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The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop List of Participants Deliverable D.4.2
This document includes the List of Participants of the IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico 29 – 31 January, 2013.
Year: 2013
Keywords: Participants of the IMS/REMP The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP) IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop Summary Report Deliverable D.4.1
This document summarizes main discussions and recommendations of the IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico 29 – 31 January, 2013.
Year: 2013
Keywords: IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). Participatory Three – Dimensional Modeling: A Key Source Of Information On Local And Traditional Knowledge For IMS -REMP Of The CLME Project: An Executive Summary Deliverable D. 3.7
This document was prepared by Ms. Jacinthe Amyot, Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Assistant/ IOC-UNESCO and summarizes main outcomes of the Training of Trainers on the Facilitation of Participatory Three-Dimensional Modeling (P3DM) , held in Mount St. George, Tobago September 29th – October 12th, 2012.
Author: Amyot, J.
Year: 2012
Keywords: The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP)

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Programme (REMP) Report on how IMS/REMP can support the Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) Decision -Making process in the region, and the potential role of the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) Deliverable 3.7″
This document describes the results of a pilot project within the IMS/REMP component of the CLME project. The purpose of the activity was to demonstrate how the IMS/REMP combination can support the policy cycle related to the ICAM process. Specific deliverables highlighted in the report are: (i) The identification of existing and potential future services of the CMA useful to the IMS, and, (ii) The requirements for a direct link between the IMS and the CMA allowing for transparent search actions. The results of this pilot project will be included in the IMS.
Author: Nagdee, M.
Keywords: Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) Coastal Area Management (ICAM)

The conservation status of marine bony shorefishes of the Greater Caribbean
The greater Caribbean biogeographic region covered in this report (representing 38 countries and territories) encompasses an outstanding marine bony shorefish richness of approximately 1,360 species, with many (53%) being endemic. This report provides an overview of the conservation status of greater Caribbean shorefishes, with detailed information available through the IUCN Red List, and gives recommendations.
Author: C. Linardich, G. Ralph, K. Carpenter, N. Cox, D.R. Robertson, H. Harwell, A. Acero P., W. Anderson Jr., F. Barthelat, J.-L. Bouchereau, J. J. Brown, J. Buchanan, D. Buddo, B. Collette, M. Comeros-Raynal, M. Craig, M. Curtis, T. Defex, J. Dooley, W. Driggers III, C. Elfes Livsey, T. Fraser, R. Gilmore Jr., L. Grijalba, A. Hines, R. Kishore, K. Lindeman, J.-P. Maréchal, J. McEachran, R. McManus, J. Moore, T. Munroe, H. Oxenford, F. Pezold, F. Pina Amargós, A. Polanco Fernandez, B. Polidoro, C. Pollock, R. Robins, B. Russell, C. Sayer, S. Singh-Renton, W. Smith-Vaniz, L. Tornabene, J. Van Tassell, J.-C. Vié, and J. T. William
Year: 2017

The CRFM Meta-Data Base Contribution To The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) Project Information Management System (IMS) Component
Author: McIvor, I.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Meta-data Base Contribution Project Information Management System LME

The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment
The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment, also known as the “World Ocean Assessment I”, is the outcome of the first cycle of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socioeconomic Aspects.
The first World Ocean Assessment provides an important scientific basis for the consideration of ocean issues by Governments, intergovernmental processes, and all policy-makers and others involved in ocean affairs. The Assessment reinforces the science-policy interface and establishes the basis for future assessments. Together with future assessments and related initiatives, it will help in the implementation of the recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly its ocean-related goals.
Author: United Nations
Year: 2016

This is the report of the first meeting of the Caribbean Fisheries Management Council (CFMC), Organization of Fishing and Aquaculture in Central America (OSPESCA), Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) and the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Working Group on Queen Conch, held in Panama City, from 23 to 25 October 2012.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Queen Conch Working Group caracol rosado grupo de trabajo Caracol Rosado, Working Group, queen conch

The GEF Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME+) Project and its joint Implementation through the AMEP and SPAW Subprogrammes
The UNDP/GEFCLME+project, through the strategic Action Programme for the sustainable management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf LargeMarine Ecosystems (CLME+SAP), has provided financial resources to directly support the integration of the AMEP and SPAW Sub-Programmes for not only the joint implementation of UNDP/GEF CLME+project components, but also the development of a longer-term Road Map for the AMEP and SPAWSub-Programmes that enables closer integration and coordination.
Author: UNEP
Year: 2016
Keywords: AMEP SPAW CLME+ joint implementation Assessment of Marine Environmental Pollution LBS SOCAR, SPAW, Working Group

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Recipient Countries in the Wider Caribben
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Recipient Countries in the Wider Caribben