=== Select All Categories and Taxonomies, Change Checkbox to Radio Buttons === Contributors: MooveAgency Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=84Z843VMHAFTE Stable tag: 1.3.6 Tags: taxonomy, radio, select, checkbox, category Requires at least: 4.3 Tested up to: 6.3 License: GPLv2 Use radio buttons or checkboxes for your categories and custom taxonomies with this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use plugin. == Description == **Use radio buttons or checkboxes for your categories and custom taxonomies with this incredibly powerful, easy-to-use, well supported and 100% free WordPress cookie plugin.** (Please note that the "select all" functionality can work with checkboxes only.) ### Testimonials ★★★★★ > “Works perfectly!” - [IamRJO](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/works-perfectly-1565/) ★★★★★ > “Very helpful. Easy to use.” - [cardofearing](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/very-helpful-easy-to-use-4/) ★★★★★ > “Exactly what I was looking for.” - [marketmeau](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/exactly-what-i-was-lookng-for/) ### About us [Moove Agency](https://www.mooveagency.com/) is a premium supplier of quality WordPress plugins, services and support. [Visit our site](https://www.mooveagency.com/services/wordpress-development/) to learn more. == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin files to the plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' screen in WordPress 3. Use the Settings->Moove taxonomy buttons screen to configure the plugin == Screenshots == 1. Plugin's settings page. 2. Output example (changed metaboxes) == Changelog == = 1.3.6 = * WP 6.2 Compatibility * Minor fixes = 1.3.5 = * Default term issue fixed = 1.3.4 = * WP 6.0 Compatibility = 1.3.3 = * Minor fixes = 1.3.2 = * Bugfixes = 1.3.1 = * Fixed WP 5.1 compatibility = 1.3.0 = * Improved metabox, added ability to add new term * Added option to select default taxonomy term * Bugfixes = 1.2.1. = * WP5 compatibility * Fixed Popular Tab = 1.2.0. = * Improved admin screen * Fixed layout issues = 1.0.2. = * Added donation box = 1.0.1. = * Fixed PHP warnings = 1.0.0. = * Initial release of the plugin.