== Changelog == = 1.5.5 = * allow . (dot) in addresses so coordinates can be used = 1.5.4 = * add filters for developers * add option to disable zoom * remove special characters from address that can break Google = 1.5.3 = * update donation library = 1.5.2 = * Further improve error output to assist problem resolution = 1.5.1 = * Improve error output to assist problem resolution = 1.5 = * Allow multiple address pins = 1.4.1 = * load google maps cookieless to help with GDPR compliance = 1.4.0 = * add donation info to settings = 1.3.3 = * Fix block editor issue = 1.3.2 = * Fix: few API key related issues = 1.3.1 = * Fix: API key was not passed to the pw_map_get_coordinates() function = 1.3 = * Added `key` parameter to the [pw_map] shortcode. = 1.2 = * Added missing load_plugin_textdomain() * Changed textdomain for language packs = 1.1.2 = * Fixed a bug with the zoom parameter not working = 1.1.1 = * Fixed a bug with sites on HTTPS = 1.1 = * Added support for disabling map controls via disablecontrols="true", thanks to Alex Hochberger * Added support for disabling the scroll wheel zoom via enablescrollwheel="false", thanks to Alex Hochberger = 1.0.3 = * Fixed a conflict with the Live Composer plugin. = 1.0.2 = * Updated Google Maps API to fix broken maps after version 2 was deprecated on March 8, 2013 * Improved error responses = 1.0.1 = * Added CSS to fix a problem with responsive themes = 1.0 = * First release!