#How to use the pot file# The pot file included in this folder is ready to use. 1. Start up Poedit. 2. In Poedit goto File -> New from POT/PO file... 3. Select and Open the pot file from the languages folder. 4. Choose the Translation Language. 5. goto Catalog -> Properties, Enter your name, email address, your language and country (i.e. French fr_FR, German de_DE) to the setting form. 5. Update all the texts, you can use pretranslate to fill by poedit(suggested) 6. Save the file: - For a plugin like filename-xx_XX.po with xx_XX for your language and country. (eg. image-hover-effects-addon-for-elementor-fr_FR.po ) 7. That's it, go to your WordPress site and see your translation in action. Enjoy your blogging!!! 8. To contribute this translation, Click here - https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/image-hover-effects-addon-for-elementor Thank you for your contribution.