=== Gravity Forms Tooltips === Version: 1.1.5 Author: JetSloth Version: 1.1.5 Requires at 3.5 Tested up to: 5.5 Author URI: https://jetsloth.com License: GPL2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Tags: admin,gravityforms,forms,tooltip Contributors: JetSloth Easily add tooltips to your Gravity Forms fields == Description == **Gravity Forms Tooltips** Easily add tooltips to your Gravity Forms fields Check out our other plugins at https://jetsloth.com == Installation == 1. Install Gravity Forms Tooltips by uploading the files to your server 2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress 3. Make sure you also have Gravity Forms activated (at least v2.0) 4. Create a new form or edit an existing form 5. You will then see the Tooltip Content textarea option in the General tab when editing a field 6. Read the documentation on our website for more info == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does this plugin rely on anything? = Yes, you need to install the [Gravity Forms Plugin](http://gravityforms.com) for this plugin to work. And it needs to be at least v2.0