=== Ultimate Member - Social Login === Author URI: https://ultimatemember.com/ Plugin URI: https://ultimatemember.com/extensions/social-login/ Contributors: ultimatemember, champsupertramp, nsinelnikov Donate link: Tags: social login, networks, community, discussion Requires at least: 5.0 Tested up to: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.3.7 License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt Requires UM core at least: 2.1.0 The social login extension allows users to easily register/login to your site using their social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK / VKontakte). == Description == The social login extension allows users to easily register/login to your site using their social network accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK / VKontakte). = Key Features: = * Add social login buttons to registration and login forms. * Decide which social login buttons to use on your site (e.g you can activate Facebook and Twitter but keep Google+ and LinkedIn deactivated). * 2-step process for users registering via social network (this ensures all required data is collected before registration is complete). * Users can instantly login to your site without entering any details after they have registered on site. * Users can connect/disconnect from social networks via their account page. * Show social login buttons anywhere on site using shortcodes. * Easily edit the shortcodes to customize what is shown on your site. * Profile photos syncing (e.g if a user connects via Facebook their Facebook profile photo will show on your site). = Supported Social Networks: = * Facebook * Twitter * Google * LinkedIn * Instagram * VKontakte = Important info: = * Due to social network policies and to avoid app reviews this extension only imports basic user information from the networks. * This extension will not allow you to post on a user’s network after they register/login. * Use of this extension requries you to setup an application on each of the social network’s websites. Read about all of the plugin's features at [Ultimate Member - Social Login](https://ultimatemember.com/extensions/social-login/) = Documentation & Support = Got a problem or need help with Ultimate Member? Head over to our [documentation](http://docs.ultimatemember.com/category/19-social-login) and perform a search of the knowledge base. If you can’t find a solution to your issue then you can create a topic on the [support forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/ultimate-member). == Installation == 1. Activate the plugin 2. That's it. Go to Ultimate Member > Settings > Extensions > Social Login to customize plugin options 3. For more details, please visit the official [Documentation](http://docs.ultimatemember.com/category/19-social-login) page. == Changelog == = 2.3.7: December 16, 2020 = * Fixed: A conflict with WooCommerce Ajax * Fixed: Global redirection and compability with varnish cache * Fixed: Redirection issues for Login/Register and custom shortcode * Tweak: WordPress 5.6 compatibility (fixed issue with deprecated .load() function in JS) = 2.3.6: October 26, 2020 = * Added: Filter to allow automatic login with existing email address * Fixed: Overflow forms in social register form * Fixed: Duplicate welcome email * Fixed: Session for custom role selection * Fixed: Social authentication globally = 2.3.5: August 24, 2020 = * Fixed: WeChat Provider scopes * Fixed: Minified scripts = 2.3.4: August 11, 2020 = * Added: WeChat Provider * Added: Hooks for UM extensions integration * Added: Allow form columns in Social Overlay * Added: Hook to modify providers configuration * Added: *.pot file for translations * Changed: Google icon to match brand guidelines * Fixed: Sanitation for role assignment with shortcode * Fixed: Compatibility issue with plugins using OAuth * Fixed: Redirection issue in child window = 2.3.3: April 1, 2020 = * Added: Synced social network avatar on sso connection * Changed: Integration with myCRED and Notifications * Fixed: Account activation process after Social Authentication on Registration * Fixed: Login error notice * Fixed: Spam registration issues * Fixed: Account email activation on social registration * Fixed: Fix SSO avatar size * Fixed: An issue with disabled Login/Register fields outside the SSO Overlay * Fixed: Bypass social login authentication = 2.3.2: February 13, 2020 = * Fixed: Allow SSO overlay fields disabled * Fixed: Error message display & disabled fields = 2.3.1: February 11, 2020 = * Fixed: Script errors in social network graphs = 2.3.0: December 18, 2019 = * Added: hybridauth library for social connect * Added: Sanitize functions for request variables * Added: esc_attr functions to avoid XSS vulnerabilities * Added: ability to change templates in theme via universal method UM()->get_template() = 2.2.0: November 11, 2019 = * Fixed: Instagram API * Fixed: Integration with myCRED, changed API function = 2.1.7: July 19, 2019 = * Fixed: myCRED integration = 2.1.6: June 25, 2019 = * Fixed: G-Suite Gmail accounts = 2.1.5: June 24, 2019 = * Added: Filter to modify redirect URI for enterprise Gmail accounts * Fixed: Google OAuthentication issue * Fixed: Uninstall process = 2.1.4: May 2, 2019 = * Fixed: FB button styles & texts = 2.1.3: April 24, 2019 = * Important LinkedIn API breaking changes - All developers need to migrate to Version 2.0 of our APIs and OAuth 2.0 by May 1. Read more https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2018/12/developer-program-updates * In this update, the API is now using the `r_lite_profile` by default: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/shared/references/v2/profile/lite-profile * If you need to use the `r_basic_profile` and `r_full_profile` access permissions, you need to extend the our Linkedin API with the following UM Social Login filters: + um_social_login_linked_scope( $scopes ) - adding or removing supported linkedin scope + um_social_login_linked_profile( $profile, $info ) - merge data from api response to match field keys in the 2nd step register process = 2.1.2: April 10, 2019 = * Tweak: LinkedIn integration with new app versions * Fixed: escaped URLs to avoid XSS vulnerabilities = 2.1.1: March 29, 2019 = * New: Option "Keep user signed in?" added, it allows user to stay signed in * Tweak: Update Facebook Graph to v.3.2 * Fixed: Logout before social login = 2.1.0 October 14, 2018 = * Optimized: JS/CSS includes = 2.0.9 October 2, 2018 = * Fixed: Text changes + new translation files = 2.0.8 September 14, 2018 = * Fixed: Image uploader on multisites * Fixed: Google SSO = 2.0.7 August 31, 2018 = * Fixed: WP native AJAX handlers * Fixed: Remove facebook user_link retrieval by default = 2.0.6 August 9, 2018 = * Fixed: styles at social content buttons = 2.0.5 July 18, 2018 = * Fixed: Social Login registration form overlay = 2.0.4 July 3, 2018 = * Fixed: Social Icons CSS * Fixed: Social Disconnect = 2.0.3 April 27, 2018 = * Added: Loading translation from "wp-content/languages/plugins/" directory * Fixed: Social Libraries Init = 2.0.2 April 17, 2018 = * Fixed: Fixed VK connect * Fixed: Add all user meta from providers = 2.0.1 February 8, 2018 = * Fixed: Facebook autoload * Tweak: UM2.0 compatibility = 1.4.6 December 8, 2016 = * Fixed: Redirection after authentication * Fixed: Redirection on UM Message login modal * Fixed: LinkedIn provider authentication * Fixed: Specific roles and widget redirections * Fixed: Google API library integration * Fixed: Remove notices from Ajax Requests * Fixed: Remove notices from WP CLI * Fixed: Shortcode Login Redirection * Fixed: After disconnection's redirection = 1.4.5 June 27, 2016 = * Fixed: Twitter authentication invalid oauth_verifier * Fixed: Remove notices = 1.4.4 June 20, 2016 = * Tweak: Update linkedin to oauth2 * Tweak: Update EDD update class * Added: Add filter hooks in facebook init * Added: redirect url as button attributes * Added: filter hooks and Fix profile photo URLs * Added: an option to assign custom role in social button shortcodes * Fixed: social login buttons and sessions * Fixed: Remove notices * Fixed: facebook authentication * Fixed: license and updater * Fixed: plugin updater * Fixed: login and pending review users * Fixed: Allow form without first name and last name * Fixed: redirection * Fixed: user email and notification * Fixed: loading social buttons via Ajax * Fixed: Allow authentication in any pages * Fixed: translation string * Fixed: duplicate class call = 1.4.3 February 29, 2016 = * Fixed: Fix callback URLs to avoid mismatch URI authorization * Fixed: Fix twitter callback URL on active page refresh * Tweak: Update Google API Library = 1.4.2 February 24, 2016 = * Fixed: Fix script enqueue * Fixed: Fix social authentication * Fixed: Add trim to remove whitespace from API keys and secrets = 1.4.1 February 14, 2016 = * Tweak: Update Facebook API library * Tweak: Update twitter api library * Tweak: Set current url as api callback for all providers and display overlay * Fixed: Fix facebook api sessions * Fixed: Fix redirect URIs in account page * Fixed: Fix social overlay form option * Fixed: Fix google authentication * Fixed: Fix instagram api * Fixed: Remove notice = 1.4.0 January 29, 2016 = * Tweak: Plugin updater updated to latest version * Tweak: Add option to change social login/register form in the overlay = 1.3.9 January 25, 2016 = * New: added Dutch language support * Fixed: Fix facebook cross site forgery issue in filezilla * Fixed: Fixed duplicate recaptcha validation * Fixed facebook cross site origin issue * Fixed: Added email validation * Fixed: Show overlay on social login form's current url * Fixed: Fix fb auth processed when registering = 1.3.8 January 6, 2016 = * Tweak: Cleaner way to get callback url * Fixed: Compatibility fix for showing overlay code in footer = 1.3.7 December 13, 2015 = * Fixed: Facebook mismatched csrf tokens * Fixed: Twitter consumer validation and notices = 1.3.6 December 11, 2015 = * Tweak: compatibility with WP 4.4 = 1.3.5 December 8, 2015 = * Initial release