fishery
This study is an application of a pairwise comparison technique to determine weighted rankings of objectives for regional management of the Flyingfish fishery. The results of this research is intended to guide policies and programs to further develop the social and economic potential of the Flyingfish fishery while maintaining ecological sustainability.
Author: Ferrier, E., and Singh, S.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Flyingfish Working Group

CRFM/CLME Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fishery Case Study – Governance Assessment
This report is for discussion and use by all case study participants and interested parties. It contributes to the elaboration of the regional governance framework and formulation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) which is the next major stage of the CLME project. The governance assessment of pilots and case studies uses a common methodology (Mahon et al 2012) that is summarised in this report. the methodology was applied to assess governance of the Eastern Caribbean flyingfish fishery and set out lessons learned.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2013
Keywords: Flyingfish Working Group fisheries

CRFM/CLME Large Pelagic Fishery Case Study – Governance Assessment
This report was created for discussion and usage of all case study participants and interested parties. It contributed to the elaboration of the regional governance framework and formulation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) which was the next major stage of the CLME project.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2013
Keywords: fisheries