=== Ninja Tables - Best Data Table Plugin for WordPress === Contributors: wpmanageninja, techjewel, adreastrian, heera Donate link: https://ninjatables.com/pricing/ Tags: wp table builder, table plugin, wpdatatables, wordpress tables, Table builder plugin, table grid, charts & graphs maker, wp table, datatables plugin, csv table, tablepress migration, footable plugin, tabular data, stackable table, googlesheet table, WooCommerce table, WooCommerce product table, Amazon affiliate table, bootstrap table, drag-and-drop, wp post table, product tables for WooCommerce, responsive table, mobile table Requires at least: 4.5 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.2 Stable tag: 5.0.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Best WordPress Table Builder Plugin comes with all the amazing features to beautifully create any kind of tables and making them responsive with ease. == Description == [Website](https://ninjatables.com/) | [Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXpD0vT4thWGhHDY0X7UpN9JoR0vu2O_C) | [Demo](https://ninjatables.com/demo/) | [User Guide](https://ninjatables.com/docs/) Creating stunning responsive tables was always a struggle. And customizing those was an even bigger dispute. So if you are here for a WordPress table builder plugin for your website, you're in the right place. Meet **Ninja Tables**, the best WordPress table builder plugin with all the solutions. It will give you the easiest way of making different types of WordPress tables within minutes and even without writing a single line of code! If you want to check out if this plugin fulfills your requirements for a WordPress table plugin, check out the [feature page.](https://ninjatables.com/features/) You can also watch the usage demo on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuH6DtMUTus). ### Build Any Kind of Data Table You can build any type of table, like pricing tables, comparison tables, employee tables, schedule tables, and product tables, and you can make them responsive for any screen size using Ninja Tables. ### Ninja Tables Features Ninja Tables is a table builder plugin in the market to create stunning WordPress tables from scratch. It can be the best table data visualization tool for your dashboard. Here is the list of the functionalities and elements in these simple tables: - [Drag and drop table builder](https://ninjatables.com/drag-drop-table-builder/) - [Pre-made templates](https://ninjatables.com/premade-wordpress-table-templates/) - [Table design customization](https://ninjatables.com/wordpress-table-design-customization/) - [Charts](https://ninjatables.com/ninja-charts/) - [Fluent Forms integration](https://ninjatables.com/display-form-data-in-table/) - Stackable table - [Import-Export](https://ninjatables.com/import-export-file-in-tables/) - Buttons/rating - [Cell split/merge](https://ninjatables.com/merge-cells-in-wordpress-table/) - [Google Sheet Integration](https://ninjatables.com/google-sheet-data-table/)[Pro] - [WooCommerce Product Table](https://ninjatables.com/woocommerce-product-table/)[Pro] The **Premium version** of Ninja Tables comes with the following advanced features: - Unlimited Table Colors and Customization - [Live Connect with Google Sheets](https://ninjatables.com/google-sheet-data-table/) - [WooCommerce Product Table](https://ninjatables.com/woocommerce-product-table/) - [WP Posts / Any Custom Post Type Integration](https://ninjatables.com/wp-posts-table/) - [Multimedia](https://ninjatables.com/multimedia-in-wordpress-table/) - [Conditional Formatting](https://ninjatables.com/conditional-formatting-in-tables/) - FrontEnd Table Editing - [Transform value with HTML](https://ninjatables.com/transform-value-in-tables/) - Show data from your own custom SQL table and SQL query/Remote external SQL - Select Field, Image/File/Lightbox, & Button/Link data type - [Custom Filter](https://ninjatables.com/custom-filter-data-table/) ### Fully Featured Amazing WordPress Data Table Plugin Ninja Tables can be a perfect choice for your website. The easiest interface of this plugin lets you merge cells, style each cell differently, add star ratings to cells, media, and so much more. The demo below shows how you can create fast and dynamic tables on the Ninja Tables and what makes it the most user-friendly WordPress table plugin with an advanced front-end style. #### WORDPRESS TABLE PLUGIN LIVE VIDEO PREVIEW The SEO-friendly table maker plugin can help you with a table of content that search engines can crawl. Even the plugin provides a pre-built feature to add no-follow or do-follow links to the texts and buttons. ### The Fastest WordPress Data Table Builder The common complaint about table builders is speed and responsiveness. Ninja Tables got your back here. The back-end is built on VueJs and VueRouter as SPA makes it super fast, even if your table has thousands of rows or columns. ### Straightforward Customization Interface Ninja Tables plugin comes with a drag-and-drop feature and a design studio for customizing and styling your WordPress tables. With our table design studio, you can set colors to the table components or customize anything without writing a single line of code. ### Best Table Design Options Ninja Tables give you the freedom to choose styles from 100+ tables styles. We also have the 3 most popular CSS libraries with unlimited color schema! The most featured styles are as follows: - Single Line Cells - Fixed Layout - Hover rows - Bordered table - Table Inverse - Striped rows - Compact Table - RTL Support - Data Tables - Footable Tables - Stackable Table - Bootstrap 3 Table Styles - Bootstrap 4 Table Styles - Semantic UI Table Styles ### Effectively Make Responsive Tables Make responsive tables with the Ninja Tables in the easiest way. WordPress tables' search, pagination, sorting, and other features will also work on all devices. You have control over your table and what you want to show or not. ### Effortlessly Configure Your Tables Configuring the table and columns is faster with our user-friendly column builder. You can rearrange and specify the data type for each column, like a single-line text, text area, or HTML area. ### Export-Import Table Data is Easier Than Ever Ninja Tables can help you to export the table data into a CSV file or use the JSON format to import it later. Using a TablePress Plugin / Data Tables Generator by Supsystic? You can also import the table data to Ninja Tables in just one click! **You are one-click away to migrate all your TablePress data to Ninja Tables** ### Deeply Integrated Ninja Charts **[Ninja Charts](https://wordpress.org/plugins/ninja-charts/)** is a data visualizer plugin integrated Ninja Tables, so that you can use your table data to create and display dynamic charts and graphs on your website. ### Fluent Forms Integration Makes it More Efficient Ninja Tables is deeply integrated with **[Fluent Forms,](https://wordpress.org/plugins/fluentform/)** so that you can add Fluent Forms entries to your tables effortlessly! You can watch the following video to learn more about this feature: ### Awesome Support You can get dedicated support from our excellent support team for this beautiful WordPress table plugin for **free**! All you need to do is create a [support ticket](https://wpmanageninja.com/support-tickets/) here. Our support team eagerly awaits your feature requests and extended help for customized tables. Don’t hesitate to create a support ticket for the best experiences. ### Create Dynamic WooCommerce Product Tables [Pro Feature] With Ninja Tables, you won’t have to worry about [creating WooCommerce product tables](https://ninjatables.com/how-to-create-woocommerce-product-table/) anymore. The table’s Pro integration will let you build dynamic WooCommerce product tables in just a few clicks. This allows your users to buy multiple products from a single page with customizable cart and checkout buttons. Purchase [Ninja Tables Pro](https://ninjatables.com/pricing/) to present each WooCommerce product table in a professional manner. ### Construct Table from Google Sheets [Pro Feature] Your Google Sheets can be integrated into the Ninja Tables, which is certainly one of its more stunning features. Moreover, the data in Ninja Tables will automatically update along with the data changes in the [Google Sheets](https://ninjatables.com/embed-google-sheet-in-wordpress-tables/). ### Advanced Shortcode Usage [Pro Feature] Advanced shortcode usage is one of the best pro features for developers. Here you can explore hundreds of extended features with that. A set of [highly useful shortcodes](https://ninjatables.com/docs/advanced-shortcode/) is provided by Ninja Tables enables you to configure your tables however you want. You can display the same table on a separate page/post in a different manner. ### Ninja Tables Documentation ### What Users Say About the Best WordPress Table Plugin >__BEST and so many features for free!__ >*With almost 500 lines and the need for search and sort by column, I would have had to pay a lot for another plugin’s pro version where Ninja tables nailed it for free. My client is thrilled! (and importing an updated CSV into an existing table is the icing on the cake!)* - By @scwtenor >__Great plugin and fast helpful support__ >*Documentation is good as a great start, and the supplemental support so far has been fast and very helpful. Would happily recommend it!* - By @toll02 >__Feature Packed, Customizable and Easy To Use__ >*I opted for this plugin over TablePress and am really glad I did. Its functionality and usability are beyond anything else I have seen. >On top of this, the support is AMAZING. Fast and professional.* -By AusSimon (@aussimon) >__LIFE SAVER__ >*Compared to TablePress, which is incredibly hard to use to build tables with many columns with different data types, this is a lifesaver. Best table plugin for WordPress so far.* - By Bob (@shallway) >__Amazing time saver!__ >*This is my Go-To app after years of fat-fingering updates into a spreadsheet, And then working on uploading the information. Ninja Tables is a time/life saver. Very easy to use. I send my client(s) a spreadsheet, they update their rates, and I import/upload these to the site. That’s it. I highly recommend!* - By Tyrell (@rtyrell) >__Great Plugin, Even Better Support__ >*This plugin is easily one of the most used plugins for my website. It is very easy to use and is packed with features. The developers are super quick to respond if you encounter any issues. Definitely recommended!* - By @dnobhlrjr >__The New Supreme Ruler of Table Plugins__ >*It looks good, loads fast, allows for ‘views’ without bogging down the server, It allows for a great deal of customization.* - By @bronzeego >__Ninja Tables is still one of the most performant plugins I use.__ >*Ninja Tables is still one of the most performant plugins I use. Many thanks to the support of Ninja Tables.* - By @alcapone65 >__Best and most flexible WP Tables Plugin__ >*We tried a lot of plugins, but “Ninja Tables” was the only one that fits all our needs. It’s no rocket science to create the first table and fill it up with data.* >*Additionally, it is so flexible that you can move and change the table without re-creating the whole thing. PS: We’re using the Pro version now, and it's absolutely worth the price – it’s nearly a steal for what you get. >5 5-Stars! Great work!* - By @parkscheibe From the above section, you can see what our users are saying about our WordPress table plugin. Give this plugin a try and explore the powerful features and table styles. Let us know what you love and what else you need from this plugin. ### Contribute to Ninja Tables - The Best DataTables Plugin The full source code is available on Github. Feel free to report a bug report. == Installation == Here is a description below of how to install and activate Ninja Tables and get started with it. e.g. **Install** Ninja Tables using one of these methods: **Method 1:** Install directly from the WordPress Admin panel: go to Plugins -> Add New -> Search for **Ninja Tables**, and click the **Install** button. **Method 2:** Download the ZIP file of Ninja Tables manually from the WordPress.org plugins repository and upload it through the Admin panel of your WordPress Dashboard: go to **Plugins** -> **Add New** -> **Upload Plugin**, browse to the downloaded Zip and upload it. **Method 3:** Download the ZIP, extract it and manually upload the extracted folder through FTP to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. After Installation **activate** the plugin from the plugin dashboard. To know more, browse our [documentation](https://ninjatables.com/docs/). For blogs and facts, visit our [blog](https://ninjatables.com/blog/) page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is Ninja Tables Responsive? = Tables created by Ninja Tables are mobile responsive and look elegant on any device. = I am not a developer. Can I use Ninja Tables? = Ninja Tables is the most beginner-friendly, non-techy and easiest WordPress Table plugin available. For better understanding, we have designed our documentation and user manuals so that even the most non-techy people and novices can utilize the full potential of the table builder. = Are tables SEO-friendly? = Yes! Any kind of table you create with Ninja Tables is SEO-friendly, and all table data are visible to search engines. = Who can use Ninja Tables? = It’s built for everyone- a newbie or an expert. The easy interface gives anyone the comfort of creating and customize dynamic tables without coding. = Can I import tables from my TablePress plugin to Ninja Tables? = Yes, absolutely, you can. We have introduced a feature that helps you import tables from your existing TablePress plugin in just a few clicks! = Can I import tables from Ultimate Tables Plugin or Data Tables Generator by Supsystic to Ninja Tables? = Yes, Now you can transfer the Ultimate Tables plugin or Data Tables Generator by Supsystic data to your beloved WordPress table plugin in a single click. = How can I import my tables from other plugins? = If you use a table builder plugin besides TablePress / Data Tables Generator by Supsystic, you must export the table files in CSV/JSON format. Ninja Tables allow you to upload CSV/JSON files directly. = How can I manage long tables with a huge amount of data? = You can manage long tables with a huge amount of data by utilizing different options Ninja Tables offers. You can use Pagination to break down your tables into segments. Not only that, the Search/Filter option allows you to quickly find out the exact information from your colossal table data. Otherwise, you might be looking for a needle in a haystack. = Can I create WooCommerce product tables with Ninja Tables? = Yes, you can create WooCommerce product tables with [Ninja Tables Pro add-on](https://ninjatables.com/pricing/). = Can I upload images/media to table cells? = You can upload Image, File, Lightbox, & iframe in the Ninja Tables columns. = Can I enable frontend editing for my table? = Yes, the Ninja Tables Pro enables you make [front-end editing](https://ninjatables.com/docs/frontend-editing/) enabled tables. = Can I connect Google Sheets to my WordPress Ninja Tables? = Ninja Tables let's you connect Google spreadsheets to the WordPress tables. Check out best [google sheets tables](https://ninjatables.com/docs/google-sheets-integration/) == Screenshots == 1. Table Preview with Features 2. Stackable Table Demo 3. Backend - Table Column Configuration 4. Table Design Studio - Use any color in your mind 5. Backend - Import / Export Table Data 6. Import or Export Table from CSV, JSON, or from TablePress 7. Default Table View in Frontend 8. Teal Color Table View on Frontend 9. Black Color Table View on Frontend 10. Import TablePress Tables in NinjaTables 11. Drag and drop table builder == Changelog == We released several updates for Ninja Tables in the years of development. These include improvements to the existing features and some wonderful additions to help you design tables more effectively. ### What's New on 5.0.2? = 5.0.2 (Date: June 15, 2023) = * Added a dismissible option in the admin area for all notices * Fixes double slash issue form url * Fixes collapse expand issue for frontend editing in responsive breakpoint mode = 5.0.1 (Date: June 12, 2023) = * Added cross sign for delete notice * Fixes sorting icon color issue = 5.0.0 (Date: June 08, 2023) = * Added current user post option for wp post table * Added custom css & js for drag & drop table * Fixes Multi select number range filter issue * Fixes property box design isue for wp post table * Fixes accessibility issue for pagination * Fixes media button issue for many themes & plugins * Fixes sticky header issue * Fixes strict mode custom filter issue for checkbox, radio * Fixes font loading issue * Improves frontend editing input field validation * Improves drag and drop table content editing * Update plugin framework * Update latest moment js library = 4.3.5 (Date: April 20, 2023) = * Fixes CSRF issue * Fixes XSS issue = 4.3.4 (Date: February 08, 2023) = * Fixes strict mode custom filter issue * Fixes table sorting by date & time issue * Fixes transform value escape date decimal(.) format issue * Fixes external SQL query update issue * Fixes image uploading issue for some themes * Fixes filter selects issue * Fixes drag and drop table shortcode issue for classic editor * Fixes pointer issue * Added a sorting option in the admin dashboard * Added a few strings in the translation file = 4.3.3 (Date: December 22, 2022) = * Fixes chunk filter loading issue * Added custom filter for escape 0 from google-sheets * Added woocommerce default value selection * Fixes gt and lt issue for fraction * Fixes hide_default_filter issue * Added clear all for dropdown multi select filter * Fixes tag, taxonomy filters for wp-post provider * Fixes empty row responsive breakpoints issue * Updated docs link from wpmanageninja to ninjatables * Fixes parse comma-separated number strict mode issue * Fixes dropdown filter options case-sensitive Issue * Fixes multiple number range filters issue * Fixes print dialog closing issue * Added chinese simplified(zh_CN) language * Added edit button in frontend for drag & drop table * Added un-save data detector for drag & drop table * Increase table container max height for drag & drop table = 4.3.2 (Date: October 19, 2022) = * Fixes frontend loader notice issue * Added phpcs * Improves data sanitization = 4.3.1 (Date: October 13, 2022) = * Fixes responsive issue for drag & drop table * Added global importer for drag & drop table = 4.3.0 (Date: October 12, 2022) = * Fixes sticky header issue * Fixes woocommerce custom product variations issue * Update table id integer to big integer * Added table column highlighter * Added responsive view by column * Improved UI/UX = 4.2.3 (Date: August 10, 2022) = * Improves NinjaTableClass.php = 4.2.2 (Date: August 10, 2022) = * Fixes an error for gravity forms * Update readme file = 4.2.1 (Date: August 8, 2022) = * Fixes array_combine issue for google sheets * Fixes php 8 required parameter deprecated notice * Fixes woocommerce product stock status issue * Fixes custom filter select gt & lt number * Fixes frontend editing apply & add new popup issue * Fixes file loading issue * Added download attribute in button * Added filter_selects multiple value for same filter * Added google-csv, csv & fluent-form chunk loader * Added th class in responsive breakpoint * Added fluentform payment details * Updated plugin docs help documentation = 4.2.0 Date: June 22, 2022) = * Fixes google translator pagination issue * Added frontend data loader rendering setting * Fixes a print issue * Updated plugin docs help documentation * Adds drag and drop table builder = 4.1.14 Date: March 21, 2022) = * Fix CSS Output issues = 4.1.13 Date: March 18, 2022) = * Fix Data sanitization and esc_* functions * Support for Raw HTMLs in table cells = 4.1.12 (Date: March 11, 2022) = * Fix Data _esc issues * UI improvements = 4.1.11 (Date: February 01, 2022) = * Adds global font style * Fixes number range filter reset issue * Improves frontend editing sanitization = 4.1.9 (Date: January 27, 2022) = * Improves data sanitization = 4.1.8 (Date: January 27, 2022) = * Adds no follow option * Adds font customization * Adds time format option in date field * Fixes Ace library issue * Fixes CSV library issue * Improves data sanitization * Improves Admin UI = 4.1.7 (Date: September 17, 2021) = * Added woocommerce product variations * Fixes date & date range filter manual input date search issue * Fixes progressive filter filter_selects * Fixes category post filter issue * Fixes filter shortcode for AND logical operator and phrase filter = 4.1.6 (Date: Jun 28, 2021) = * Fixes CSV export & Print issue in frontend * Fixes transform value reference shortcode * Fixes filter table data print issue in frontend * Fixes advance shortcode filters for filter_selects in frontend * Fixes searcher flick issue in frontend * Fixes large data loading table hide issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter checkbox & select strict mode issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter issue for special character in frontend * Fixes custom filter number range input value issue in frontend * Fixes custom filter manual data multiselect table hide issue in mobile device * Fixes special character sorting issue = 4.1.5 (Date: Feb 18, 2021) = * Fixes value transformation in admin page. = 4.1.4 (Date: Feb 16, 2021) = * Fixes AJAX data loading for public nonce issue. = 4.1.3 (Date: Feb 13, 2021) = * Adds transformed value sorting & filtering. * Improves formula support for European numbers. * Fixes exact match filtering for multi-select. = 4.1.2 (Date: Feb 08, 2021) = * Fixes calculation for European formatted numbers. * Fixes frontend CSV export issue for accented characters. * Fixes TablePress import order. * Fixes elementor popup. * Fixes WP latest jQuery update issues. = 4.1.1 (Date: Nov 21, 2020) = * Fixes Google Sheets data fetching issue. * Fixes frontend pagination issue. * Fixes frontend data transformation issue. = 4.1.0 (Date: Nov 18, 2020) = * Adds default diacritics filter support. * Fixes for diacritics sorting. * Fixes transform value on frontend. * Fixes Google Sheets integration. = 4.0.2 (Date: Sep 14, 2020) = * Fixes client side value transformation module. = 4.0.1 (Date: Sep 14, 2020) = * Fixes transform value bug for Excel formula. * Fixes regular search bugs for string value. * Fixes Semantic UI table's footer radius style. * Improves value transformation module. = 4.0.0 (Date: Sep 12, 2020) = * Adds special characters (diacritics) search. * Adds Ninja Charts for data visualization. * Fixes sticky header issue. * Fixes table design issues. * Fixes sorting issues on export. * Fixes preload key request for custom fonts. * Fixes table filter for multiple instances on a page. * Fixes SQL table bugs. * Fixes pagination issues. * Fixes remote CSV title issue. * Fixes custom filters on Firefox. * Fixes custom filters design issues. * Fixes multi-select issues on Firefox. * Fixes minor bugs and improves overall performance. = 3.5.12 (Date: Apr 07, 2020) = * Fixes shortcode defaults bug. = 3.5.11 (Date: Mar 23, 2020) = * Adds all tables sorting. * Adds Jetpack lazy image compatibility. * Adds Fluent Form meta fields to display. * Adds cart and checkout button customization. * Adds batch insert for CSV to avoid PHP memory issue. * Adds filters and search to be included in the Print page. * Adds removing image options in both backend and frontend. * Adds all chunk data loaded hooks for frontend ('ninja_table_all_chunk_loaded''). * Fixes Safari ellipsis bug. * Fixes custom CSS duplication. * Fixes iPhone table width bug. * Fixes inline edit caching bug. * Fixes frontend editing focus bug. * Fixes Fluent Forms entry fetcher bug. * Fixes global appearance settings bug. * Fixes stackables for the latest jQuery. * Fixes Fluent Form provider variable bug. * Fixes conditional matching issues for sorting. * Fixes Google CSV no results error, filter "ninja_tables_remote_csv_timeout". = 3.5.10 (Date: Dec 27, 2019) = * Fixes stackable tables on different devices. * Fixes stackable tables tbody color issues. * Fixes CSV import table bug. = 3.5.9 (Date: Dec 26, 2019) = * Renders styles ahead of table load. * Improves page speed issues. * Adds meta query filters. * Improves print to allow customized styles. * Improves front end editing. * Fixes import & export issues. * Fixes Non-ASCII characters from Google Sheet issues. * Fixes possible browser rendering issues. * Fixes table duplicate issues. * Fixes stackable tables to expand all issues. * Fixes iOS rendering issues. * Fixes custom filter loading issues. * Fixes colored table with stackables issues. * Fixes sticky header background issue. = 3.5.8 (Date: Nov 09, 2019) = * Adds plain text export support for CSV. * Adds Non-ASCII characters support for label filtering. * Adds dynamic table ID placeholder for custom CSS. * Fixed Stackable table frontend editing bug. * Fixed WooCommerce custom Buy Now button text. * Fixed missing transform value rendering bug. * Fixed sticky header bug. * Fixed stackable table print issue. * Fixed rowspan bug for paginated data. = 3.5.7 (Date: Aug 28, 2019) = * All Accessibility Issues fixed so far (y) * Filtering issue fixed for number range * Date format bug fixed * Spinner effect improved * PHP warning fixed * Added filter and improvements * Number data type UX improved = 3.5.5 (Date: June 20, 2019) = * Overall Improvement for editing screen * Added inline editing for select fields * Data type issues fix * Improved filter * Added table edit link from frontend = 3.5.2 (Date: July 13, 2019) = * Security Fixes * Improve Table Rendering * Added Inline editing = 3.5.0 (Date: July 10, 2019) = * Shortcode issue fixed on Ajax Data Table Rendering * WCAG AA Compatibility issue fixed * Fix issues for non-english languages * Fix scroll to top issue * Fix filtering issue * Improvements in Backend and data rendering = 3.4.5 (Date: June 01, 2019) = * Fix issue for csv export for backend * Integrity issue resolved * Expand issue resolved for stacks table * Remove all cache option added * Shortcode rendering issue resolved =3.4.3 ( Date: May 27, 2019 ) = * Fix Shortcode rendering issue * Added few UI changes = 3.4.0 ( Date: May 24, 2019 ) = * Improved some design issues. * Added more filters for searching the data * Improve Multi-site support (100% support now) * Internal code improvement = 3.3.3 ( Date: April 08, 2019 ) = * Fix default filter issue. * Fix issue for search and transform value * Fix date rendering issue. * Improve performance = 3.3.0 ( Date: March 21, 2019 ) = * Improved table config and make it hookable * improve asset loading * Now the table comply with WCAG 2.1 AA * Added entry result counter * Fix caption for table * Overall performance improvement = 3.2.4 ( Date: January 25, 2019 ) = * Fix bug for Data sorting issues * Improve overall performance = 3.2.3 ( Date: January 19, 2019 ) = * Fix bug for data export-import json * Improve Frontend Rendering * Improve Data Sorting Issues = 3.2.0 ( Date: January 16, 2019 ) = * Fix Using Icon Markup in HTML Field * Improved Table Import Export Feature * Added Global JS error handling. Now Ninja Tables will be initialized if other plugins throw JS errors on the front end. * Added Advanced Css Classes for Table rows to styling. * Improve overall Admin UI * Added Performance improvement to load lots of data on frontend = 3.1.0 ( Date: December 24, 2018 ) = * Added Stackable Table UI * Added Default Table Configuration Option * Fix Intro Screen * Improve Table UI * Improve overall Admin UI * Editor Link bug fix for latest version of WordPress = 3.0.6 ( Date: November 28, 2018 ) = * Fix WP FluentForm Integration * Improve Other Improvements = 3.0.5 ( Date: November 26, 2018 ) = * Improve WP Fluent Form integration * Fix CSV upload bug * Date Sorting bug fix * Fix Alignment Issue for table headers * Internal Improvements * Add Gutenberg Support ( Dedicated Gutenberg Table Block Added ) = 3.0.0 ( Date: November 19, 2018 ) = * This is a major version release but it works with previous versions. Feel free to upgrade this version from any previous version * Fix issue for pagination and sorting settings save issue * Added WP Fluent Form integration (this is a big feature). * Add table UI bug fixes. * Added more styling and table design options. * We have worked over 1 month (200+ hours | 2 developers) to brigh this version, we hope you will enjoy the features. = 2.4.1 ( Date: October 08, 2018 ) = * Fix Table Search Dropdown UI issue for some theme * Make color picker more useful * Few UI and UX bug fix * Update Nag bug fix = 2.4.0 ( Date: October 05, 2018 ) = * Added Multisite Compatibility * Added Feature custom Filters * Optimize for large amount of Data Tables * Now You can add column from Table Rows Screen * Sorting Bug fixed for undefined values * Typo Fixed * Estimated Work hour for this release: 120 Human hours * Estimated Coffee consumed: 103 (Thanks to Chanchal) = 2.3.4 ( Date: August 11, 2018 ) = * Fix Sorting Issue * Added Design Suggestion on Table Design Tab * Fix Table Demo Preview for Non-Admin Users = 2.3.3 ( Date: August 09, 2018 ) = * Fix bug for date type columns = 2.3.0 ( Date: August 02, 2018 ) = * Fixed bug for rendering multiple table in a single page * Fix bug for column width and header text alignment * Fix bug for table not rendering issue = 2.2.6 ( Date: August 01, 2018 ) = * It's a big update with lots of improvement * Added Design studio for table to colorize tables visually. Now you can change settings and see instance preview * Re-Arrange Table Config Components to make things easier. * Added Duplicate Row Features ( We know you wanted this ) * You can change column configuration from table rows tab now * Added feature to import table from "Ultimate Tables" * Added feature to import table from "Data Tables Generator by Supsystic" * Added Permission for User Role based. You can assign a custom role now. * Fix few css bug for table cell text wrap issues ( Thanks to our users to report it ) = 2.1.1 ( Date: April 28, 2018 ) = * Fix Table sorting for HTML Elements * Added more customization Options on Advanced Settings * Added Select-Options for data = 2.1.0 ( Date: April 24, 2018 ) = * Fix Table sorting issues * Better Table Rendering = 2.0.9 (Date: 04-16-2018 ) = * Added Shortcode support to table cells * Add Support for colspan feature to table header * Added Custom Color Alpha * Add feature to make table cells as vertical center = 2.0.8 (Date: 04-13-2018 ) = * Added Table Styling for header element * Date and Html sorting bug fix * Added Cell-Merging Feature for Pro Version * Added Legacy Table Support = 2.0.4 (Date: 04-12-2018 ) = * Date Field Support * Iframe support on table cell * HTML sorting support * Improved CSV upload * Import From Table Press Bug Fix = 2.0.3 ( Date: 04-09-2018 ) = * Enhanced Support Non-Unicode Language for CSV import * Overall improvement for admin panel UI = 1.9.9 ( Date: 04-01-2018 ) = * Non-Unicode Language Support for import * Table Description update fix * Fix for TablePress Plugin = 1.9.8 ( Date: 03-31-2018 ) = * Edit Support for restricted column ID = 1.9.7 ( Date: 03-31-2018 ) = * Added RTL Support * CSS Fix for Safari * Table sorting bug fix * Improved table data caching = 1.9.5 ( Date: 03-21-2018 ) = * Added Caching Mechanism to load the table data faster * Make the custom table mariadb compitable * Added Table Data Filter by shortcode * Fix csv and json data import bug * Remove Conflicts with elementor = 1.9.0 = * Upgraded the admin panel slick. * More add-on compatible. * Added unlimited color schema generator with add on. * Added media upload with add on in table cells. = 1.8.4 = * Fix conflicts with jetpack notification components = 1.8.3 = * Fix table sorting by column values = 1.8.2 = * Fix html elements loading * Improve html element vuejs component = 1.8.0 = * Added WordPress Native HTML editor to the table. * Added Number Type Table Column. * Sorting table data by column. * Number type Sorting added. * Added Live Preview, Now users can preview Demo = 1.5.0 = * Added tinymce button to insert shortcode = 1.3.0 = * Added shortcodes support in table cells = 1.2.0 = * Improve speed * Support for WP latest version = 1.1.3 = * Improve TablePress Import * Add Support for older WP versions = 1.1.0 = * Added contextual Tutorial link. * Improve TablePress Import UX. * Refactor how footables render in frontend js. * Overall UX improvement. = 1.0 = * Init First version == Upgrade Notice == The new version is 100% compatible with previous versions.