Toolset Views 3.3.5 - Fixed the setting to not include the current post in a View loop. - Fixed the vertical alignment for labels on frontend search filters. - Fixed the random refreshing when editing a View block set as random sorting. - Fixed some alignment issues for the Container block. - Fixed some styling controls for blocks not showing the right elements. - Fixed the resizing handle for columns inside the Grid block. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.3.4 - Improved compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.3.3 - Improved performance for Views using post relationship filters. - Improved the UX for the Views masonry settings. - Improved the compatibility with the EditorsKit plugin. - Improved the performance of the text search filter when the search content contains instances of the "wpml-string" shortcode. - Improved the performance of loading Views using the grid layout on the frontend by unloading unnecessary styles. - Improved compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.6. - Fixed the editing of broken Content Templates containing conditional block. - Fixed console errors when inserting a new Image block. - Fixed an issue with the "Featured image" dynamic source which wasn't offered in a View for an edge case scenario. - Fixed an issue with how custom search settings "Show only available options for each input" works for the View block compared to a legacy View. - Fixed an issue with inserting a View on another page that caused the styles to not been transferred. - Fixed an issue with the Image Slider block when used in a View from within a Conditional block. - Fixed an issue with the Container block where the full-width mode was only applied on the frontend. - Fixed an issue with the Container block where the default padding was not working. - Fixed an issue with the caption of the Image block, exceeding the image width. - Fixed an issue with shortcodes appearing momentarily when first loading a page with blocks using dynamic sources. - Fixed an issue with the Conditional block when used inside a View that couldn't handle "<=" comparisons for date fields. - Fixed an issue with the Slider block when used in multiple instances on the same page. - Fixed an issue with the Media Device selector not showing the control to adjust the width for desktop for themes not providing the relevant information. - Fixed an issue with the blocks styling not applied on results after paginating a View using AJAX. - Fixed an issue with the Image Slider block, the output of which was missing from the results after paginating a View using AJAX. - Fixed an issue with post content built with blocks missing its styling from the results after paginating a View using AJAX. - Fixed an issue with a View when used in a widget, where styles are not rendered for blocks. - Fixed an issue with broken block styles when the View was cached. - Fixed an issue with Gallery block's alt tags missing on the frontend when set to use content from dynamic sources. - Fixed an issue with the "wpv-autop" shortcode that was breaking the JS code added to the frontend output by the blocks styling. - Fixed an issue with the Grid block behaving unexpectedly when used in a View with the Collage layout style. - Fixed an issue with the View's AJAX pagination performance when used for translated content. - Removed the Toolset buttons from the native Paragraph block. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.3.2 - Improved the performance for Toolset Blocks and Dynamic Sources. - Improved the compatibility with third party themes using the Codemirror library. - Improved the mechanism to resolve shortcodes used as values for attributes on other shortcodes. - Fixed the previews for Image blocks when used inside a View loop. - Fixed multiple Gallery blocks using the Masonry layout on the same page. - Fixed the preview for a View when sorted by a numeric field. - Fixed infinite scrolling on WordPress Archives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.3.1 - Fixed a fatal error when activating the plugin with an old version of Toolset Types relationships. - Fixed an error when listing related posts using a View block. - Fixed the AJAX pagination for Views blocks on WPML multilingual sites. - Fixed a compatibility problem with using Beaver Builder. - Fixed an error on the Slider and Gallery block using images from a related post. - Fixed the body class of posts using a Content Template with a slug that includes numbers. - Improved the performance of the View block when editing it in the backend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.3 - Improved compatibility with WPML by sending the View block to translation together with the page that contains it. - Improved compatibility with WPML regarding translations for Content Templates and WordPress Archives created with the blocks editor. - Improved the View block wizard by offering relevant related items to query depending on where the View is being created. - Improved our dynamic sources for Toolset blocks by including full data from related posts. - Improved our Conditional display block by supporting conditions based on full data from related posts. - Fixed a number of glitches in the Gallery and Image Slider blocks. - Fixed a number of glitches in the View block pagination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.2.1 - Improved the usability for the Slider block by linking to documentation on more complex uses. - Fixed the initial preview of the masonry layout for the Views block. - Fixed the center alignment for dots pagination controls. - Fixed the side effects of a bug in Chrome affecting sites using WooCommerce. - Fixed the preview of blocks hidden per device size. - Fixed the preview of some styling settings for the button block. - Fixed the caption background color on the Slider block. - Fixed the Slider block on WordPress Archives not rendering images. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.2.0 - Added a new Gallery block for images, with masonry and collage layouts. - Added a new Slider block for images. - Added new masonry and collage layouts for Views. - Added a new block for Youtube videos. - Added new responsive capabilities to some alignment controls. - Improved the overall performance when editing a View with blocks. - Improved the dynamic sources option for the post author data. - Improved the dynamic sources option for the post date data. - Improved the management of the Views frontend cache for Views created as blocks. - Improved the Views frontend search buttons by not forcing a btn-secondary classname. - Improved the rendering of WordPress Archives to avoid some formatting issues. - Fixed the hover and active styles for the Button block. - Fixed the styling for the preview of some Views pagination controls. - Fixed some backwards compatibility problems when using old Views in the new blocks editor. - Fixed some glitches with the Conditional block. - Fixed a problem about deactivating pagination in WordPress Archives created as blocks. - Fixed an issue when trying to set zero as value for some styling controls. - Fixed the Design with Toolset entry in the frontend admin bar on WordPress 5.4. - Fixed a compatibility issue with WPEngine on our lost password shortcode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.1.3 - Fixed some visual glitches in block controls caused by changes in WordPress 5.4. - Fixed an issue when creating a filter by post relationship in the Views block. - Fixed an issue when creating a Video block and uploading a new video. - Fixed a problem with the Views frontend cache when a plugin update introduces some styling change. - Fixed an issue when adding a Fields and Text block in WordPress 5.4. - Fixed the default vertical alignment of the Grid block. - Fixed a problem with the Views frontend output cache on pages containing a Conditional block. - Fixed the dynamic source for the current post author ID. - Fixed the preview of typography settings on the Container block in WordPress 5.4. - Fixed the Image block rendering when using a dynamic source without any value. - Fixed the translation status indicators in the Content Templates admin listing page. - Removed a mandatory Google font that was loaded in the frontend by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.1.2 - Fixed an issue that prevents applying styles for the hover and active states of a button block. - Fixed a regression about formatting in the archives output. - Fixed a problem with options in frontend search forms added to archives. - Fixed an issue with the importing of existing Views into a page when a copy of the View is edited. - Fixed a compatibility problem with Forms due to a shared library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.1.1 - Fixed a compatibility problem with WooCommerce Views 2.8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.1.0 - Added a new Grid block. - Added new styling options to all Toolset blocks, including screen size selectors for designing responsive sites. - Added a new shortcode that loops over the terms associated with a given post and displays data for each term. - Improved the front-end caching system for Views and archives. - Improved the front-end rendering of archives to avoid content injected by third parties. - Fixed some glitches with broken blocks in Content Templates when switching from the legacy editor to the Block Editor. - Fixed an issue related to cropping the images in the featured image shortcodes. - Fixed an issue that occurred when showing the counters and made sure to include only relevant options on front-end searches created as a View block. - Fixed an issue that happened when applying the advanced classes to some Views blocks. - Fixed an issue with duplicating a Content Template set to be edited with Divi or Avada. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.0.2 - Added a description and a preview to all Toolset Blocks. - Improved the experience while loading the galleries block in the frontend. - Improved the performance of the Views block when creating a new instance of it. - Fixed the preview of a View used inside a Content Template editor, when the View depends on the post previewed in the Template. - Fixed the order of a View after an AAX event when sorting by a non numeric field managed as a number. - Fixed a glitch with Views created as blcks when they contain an image inside a container. - Fixed frontend searches using between comparisons created before Views 3.0. - Fixed the frontend searches that should offer only relevant options when filtering by fields with multiple values. - Fixed an error when using Views with WordPress below 5.0. - Fixed a compatibility issue with the EditorsKits plugin. - Fixed a compatibility problem when trying to create archives for WooCommerce products. - Fixed a compatibility glitch with PHP 7.4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.0.1 - Fixed the Featured Image Data source that was producing PHP notices and was preventing the source from returning any content. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 3.0 AKA Roy Batty - Introduced Toolset Blocks with full styling options: - Container block. - Conditional output block. - Fields and Text block. - Heading block. - Single field and Repeating field / Gallery blocks. - Button block. - Image block. - Audio block. - Video block. - Star rating block. - Countdown block. - Progress indicator block. - Social share block. - Introduced the new Views block as a visual way of creating and editing Views: - Generate lists with pagination and sorting controls. - Generate search forms with all the usual Views available filters. - Live preview of the View outcome, with real data. - Introduced the new WordPress Archives block as a way of creating and editing archives visually. - Introduced the concept of Dynamic Sources so Toolset Blocks can display data from the current post or from any other related source. - Introduced a new custom capability to create and edit Views. - Improved the title management for Content Templates edited using the blocks editor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.9.2 - Fixed an issue with jQuery not available on frontend when trying to print some extra elements from a View. - Removed some very old legacy and dead code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.9.1 - Added a missing BS4 class to a radio custom field input in the View search controls. - Fixed the generation of checkbox frontend filters to avoid double labels. - Fixed a number of Relevanssi compatibility issues. - Fixed the Views listing intermediary post types related to a given post. - Fixed the new shortcodes GUI when a third party plugin loads a custom jQuery UI dialogs stylesheet. - Fixed the search in the Fields and Views dialog when using the browser-provided reset button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.9 AKA Valkyrie - Added Bootstrap 4 support to the Loop Wizard. - Improved the performance of some queries needed for the filter by post relationship. - Improved the frontend assets loading by only including the main script when a View has been rendered in the current page. - Fixed a problem when a Content Template was assigned to another Content Template. - Fixed a compatibility issue with The Events Calendar which affected some Views queries. - Fixed a compatibility issue that prevented the Views loop wizard from finishing. - Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP 7.4. - Fixed a number of compatibility issues with Relevanssi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8.4 - Extended the HTML tag for the featured image on custom size so it includes the alt, width and height attributes. - Extended the GUI for inserting a Content Template shortcode to provide the post selection option. - Fixed an issue with custom WPML language switchers not getting the right URL when used in combination with AJAX search or pagination. - Fixed an issue when somehow a Content Template was assigned to another Content Template. - Fixed a problem with Views queries getting wrongly filtered by The Events Calendar fields. - Fixed a compatibility problem between the Views loop wizard and the View Admin As plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8.3 - Fixed a glitch in the postmeta caching mechanism that included Types fields slugs instead of meta_key values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8.2 - Incrementally improved the new caching system for meta fields. - Improved the performance of the preview for the Views block in the Gutenberg editor. - Improved the performance of the shortcode to render featured images at a custom size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8.1 - Fix a PHP compatibility problem with the new caching system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8.1 - Added a separator attribute to the wpv-for-each shortcode for iterating repeating fields values. - Added a new caching system to manage meta keys. - Removed some deprecated code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views - Fixed an issue with the custom CSS and JS for Content Templates using their default editor. - Fixed an issue with the custom CSS for Content Templates designed using WPBakery not being added to the frontend. - Fixed an issue with the new setting for the default editor for Content Templates getting reset when creating a new WordPress Archive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.8 AKA Ava - Improve the workflow for editing CTs with the Block editor. - Improved the year range on datepickers used in frontend search filters. - Added a new shortcode to display a Read More link for posts. - Fixed a problem with post relationship search filters when combined with other filters, and including counters or search controls dependencies. - Fixed a problem with Relevanssi indexing the content of Views from pages with an incorrect context. - Fixed a problem with audio and video shotcodes on Views using infinite scrolling as pagination effect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.5 - Removed the legacy Maps settings tab when using Views Lite. - Extended the conditional output based on taxonomy terms by checking against term names too. - Restored the textarea for setting the description field for Views CTs and WPAs. - Improved compatibility with WPML especially with other third parties and their custom queries. - Fixed spinner image URLs for Views created before a site gets SSL. - Fixed a problem when adding taxonomy search filters to a View if the taxonomy name contains a single quote. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.4 - Fixed a regression making the wrapper DIV setting and the View output editor content impossible to save, caused by the integration of the single save button in Views. - Fixed a regression that prevented saving single inline Content Templates when changing the custom editor to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.3 - Added a new fixed admin top bar on Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives editors. - Improved the conditional output shortcode by supporting many-to-many relationships. - Improved the conditional output shortcode by better managing conditions by taxonomies. - Included a new shortcode to render the current View loop index. - Improved the admin listing pages by adding a column with the last modified date for each element. - Fixed a problem when getting the current language on frontend AJAX pagination or searches. - Fixed a problem with Views that include a taxonomy search filter when shown in the taxonomy archives. - Fixed an inconsistency with the media manager used in Content Templates editors. - Fixed an issue with the styling of the results of an AJAX search performed from inside a View, when the loop of the View is styled with a Content Template designed with Beaver Builder. - Fixed an issue with the styling of the results of an AJAX search performed from inside a View, when the loop of the View is styled with a Content Template designed with Visual Composer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.2 - Fixed several issues with the integration with page builder caused by the new editor introduced in WordPress 5.0. - Fixed an issue with custom functions inside conditionals that take arguments with exclamation marks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.1 - Fixed an issue with the Views blocks not rendering their preview for non-admin users. - Fixed a usability issue when assigning a Content Template to a post type that contained posts with a different or no Content Template assigned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.7.0 AKA Bertrand Zobrist - Added support for designing Content Templates using Gutenberg. - Added a Toolset blocks category in the Gutenberg block inserter, which include the new "View", "Content Template" and "Forms" blocks. - Added a mechanism to insert Views, Types and Forms shortcodes into the Gutenberg core Classic Editor blocks. - Added a mechanism to insert Views, Types, Access and Forms shortcodes into the Gutenberg core Paragraph blocks. - Added a View for forms inserted in the Gutenberg classic editor block. - Added an indication of the editor used to design a Content Template next to each Content Template on the Content Template listing page. - Added support for designing Content Templates using Layouts. - Added support for translating the "more" attribute of the "wpv-post-excerpt" shortcode through WPML String Translation. - Added support for allowing the "&" character in the name of Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Added the shortcodes processing filters to the shared basic formatting content filter. - Fixed an issue with Beaver Builder when used as a Content Template editor, inside a View loop that updated its results using AJAX. - Fixed an issue with the Toolset Elementor widgets where the "Upgrade to PRO" encouragement message lost its styling on the latest version of the editor. - Fixed an issue between Content Templates and WPML where the modified extra CSS and JS weren't copied to the translations of a Content Template when its default language was modified. - Fixed an issue with the "wpv-post-excerpt" shortcode which was creating empty paragraphs when it was used with "noautop" format inside a Content Template. - Fixed an issue where wpv-post-featured-image shortcode sometimes used GUID as image URL. - Unified the offered options of the "date" field filter for the "Search and Pagination" and the "Query Filter" GUI. - Removed the option to have View edit links on the frontend. - Removed the "Forms Editing" links from the "Fields and Views" modal, as these shortcodes were moved to the "Toolset Forms" modal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views - Fixed a PHP parse error related to the compatibility with Elementor, with PHP 5.x versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views - Fixed an issue with Elementor where "Header" and "Footer" templates designed with the page builder stopped working. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.6.4 - Added the Toolset View Elementor widget. - Added an option to allow complete omission of the wrapping HTML element around a View. - Added a new Loop output style in the loop wizard for Views to allow the output styled as a list with separators. - Removed the ability to filter a View by a Types checkboxes field when it is set to store zero on unchecked items. - Fixed an issue with Content Template that could not be applied to posts designed with Elementor. - Fixed an issue with the blacklisting of the Views WordPress widget causing sites to loose content. - Fixed an issue with the exporting of Views when the View setting become corrupted or when imaged used in Views no longer exist. - Fixed an issue where the CSS and JS of a Content Template, set by the native Content Template editor, was applied even when a page builder was used to build the Content Template. - Fixed an issue where the "default" option of a custom search fields, displayed as radio buttons, wasn't rendered. - Fixed an issue where the "default" option of a custom search fields, displayed as select or radio buttons, was added automatically for the case of manually entered field values. - Fixed an issue with broken conditional statements when used inside page builders. - Fixed an issue with Fusion Builder, the columns' width of which where different between pages and Content Templates, both built with the builder. - Fixed an issue with the WP Views Filter when used within Beaver Builder where the post suggestion control for target pages wasn't returning suggestions. - Fixed a performance issue with custom fields containing spaces and/or dots in their meta key when they are used in query filters. - Fixed an issue with the modification of the filter shortcodes when changing from manually entered values to values coming from database. - Fixed an issue with the updating of the edit link of a Content Template, designed using a page builder, when modifying the Content Template parameters. - Fixed a PHP Fatal error happening when importing a zip containing Views. - Fixed several issues related to the Views importing/exporting when using either the native functionality or doing it through the Module Manager. - Fixed a compatibility issue where a View listing "Events" from the "The Events Calendar" plugin was returning no results. - Changed the type of control for the AJAX pagination delay customization and the transition duration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.6.3 - Elementor compatibility: add a Views widget to Elementor. - Elementor compatibility: ensure that the Toolset edit links work properly with Elementor templates. - Removed deprecated assets no longer in use. - Fixed the path for the default spinner for AJAX pagination in WordPress Archives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.6.2 - Added the ability to disable the conditional output Quicktag button from all editors in a page. - Improved the translation of shortcode attributes that support it. - Fixed the compatibility with Visual Composer 5.5+. - Fixed the compatibility with Beaver Builder. - Fixed the Toolset Forms edit links when used with our alternative shortcode syntax inside page builders. - Fixed WordPress Archives for native taxonomies when assigned to custom post types. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.6.1 - Added support for translation of the "format" shortcode attribute for the Views frontend filters. - Improved some queries related to the filters by the new many-to-many relationships. - Fixed an issue with the "wpv-post-link" shortcode where the inline style set as a shortcode attribute wasn't applied. - Fixed an issue with sortable table output mode for a View not including the fields labels as table headers. - Fixed a typo that had an effect on Content Templates translations. - Fixed the usage of the Toolset.hooks javascript library. - Fixed some redundant HTML on the dialog to insert a conditional output shortcode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.6.0 AKA Harry Potter - Added compatibility with the many-to-many project on the query filter by post relationship, and improved its usability. - Added compatibility with the many-to-many project on the frontend search filters by post relationship, with complete backwards compatibility and support for chained relationships. - Added compatibility with the many-to-many project on the shortcodes GUI. - Added initial compatibility with Gutenberg. - Added the ability to display data from post reference fields. - Added the ability to list repeatable field groups with Views. - Improved the usability of the Views editor page. - Improved the usability of the Content Templates editor page. - Improved the specific post and user selectors in the shortcodes GUI. - Improved the Toolset help box styles by defaulting to the Toolset Common shared ones. - Extended the GUI for inserting data from a related post to display data from related posts from their intermediary post, or for inerting data from the intermediary post when the relationship is well defined. - Provided compatibility for conditional shortcodes using legacy Types postmeta keys that stored relationships. - Updated documentation links to point to - Fixed the filter by post relationships on taxonomy archive pages. - Fixed an issue with the wpv-post-body shortcode when displaying data from a related post. - Fixed an issue with the cred-form-message shortcode when redireting to a page after submitting a CRED form. - Fixed a compatibility issue with product taxonomy archives when using WooCommerce with a theme not declaring explicit support for it. - Fixed an issue with the wpv-post-ield shortcode when trying to render a field index that does not exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.5.3 - Fixed an issue with the frontend sorting that was not working for non-Types defined custom fields. - Fixed an issue with an SQL error when scanning for View usage and WPML is enabled. - Added a new filter wpv_filter_get_fake_shortcodes_for_attributes_translation to allow third-party shortcode's attribute translation when used in the Filter or Loop Output editor. - Added the ability to use nested Beaver Builder designed content. - Added the missing mandatory $id argument for the "the_title" filter, when it is applied in Views. - Removed the "type" attribute for the style element generated by the Content Template's extra CSS. - Fixed an issue with Content Templates in pages used as target by CRED edit post links. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.5.2 - Fixed an issue where the Scan button in Views wasn't detecting pages which were holder shortcodes of Views following the new shortcodes format. - Fixed multiple issues on the sorting controls when combined with pagination. - Fixed an issue with the scan usage button for Views that was caused by the new shortcode format. - Fixed an issue with custom search not taking the current language into account. - Fixed a compatibility issue with the Enar theme. - Fixed an issue with the shortcodes post selector when they got populated with parent relationships related to non-existing post types. - Improved the UI elements for the integration with third-party page builders. - Improved the compatibility with the latest versions of Fusion Builder, Beaver Builder and WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (formerly Visual Composer). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.5.2 - Fixed an issue where the Scan button in Views wasn't detecting pages which were holder shortcodes of Views following the new shortcodes format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.5.1 - Prepared the theme settings integration for Avada theme to allow users to control theme elements from Views editors. - Fixed an inconsistency by passing the outcome of the "render_view" API function over the "wpv_filter_wpv_view_shortcode_output" filter. - Fixed several compatibility issues with Visual Composer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.5.0 AKA Professor James Moriarty - Added the ability to control the settings from selected themes in a Content Template or WordPress Archive. - Added the option to build the Content Template's template using Divi Builder and Avada's Fusion Builder. - Added support for shortcodes with placeholders instead of brackets to allow usage inside the several page builders' modules fields. - Added help messages for Content Template pages. - Added the MVC file structure and started using it for the help message in the Views pages. - Improved the compatibility with WPML. - Fixed an issue with the Conditional output quicktag on German installations. - Fixed an issue with the Relevanssi integration so frontend text search filters can include content of custom fields. - Fixed an usability problem with CRED edit post links for drafts, private, future or pending posts. - Fixed an issue with the URL generated on AJAX pagination and search related to the view number. - Fixed an issue with the checkboxes not performing the same way as multi-select when “only show available inputs” is selected in the advanced search settings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.4.1 - Added the shortcodes "wpv-post-previous-link" and "wpv-post-next-link" to allow creation of post navigation links. - Added First/Last pagination controls as part of the pagination links. - Added label inputs for the boundaries of the "between/not between" comparison in the Shortcodes GUI. - Added placeholder text option for the text input fields in Views filtering. - Improved the UX when bulk deleting Content Templates or emptying the Content Template trash. - Improved the generated HTML markup for the frontend filters in the Filter editor. - Improved the workflow of the Views and WordPress Archives creation that are purposed for custom search by routing the user to create a search filter. - Improved some GUI dropdowns by setting their empty default values as disabled. - Unified the labels for taxonomy archives in Content Template screens that were using singular instead of plural form. - Fixed an error when using WooCommerce but not Types caused by an internal Toolset hard dependency not met. - Fixed an issue with the W3C Validator throwing and error during the frontend markup validation when custom CSS was inserted inside a View or Content Template. - Fixed an issue with the addition of wildcard subdomains into the safe redirects lists, that allowed multiple instances of the same entry to be inserted. - Fixed an issue with the Fields and Views dialog search box that was keeping its contents even after the dialog was closed. - Fixed an issue regarding nonce errors when "FORCE_SSL_ADMIN" option is set and frontend editing was done in HTTP. - Fixed an issue with the Bootstrap Elements button that disappeared when the editors needed to be initialised again after the page is fully loaded. - Fixed an issue with the custom uploaded pagination spinner not being saved in WordPress Archives. - Fixed an issue with the custom uploaded pagination spinner not used in the frontend. - Fixed an issue with frontend custom search filters when value contains non-latin characters. - Fixed an issue with the Content Template duplication of Content Templates containing HTML markup, that was converted to HTML entities. - Fixed an issue with WordPress Archives pagination on sites using WPML with URL language parameters. - Fixed a regression on frontend taxonomy filters using checkboxes, related to children terms and their HTML structure. - Fixed an issue with Content Templates displayed after a taxonomy or user View. - Fixed an issue with the "lower than" and "lower than or equal" comparison in the query filter when adding the relevant filter inside the Filter editor. - Compatibility: improved the Fields and Views button and dialog in Gravity Forms editors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.4.0 AKA Dr. Ellie Arroway - Added Bootstrap compatible output to frontend filters and frontend pagination controls. - Added new shortcodes for displaying frontend filters by taxonomies, fields and relationships. - Improved the GUI for inserting and edit frontend filters in the Views Filter editor. - Added the option to include a label for the post search filter textfield input, when creating it. - Improved the GUI for adding some shortcodes, by grouping some attributes together in a single sction. - Added the option to display the user avatar using the [wpv-current-user], [wpv-post-author] and [wpv-user] shortcodes. - Improved the creation of slider Views by displaying the Limit and Offset section by default, and setting the View pagination to show just one post per page. - Improved the detection of infinite loops when using [wpv-post-body] shortcodes in Views listing taxonomy terms or users. - Fixed a problem with the z-index of select2 instances in the loop wizard when editing a View as a layout cell. - Fixed a problem with the URL elements of the Button component from Visual Composer when it is integrated into a Content Template. - Fixed a problem with the %%NAME%% placeholder for frontend filters when not used together with %%COUNT%%. - Fixed an issue with the missing validation messages of the forms generated by the [wpv-forgot-password-form] or the [wpv-reset-password-form] shortcodes. - Fixed an issue with the Content Template "Save all" button which wasn't saving the modified title when the only change was the addition of one or more apostrophes. - Fixed an issue with a possible XSS Vulnerability when using the search box on the Views listing page. - Fixed an issue with missing or misplaced WooCommerce Views notifications. - Fixed an issue with the "Fields and Views" button that was not added to the Fusion Builder editor toolbar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.3.1 - Improved the frontend sorting controls so sorting options can force a sorting direction. - Improved the frontend sorting controls so sorting options can force sorting direction labels. - Improved the frontend sorting controls so the first option is always in sync with the stored Views sorting settings. - Improved the usability of pagination controls as nav links by providing some canonical classnames to the HTML structure. - Fixed an inconsistency in the error styling of the name input field when creating a Content Template with a name that already exists. - Fixed an inconsistency in the button state when an error occurs while creating a new View and a new WordPress Archive. - Fixed an issue where the state of the help boxes in the Views and WordPress Archives edit page closed by the X icon was not saved. - Fixed an issue with the "Empty trash" button in WordPress Archives that wasn't deleting WordPress Archives that were created through a WordPress Archive Layout cell. - Fixed an issue that produced a console error after interacting with a View added dynamically to a page. - Fixed an issue that excluded some post classes from the [wpv-post-class] shortcode output when performing AJAX operations. - Fixed an issue where posts belonging to a deleted custom post type are among suggestions in WP Views Filter widget search. - Fixed an issue where a broken View edit link appears, when the selected View is trashed or deleted. - Fixed an issue on conditional output shortcodes when evaluating a missing field value for a parent post. - Fixed a PHP Warning when using the [wpv-heading] shortcode without using the optional attribute "name". - Fixed the syntax highlighting on CSS and JavaScript editors, by forcing the right language mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.3.0, AKA Wowbagger - Added frontend sorting controls for Views and WordPress Archives. - Added the capability of automatic detection of the native Customizer in the Views Framework integration. - Added the ability to sort by post type in Views and WordPress Archives, for WordPress versions 4.0 and higher. - Added the ability to set the purpose of a View or a WordPress Archive when creating them on the Toolset Dashboard. - Added a shortcode [wpv-post-menu-order] to display the menu order of posts. - Added a new attribute for the [wpv-post-field] shortcode to allow parsing of inner shortcodes. - Added a mode for using shortcode attributes in the search query filters. - Added the capability of whitelisting external domains and subdomains, to be used for redirecting in password management shortcodes. - Added support for using custom fields from a post parent in the Views conditional output. - Added the ability to render the raw post excerpts in the form in which hey are stored in the database, using the [wpv-post-excerpt] shortcode. - Added "Empty trash" buttons to the trash listing pages of the Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Added "Back" and "Close" buttons to the Fields and Views dialog. - Added the option to pause the automatic pagination transition on mouse hover. - Added extra information to the array being passed in public hooks to get the settings for a View. - Removed the duplicate "Add new *" buttons from the listing pages of the Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Removed the duplicate message broadcast when all the archive loops were assigned to WordPress Archives. - Removed the datepicker localization files from WordPress 4.6, as they are now included from the core instead. - Improved the Fields and Views button and dialog to make them available to frontend editors. - Improved the Fields and Views dialog by separating the fields into better groups. - Improved the Fields and Views dialog by providing better options in the admin pages related to editing terms and users. - Improved the Fields and Views dialog by creating a first version API for manipulating Views shortcodes using JavaScript. - Improved the consistency of the admin listing pages with the native WordPress core. - Improved the usability of the Content Templates created to wrap loops using the wizard on Views and WordPress Archives. - Improved the management of frontend assets by allowing the datepicker stylesheet to load only when needed. - Improved the behavior of sorting options to ensure consistency regardless of their source. - Improved support for the Content Templates in themes by filtering the PHP functions unable to be accepted as content renderers, and by providing better debug messages. - Improved the Views frontend debug tool by adding important query information related to WordPress Archives. - Improved the Custom Search settings by adding a default option. - Improved the integration of he Beaver Builder with Content Templates by having better frontend edit previews by trusting the theme PHP templates. - Improved the respective integrations of Beaver Builder and Visual Composer with Content Templates by enabling the usage of page builders in inline Content Templates used in Views loops. - Fixed a glitch in the export/import mechanism that erased the stored data to recreate the Loop Wizard selected fields on imported sites. - Fixed the issue of id="$current_page" attributes not working on Views with AJAX pagination. - Fixed an issue that removed manually added URL parameters from frontend custom searches and paginations. - Fixed an issue with the Fields and Views shortcode for taxonomy labels containing a single quote. - Fixed the compatibility issue with the Download Manager plugin that was overwriting Download post type Content Templates. - Fixed a compatibility issue with Layouts where iframes, in Firefox, did not seem to parse scripts loaded outside the header. - Fixed a compatibility issue with Beaver Builder where the Views widgets were breaking the frontend editor. - Fixed the compatibility issue with Beaver Builder regarding the front-end preview for [wpv-view] and [wpv-post-author] shortcodes. - Fixed an issue that was causing a fatal error when visiting the Content Template edit pages with a non-exist or non-integer Content Template ID. - Fixed an alignment issue with the ID in the listing pages of the Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Fixed an issue with the filters "wpv_filter_start_filter_form" and "wpv_filter_end_filter_form" not being fired when rendering the form-only View shortcode. - Fixed the issue where details of the registered framework were not being hidden when a new framework was registered. - Fixed a glitch related to third party admin pages, caused by the select2 style set in the Views edit pages. - Fixed an issue in the "Pagination and Sliders Settings" where the "Advanced Options" section remained visible even when the "Advanced Options" button was hidden. - Fixed an issue where the "Views Integration" tab was being rendered empty when manually registering a theme options framework. - Fixed two issues with the Relevanssi integration, related to the ordering of the results under certain circumstances. - Fixed an issue where all the query filter attributes inserted by the Shortcode GUI were stripped off when only the View search form was inserted. - Fixed an issue with the importing of the Views settings, where WordPress Archives settings to include specific post types were not imported properly. - Fixed an issue with the removal of the "Move to Trash" button from the Layouts cells for Views and WordPress Archives. - Fixed an issue with the search results not being reset properly in the case of rendering of a View form and results on the same page but with different shortcodes. - Fixed the issue with WP CLI (command line intrface) related to an improperly declared global. - Fixed an issue related to the WordPress Archive custom search when filtering by the same criteria that the current archive page is for. - Fixed the issue of the "Reset" button not fully clearing the URL when clicked on a filter form. - Fixed an issue related to the post relationship frontend filter when used on a WordPress Archive assigned to the Home/Blog archive page. - Fixed the issue associated with Views added inside an archive page missing the first post returned by that archive page. - Fixed the issue related to the trashing of one or more Content Templates in use, which also led to the trashing of all the existing Loop Templates. - Fixed the issue of the AJAX search form ignoring the override settings for ordering upon submission. - Fixed an issue where JavaScript errors occurred when using automatic pagination inside a nested View and the current View had only one page. - Fixed the documentation link of the "Post parent" query filter that was leading to a non-existent page. - Fixed an issue that produced empty links in emails when recovering the password generated using Views shortcodes. - Fixed an issue when editing the slug of a View or a WPA to an already used slug and then to a slug that is valid. - Fixed an issue that produced a PHP Warning under PHP 7.1, when using a search by post title filter. - Fixed an issue that occurred when the [wpv-post-field] shortcode was used to get the value from a field and the value was an array. - Fixed the issue of the "random ordering and pagination" notification not clearing even with valid selections. - Fixed the issue of custom search shortcodes using single quotes to wrap attribute values generating a warning about missing filters. - Fixed an issue with AJAX custom search causing frontend filters by post relationships to not inserting their query strings into the updated URL. - Fixed an issue caused by the translation of placeholders used to display specific data in custom search controls, like counters. - Fixed the issue with query filters by termmeta when comparing against a DATE value. - Fixed a compatibility issue between the legacy Views Maps add-on and third the party plugins loading the Google Maps API. - Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce that caused the product archive pages to not display correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.2.2 - Improved compatibility with WordPress 4.7. - Improved compatibility with WPML 3.6.0. - Improved the GUI for WPML-related shortcodes. - Fixed an issue with [wpml-string] shortcodes automatic string registration when saving a Views editor. - Fixed an issue with [wpml-string] shortcodes not being automatically registering strings in the inline Content Template editor. - Fixed an issue with the js_event_wpv_pagination_completed pagination event being triggered too early. - Fixed an issue with automatic pagination being manually altered using pagination controls. - Fixed some broken links to documentation. - Fixed an issue with the [wpv-forgot-password-form] shortcode when WooCommerce is active. - Fixed an issue with taxonomy labels containing quotes in the fields and Views dialog. - Fixed an issue with third party plugins using Colorbox by not setting globals. - Fixed an issue with case insensitive database schemas when checking whether a View with a given name already exists. - Fixed an issue with select2 instances inside Colorbox modals regarding z-index styles. - Fixed an issue with select2 instances inside the Loop Wizard modal after modifying Types shortcodes settings. - Fixed a deprecation notice when using the [wpv-bloginfo show="text_direction"] shortcode. - Fixed an issue with API functions being called before init. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.2.1 - Added decimal places support for Views meta query filters. - Improved the compatibility with WooCommerce and WooCommerce Views by adding better feedback for users. - Updated our select2 bundled version to version 4.0.3. - Fixed the Fields and Views dialog when using Visual Composer on Content Templates without Toolset shortcodes in the admin bar. - Fixed the frontend custom search filter by post relationship when two or more ancestors on the same level have the same post title. - Fixed the frontend custom search filter by Types checkboxes fields when used on a WordPress Archive. - Fixed a problem with getting data from parent posts using the id attribute on search results provided by the Relevanssi plugin. - Fixed a problem with localization for the password management shortcodes and their related forms labels. - Fixed a problem with PHP 5.2 in the Content Template edit page. - Fixed a problem on manual pagination with page reload when the stored effect for AJAX pagination is infinite scrolling. - Fixed a problem with frontend filters for custom fields if they are using custom values containing commas. - Fixed a problem with Relevanssi searches not getting sorted by relevance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.2.0, AKA Dr. Dick Somolon - Added Relevanssi compatibility with custom searches to support searching in some custom fields content. - Added Beaver Builder compatibility with Content Templates. - Added a shortcode [wpv-forgot-password-link] for Lost Password link. - Added a shortcode [wpv-forgot-password-form] for custom Forgot Password Form. - Added a shortcode [wpv-reset-password-form] for custom Reset Password Form. - Added support for selecting multiple roles in Views listing users on WordPress 4.4 and above. - Added a sortable ID column to admin listing screens for Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Added a sub-section in “Third-party shortcode arguments” to display custom shortcodes registered using Views' PHP API. - Added support for sorting a View listing users by usermeta fields. - Added support for a secondary sorting setting on Views listing posts. - Added two new rollover effects that replace the old slideUp and slideRight, to make them move in the right pagination order. - Added support for the user_nicename field value on the [wpv-user] shortcode. - Added the [wpv-theme-option] shortcode to the list of automatically registered shortcodes supported inside other shortcodes. - Removed the shortcode [wpv-forgot-password-link] from the GUI. - Improved the Views pagination settings GUI, following the schema we introduced for the WordPress Archives pagination settings. - Improved the Views and WordPress Archives editing experience by encouraging the usage of the Loop Wizard for new elements. - Improved the way we sanitize and validate slugs for Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives, specially when they contain non-latin characters. - Improved the way we fire the automatic AJAX pagination in Views sliders, so we also support rollovers in nested Views. - Improved the user experience by renaming Views "parametric search" to "custom search" instead. - Improved support for HTTP/HTTPS based URLs output in the [wpv-post-featured-image] shortcode. - Improved support for image resize and crop in the [wpv-post-featured-image] shortcode. - Improved compatibility with PHP 7. - Fixed and improved Cherry Framework detection for the Views integrations. - Fixed an issue with shortcode attributes containing special characters used in a View with AJAX pagination. - Fixed an issue with AJAX pagination when a View search form and results are rendered using different shortcodes. - Fixed an issue with frontend custom search when it should get results without reloading the page and display all options for all filters. - Fixed an issue with frontend custom search when the form is placed on a widget and the results are in the main page content. - Fixed an issue with frontend custom search when a filter by post relationships is used on a WordPress Archive. - Fixed an issue with Views AJAX pagination and shortcode attributes with numeric values, when the View is rendered using the PHP API. - Fixed an issue with the content to display when there are no posts on a WordPress Archive. - Fixed the redirection for the [wpv-login-form] shortcode, specially in case of failed authentication attempts. - Fixed the ability to sort a View by a numeric field created outside Types. - Fixed the quick links on the Fields and Views dialog, to move between field sections. - Fixed a problem with taxonomy filters in custom searches used on another taxonomy archive loop. - Fixed a problem with custom search and frontend URL management when using a BETWEEN comparison for a custom field filter. - Fixed a problem with old Views combining pagination, limit and offset and failing to calculate the right number of pages. - Fixed an issue with datepickers on custom search filters not working after performing an AJAX pagination. - Fixed an issue with AJAX pagination on Views used in taxonomy archive pages containing query filters by the term set on the current archive. - Fixed an issue with WordPress Archives pagination controls, as ellipsis were getting the same classnames as the current page number. - Fixed a problem with the [wpv-current-user field="role"] shortcode when a superadmin does not have a specific role in a network site. - Fixed an issue with conditional shortcodes having a zero as their only content. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.1.1 - Improved compatibility with WPML 3.5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.1.0, AKA Clarisse McClellan - Added support for specific purposes for WordPress Archives, and the ability to set the purpose of a WordPress Archive when creating it. - Added pagination settings to WordPress Archives, including AJAX pagination with fade, horizontal and vertical slide and infinite scroll effects. - Added query filters to WordPress Archives. - Added parametric search to WordPress Archives. - Added support for adjusting the post types to include on an archive page. - Added support for Visual Composer in the Content Template editor. - Added new settings to sort a View by a field as a number or a string. - Added a shortcode [wpv-logout-link] to display the logout link, with an option to redirect when logout is completed. - Added a new attribute redirect_url_fail to the [wpv-login-form] shortcode to allow redirection on login failure. - Added a new API filter wpv_filter_public_wpv_get_view_shortcodes_attributes for getting the current View shortcode attributes. - Added an option for sorting Views that list users by the order of the values passed to a query filter. - Added support for Types shortcodes with single or double quotes in the Loop Wizard. - Added an option to apply a newly created Content Template to all single posts of a post type. - Added a redirect when opening a View or WordPress Archive through the Types dashboard and then trashing it. - Added help videos when first editing a View, Content Template or WordPress Archive. - Improved the security in frontend parametric search forms. - Improved the dropdown to set a View order by adding select2. - Improved the way we gather information about the current View parametric search filters for building our internal cache. - Improved the frontend AJAX for parametric search to avoid problems with nested Views structures. - Extended the post selection on the shortcodes GUI so you can set a post parent on broader situations. - Fixed an issue with Views AJAX pagination related to long URLs. - Fixed an issue with Views AJAX pagination related to installations with custom WordPress directory structures. - Fixed a bug in AJAX pagination and fade effect on Firefox that caused the content to bounce up and down the page. - Fixed an issue with the query filter by specific terms set by the current post on Views listing terms. - Fixed an issue with misleading data passed on the js_event_wpv_parametric_search_triggered JavaScript frontend event. - Fixed an issue with select dropdowns in parametric searches if a custom class is passed as an attribute. - Fixed an issue with some auxiliar hidden inputs on parametric search forms having duplicated class attributes. - Fixed an issue that removed custom post types with custom rewrite rules form the WordPress Archive custom post types archives loop selection. - Fixed an issue with Content Templates exclusion, so that when editing a Content Template, it can not be inserted into itself. - Fixed an issue with the [wpv-attribute] shortcode returning an empty string after performing a parametric search. - Fixed an issue with taxonomy filters, where these were not being removed completely from the View settings. - Fixed an issue with the parametric search form action attribute, when the form and the results are displayed on different pages. - Fixed an issue with importing the Views and Content Templates extra CSS and JS content when it is made of line breaks only. - Fixed an issue with the parametric search reset button, that caused that sometimes the results were not updated when they should have been. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 2.0.0, AKA Cthulhu - Added Views to the new shared Toolset admin menu, Settings page and Export / Import page. - Added the functionality to sort a View listing terms by termmeta. - Added a "format" attribute to the [wpv-post-excerpt] shortcode to control whether its output should be wrapped in paragraph tags. - Added an information tab to the [wpv-post-body] shortcode GUI. - Added a missing info="login" attribute value to the [wpv-current-user] shortcode. - Added a global setting to disable history management related to parametric search, and a specific setting to control this on each View. - Added a tolerance setting for the infinite scrolling AJAX pagination effect. - Added two new URL attributes, wpv_sort_orderby and wpv_sort_order, to control a View ordering. - Removed the Help page and the redirection when activating the plugin. - Removed the button to create a page for the View currently being edited when Layouts is active. - Removed the duplicated button to create your first Content Template. - Improved the View output by removing some hidden inputs and reviewing ID attributes. - Improved the query filters that depend on the current page, current post and objects set by a parent View. - Improved the management of cached data, resulting in better performance. - Improved the parametric search by checking that all taxonomies involved do exist. - Improved the parametric search by avoiding counters to display double values when the form and the results are rendered using different shortcodes. - Improved the compatibility with WPML by disabling the Content Template selection when creating or editing a translation. - Improved the compatibility with Toolset Maps by adding basic support for address fields in the parametric search. - Fixed the combination of query filters using the post__in query argument. - Fixed an issue on frontend pagination controls stopping events delegation. - Fixed an issue regarding AJAX pagination and parametric search, resulting in wrong pagination outcome. - Fixed an issue regarding WPML and query filters by specific post IDs when setting values that belong to translated posts. - Fixed an issue regarding WPML and query filters by post parent and post relationship where not relevant options were offered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 1.12.1 - Fixed an issue regarding parametric search, related to taxonomies no longer existing. - Fixed an issue regarding parametric search, related to results counters returning a wrong number. - Fixed a problem in AJAX pagination returning no results in the second and other pages. - Fixed a PHP notice on an undefined variable. - Fixed a PHP error on a file not loaded when needed. - Fixed a bug that resulted in a duplicated message about creating your first Content Template. - Fixed a problem with the Divi page builder related to the Tolset shortcodes generator. - Fixed a compatibility issue between WPML and the parametric search, that returned results only in the default language. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toolset Views 1.12.0, AKA Peter Pan - Added termmeta query filters to Views used to list terms. - Added support for Types termmeta integration to Fields and Views dialogs and Loop Wizards. - Added a Fields and Views button to a new shortcode generator in the admin bar. - Added a global setting to disable history management entirely, and a specific setting to control this on each View. - Added a new button to "Create a page with this View" in the Edit View page. - Added a shortcut, Ctrl+S, to save sections containing editors in Content Template edit screens. - Added an option to display the last modified date on the [wpv-post-date] shortcode by using a new "type" attribute. - Added a link in the "Design with Toolset" admin bar entry to edit Views rendered on the current page. - Added two new modes to the query filter by taxonomy terms, using shortcode attributes and URL parameters. - Improved post relationship filter for a parametric search, so that only ancestors with actual descendants are shown as options, and counters are accurate. - Improved the output of Views by removing hidden inputs that are no longer needed. - Improved compatibility of Fields and Views dialogs with Layouts and Visual Composer. - Improved all AJAX-related functionality by using a specific ajaxurl variable based on a native variable provided by WordPress. - Improved internals used to duplicate all Views objects. - Improved internals used in the Views Settings page. - Fixed a compatibility issue between Views parametric searches and server object caching. - Fixed an issue regarding the frontend cache of Views, related to Content Templates with custom CSS used inside a View. - Fixed an issue regarding AJAX pagination history events, and slider Views with numeric signatures. - Fixed an issue regarding AJAX pagination history events, and nested Views structures. - Fixed an issue regarding AJAX pagination on Views loaded through AJAX events, such as those in nested structures. - Fixed an issue regarding responsive Views output, and its debounce tolerance. - Fixed a problem in Views conditionals when one of the compared values is a number and the other is a string. - Fixed a compatibility issue with third party plugins that register 404 events. - Fixed a compatibility issue with Masonry-based themes, related to a forced Views output width set on a resize event. - Performed a security review on generic POSTed data for several AJAX calls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.11.1 - Improved the media management in preparation of the upcoming Toolset Maps plugin. - Fixed a problem when using AJAX pagination on the results of a parametric search. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.11.0, AKA Lady Jessica - Added infinite scrolling as an AJAX effect for the Views pagination. - Added proper target attributes to links used as pagination controls. - Added new pagination shortcodes for the total number of returned pages, pagination controls based on links, and pagination controls based on a select dropdown. - Added specific attributes to the new shortcode to display pagination controls as links in order to allow a PageNavi-like output. - Improved the dialog to insert pagination controls to a View. - Added proper history management when using AJAX pagination and/or a parametric search with AJAX results. - Improved the way we save, sanitize, and use titles and slugs in Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives. - Added a new query filter for posts based on their sticky nature. - Added a button to scan the usage of a View in the View’s edit page. - Added a way to make editor textareas expand their height depending on their content. - Added new valid values, namely split2, split3, split4, and split5, to the wpv-index pseudo-shortcode so that specific items in the middle of the View loop can be targeted. - Improved the dialogs to insert a View or a conditional shortcode into an editor. - Improved the Loop Wizard by addressing edge cases and anticipating them. - Improved compatibility with Layouts related to Content Template cells. - Improved compatibility with WordPress related to admin layout structures. - Fixed an issue related to archive loops where some information was missing, resulting in some shortcodes not working. - Fixed an issue on wpv-post-body shortcodes not being parsed if they referred to non-existing Content Templates. - Updated CodeMirror to 5.5.0. - Updated FontAwesome to 4.4.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.10.1 - Improved compatibility with WordPress 4.3.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.10.0, AKA Marty McFly - Added a new shortcode, wpv-conditional, for conditional output, along with a GUI for inserting it. - Added a new caching system for expensive queries in the backend. - Added a new caching system for eligible Views in the frontend. - Added extra options when inserting a View to override limit, offset, order, and orderby settings. - Added extra options when inserting a View to set values for filters using a shortcode attribute. - Added a new shortcode wpv-theme-option to obtain the values of registered options when integrating a framework into Views. - Added a new method for detecting and registering the most used frameworks into the Views Integration. - Added a new shortcode, wpv-autop, to force formatting on pieces of content. - Added a new GUI to set callbacks for front-end JavaScript events related to AJAX pagination and parametric search. - Added validation methods when saving any Views editor to avoid deleting mandatory elements. - Added a new mode to the query filter by a taxonomy based on the current archive term. - Added a way to disable the Design with Toolset admin bar entry. - Improved the Views output by cleaning some hidden HTML comments. - Improved the dialogs to insert pagination controls into any Views editor. - Improved the Loop Wizard by merging several AJAX calls into one. - Improved the Loop Wizard by maintaining the dialog settings when editing the options of a Types field. - Improved the read-only page for a View when using the embedded mode, so that it shows the Content Templates assigned to it. - Improved the Content Templates assigned to a View, by showing the CSS and JavaScript editors below the content editor. - Improved the wpv-user shortcode so that it can be used outside the loop of a View that lists users. - Improved the assets management by registering and enqueueing them in different moments. - Improved compatibility with WordPress 4.3 by removing PHP4 class constructors. - Improved compatibility with WordPress 4.3 by adjusting the admin pages to the new structures. - Improved the internal APIs with several new actions and filters. - Migrated almost all dialogs from Colorbox to jQueryUI Dialogs. - Deleted old postmeta no longer used by Views. - Fixed the query filter by post date when the selected date can have an ambiguous meaning. - Fixed several typos and updated old texts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.9.1 - Restored the functionality affected by the WordPress 4.2.3 update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.9.0, AKA Meina Gladstone - Added a GUI for inserting Views shortcodes. - Added a new custom edit page for Content Templates. - Added class and style attributes to several shortcodes that output HTML tags. - Added a new shortcode wpv-noautop to display pieces of content without paragraph formatting - included a Quicktag button for easy insertion. - Added an Admin Bar entry to create and edit Content Template assignments. - Added a new debug output to the wpv-if conditional shortcode. - Improved the Loop Wizard functionality - added a way to set Views shortcodes attributes. - Improved the Loop Wizard - added explanations about different Bootstrap options and their availability. - Improved the Loop Wizard - made table sorting options easier to understand. - Improved the combination of limit, offset and pagination settings on a View to avoid expensive auxiliar queries. - Improved the output of custom CSS and JS for Views and Content Templates - HTML comments should make it easier to identify their source. - Improved the frontend javascript that controls the pagination, the parametric search interaction and the table sorting. - Improved the Views AJAX pagination when using a custom spinner - avoided enforcing fixed dimensions and improved the positioning of the spinner. - Fixed the WordPress media shortcodes (audio, video, playlist) when used on Views with AJAX pagination or with parametric search with automatic results. - Fixed lower-than comparison functions for date, custom field and usermeta field query filters - a previous security review broke them. - Fixed the Views pagination spinner “No spinner” setting. - Fixed the custom fields and usermeta query filters by a Types date field when setting a specific date - changes could not be saved. - Fixed edit View links on Views widgets when using the Views Embedded plugin. - Fixed bulk trashing of Content Templates. - Fixed the query filter by specific users on a View listing users - the URL parameter mode was not being applied. - Fixed the “Don’t include current page” setting on a View when it is used on a post displayed on an archive page. - Fixed the API functions to display a View or return its results - avoided errors by checking that the requested item is a published View. - Improved some shortcodes attributes, like the ones for wpv-post-taxonomy, wpv-post-featured-image and wpv-post-edit-link. - Improved the compatibility with WPML by setting better translation settings to some private custom fields used to store Views settings. - Improved the compatibility with WPML by adjusting AJAX pagination when adding language settings as URL parameters. - Improved the compatibility with 4.2 related to loading spinners. - Improved the compatibility with 4.2 related to the link Quicktag dialog. - Improved the compatibility with RTL languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.8.1 - Fixed an inconsistency on query filters getting values from shortcode attributes - empty values should apply no filter. - Fixed the export workflow - some setting were not exported. - Fixed an issue about old Views which do not have a "view-query-mode" setting that can not be edited. - Fixed a bug about removing inline Content Templates from a View. - Fixed a bug about bulk trashing two or more CT when one of them has posts assigned - there was a PHP error for a $nonce variable not set. - Fixed a bug on Views listing users and filtering by specific users set on a URL parameter. - Fixed a bug about "lower than" options on the query filters by custom field, usermeta field and post date. - Fixed the frameworks integration - frameworks using an option to store values were not registered correctly. - Fixed an issue about Content Templates saved without slug. - Fixed an issue that avoided changing the WordPress Archive assigned to an archive loop from the admin listing page. - Adjusted the documentation links for the new date query filter and the frameworks integration functionality. - Removed the "Add new" button and the "Trash" link from the Content Template edit page, to avoid inconsistencies. - Improved the compatibility with Layouts related to archives pagination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.8.0, AKA R2-D2 - Added third-party theme frameworks integration. - Added a query filter by post date. - Added a GUI for the Views Embedded plugin. - Added a new API function - is_wpv_content_template_assigned. - Added a new API function - is_wpv_wp_archive_assigned. - Added a shortcut, Ctrl+S, to save sections containing editors in Views and WordPress Archives edit screens. - Added a new shortcode - wpv-login-form. - Added a new shortcode - wpv-archive-title. - Added support for custom statuses to the related Views query filter. - Improved the Views Settings page. - Improved the feedback when adding or editing items on the Filter editor of a View related to parametric search. - Improved the AJAX error management when dealing with auto-save in Views and WordPress Archives edit screens. - Improved the export/import workflow. - Improved the compatibility with WordPress 4.1 related to meta_query entries for custom fields and sorting by meta values. - Improved the compatibility with WordPress 4.2 related to term splitting. - Improved the compatibility with WordPress 4.2 related to cache objects for taxonomies. - Improved the compatibility with WordPress 4.2 related to accessing the global $wp_filter. - Changed the Google Maps script register handler for better third-party compatibility. - Fixed an issue related to filtering by custom field values containing a plus sign. - Fixed an issue related to filtering by Types checkboxes fields - extended support for complex queries in WordPress 4.1+. - Fixed an issue related to multiselect items on a parametric search - avoid force selecting the first option by default. - Cleaned some deprecated code. - Updated the CodeMirror script to version 5.0.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.7.0, AKA Zaphod Beeblebrox - Improved the workflow for inserting a parametric search using the V icon popup. - Improved the workflow for inserting a parametric search using the WP Views Filter widget. - Improved screen options for Views and WordPress Archives edit screens - now they are saved automatically. - Added a setting to the screen options to hide the query filters section - hide it by default for parametric Views. - Improved the Views and WordPress Archive edit screens: sections without a textarea are now saved automatically. - Improved the Query filters section of a View: better styles, better performance, each query filter is now defined as a completely independent class. - Improved the parametric search settings section - now there are 3 basic options and another one to define the settings manually. - Improved spinner settings for parametric search - now all their settings are defined in the shortcode. - Revamped the Layout Wizard dialog and workflow. - Normalized GUI for custom CSS and JS textareas in Views, Content Templates and WordPress Archives edit screens. - Added options to use buttons instead of inputs as HTML tags for submit and clear elements in a parametric search. - Added a custom callback to be executed before the AJAX request of a parametric search - we already had callbacks executed before and after loading the new results. - Added a new mode to the taxonomy parent filter: parent set by the current term in a WordPress archive loop. - Reordered Views and WordPress Archives toolbars buttons - added hints on specific buttons when they provide needed functionalities. - Added quicktags to all Views textareas. - Added formatting instructions to Views textareas. - Added sorting to manually added values on a parametric search filter by a custom field. - Added highlighting when inserting a shortcode into a textarea using the GUI. - Revamped the inline Content Template section for Views and WordPress Archives. - Added wpv-index=odd|even options for zebra styling of Views output. - Added a shortcode wpv-taxonomy-id that returns the term ID in Views listing taxonomy terms. - Improved the management of admin notices. - Disabled the Distraction Free Writing button on Content Template edit screens. - Fixed the use of manual added values on a parametric search filter by a custom field when one value is empty. - Fixed the default date in datepickers in parametric searches: if that value was not set, make it default to empty. - Fixed a bug when filtering by a taxonomy using a shortcode attribute and passing a non existing value. - Fixed a bug when filtering by post IDs using an URL parameter and it has an empty value. - Fixed a problem with custom functions inside conditionals: wpv-if shortcodes executed after a View may inherit settings from it but without needed data. - Fixed a problem about functions used inside wpv-if conditional shortcodes: added support for Views listing users, adjusted default values to match the ones in our documentation, prevented loading some data when no View was being displayed. - Fixed a problem with assets loaded in the frontend when is_ssl() is false but FORCE_SSL_ADMIN is true. - Fixed a problem with wpv-post-body shortcodes used inside wpv-if conditionals. - Fixed a problem with AJAX pagination on sites pointing to a folder and installed in a subfolder. - Fixed a compatibility issue with Layouts: some filters were producing PHP errors in Views previews (basically, because they needed data from current page, and it was not set). - Fixed trashing Views and WordPress Archives from their edit screens - prevent unsaved sections from stopping the redirect to listing screens after trashing. - Fixed a small styling incompatibility between the Views datepicker filter and Bootstrap 3. - Fixed an issue about parametric search inputs coming from Types checkboxes fields. - Fixed an issue about automatic AJAX pagination. - Fixed the Views widgets so they do not offer to display trashed Views. - Fixed the preview of the custom spinner used in pagination. - Cleaned some deprecated code: media management. - Updated select2 script and changed its name from "views-select2-script" to just "select2". - Updated CodeMirror script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.6.4 - Added the clear date field values in a parametric search. - Fixed a problem that the wpv-post-url and wpv-post-link shortcodes were having with WPML slug translation. - Fixed the wpv-control shortcodes which should be useful to create generic inputs on a form. - Fixed a problem with a parameter needed for creating a layout using the wizard by adding a default value for it. - Fixed the compatibility of wpv-post-body shortcode with WPML post switcher for availability in other languages. - Fixed a problem where editing a filter by a Types custom field resulted in a duplicated filter. - Added a fix to avoid problems with plugins setting ajaxSetup data defaults that can mess up our pagination script. - Fixed the PHP errors that were caused by the “filter by post relationship” under some circumstances. - Fixed a problem which prevented comparing to empty values when filtering by custom fields (if not using URL parameters or shortcode attributes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.6.3 - Fix: improve datepicker.css so styling only applies to the datepicker popup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Views 1.6.2 - New: create a standalone plugin out of the Embedded Views directory * add read-only summary pages for every Views object, accessible when this new plugin is activated * move a bunch of files to the embedded side (CodeMirror, summaries, admin messages, CSS files, etc) - New: add option to Views listing users so we can get users of any role - New: filter by post author: set by the author of the current page - New: admin message when a View lists posts but no post type has been selected - New: button-primary-toolset styling button - New: execute an action before and after each element on a View loop - Parametric search: * add counters to each option of each input based on a new format="..." attribute using %%NAME%% and %%COUNT%% as placeholders * remove one remove_filter call that broke dependency when the relevant View was not the first on a page * fix post status arguments: when querying inside an AJAX call, they should not return protected statuses by default * save a meta_query filter when the filter by custom field uses the IN comparison and one of the passed values is empty (meaning we should return all results) * fix filters getting multiple values (multi-select and checkboxes) and AJAX pagination * fix filter by post relationship: sometimes, the default value is 0 and not array(0) * fix adding a filter by a custom field created outside Types * fix filters by a taxonomy on multisite * stop rollover if set when selecting an option of the form * fix nested Views - Fix: trashing flow for Content Templates and WordPress Archives is cleaner and leaves no traces - Fix: Views Media Manager can now handle BMP and TIFF files - Fix: normalize the output so it will return all post types in case no one was selected - Fix: security issue - force users to register valid functions used inside wpv-if evaluations - Fix: security issue - do not use serialize/unserialize in Views AJAX pagination - Fix: better manage functions returning a numeric 1 inside wpv-if evaluations - Fix: move automatic registering of strings for WPML to the init hook, as before that the current user capabilities are not reliable - Fix: do not use -1 as the ID in post__in argument to get an empty query: use a 0 instead - Fix: do not use -1 as the ID in include argument to get an empty users query: use a 0 instead - Fix: prevent deprecated methods when checking current user capabilities for displaying the Views debug popup - Optimization: better create View popup - Optimization: better parametric search add filter popup - Optimization: better summary messages - Compatibility: Layouts * fix CodeMirror on the inline Content Template editor * fix CodeMirror on all the HTML textareas on Internet Explorer - Compatibility: Module Manager * link to read-only summaries or edit screens on installed items in the Module Library tab - Compatibility: WooCommerce * fix add to cart button URL when used inside a View with AJAX pagination or parametric search with automatic results * fix product search results when there are no results and using a WordPress Archive - Compatibility: WordPress 4.0 * fix Content Templates editor * fix like_escape() being deprecated - Update: CodeMirror to its latest release - Clean: remove a great bunch of legacy deprecated code - Experimental: "limit" and "offset" Views shortcode attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6.1 - New: general View setting to disable frontend edit links to Views objects - New: better copy on the parametric search popup - New: suggestions for the default value on a filter by custom field on parametric search when using existing values - New: when performing a parametric search by a checkbox field that stores zero in the database when unchecked, allow filtering by this zero value - Fix: parametric search - allow between, greater than and lower than comparisons when setting values manually if they do not match actual custom field values - Fix: post relationship parametric search when WPML is active - Fix: parametric search with dependency if the View is sorted by a custom field - Fix: parametric search with dependency and manual pagination - Fix: allow the use of zero as a value in a custom field filter - Fix: parametric search on multisite - Fix: improve the export/import flow so it restores the WPA and CT settings for archive loops - Fix: menu links when editing a View object do not redirect to error pages anymore - Optimization: better calculation of available options for parametric search dependency - Compatibility: Layouts inline editing of a View ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6.0 - New: Bootstrap Layout for Views - New: parametric search for Types post relationships with dependency - New: dependent parametric search inputs - New: update Views form results on the fly - New: id="X" attribute for the [wpv-user] shortcode: it now can be used outside a View listing users loop - New: filter "wpv_filter_force_wordpress_archive" - New: filter "wpv_filter_custom_field_filter_type" - New: improved layout for the Views filter section - New: output="raw|sanitize" attribute for the [wpv-post-title] shortcode - New: API to create Views with custom default settings - New: add the Pagination button to the Layout HTML textarea toolbar so users can add pagination controls after the View results - New: revamped HTML structure and CSS styles on listing, editing and settings pages - New: when creating or editing Content Templates or WordPress Archives, show a red asterisk on elements already in use - New: Media Manager can now handle audio and video attachments and inserts the right shortcode or link - New: now you can use a thumbnail from an image attachment as a spinner for pagination and parametric search - New: action "wpv_action_views_settings_sections" for modular settings page - New: shortcode [wpv-search-term param="xxx"] to get search values from URL parameters - New: start="X" and end="Y" attributes for the [wpv-for-each] shortcode - Fix: wpv-user requesting for a usermeta field that does not exists should return nothing - Fix: sorting by a numeric custom field created outside Types but under Types control - Fix: custom inner shortcodes break the export/import flow - Fix: prevent orphaned list item in Views toolbars when CRED is not installed - Fix: better handling of the "attr" attribute of the [wpv-post-featured-image] shortcode to escape quotes, tags and brackets - Fix: center map to view all points not working on some browsers - Fix: single-marker maps were not displayed centered on the marker - Fix: higher priority to our pagination redirect script so no other plugin can call it a 404 - Fix: issue on the Views Map plugin: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined - Fix: typo on the inline Add Content Template popup in the Views edit screen - Fix: do not enable SAVEQUERIES unless the debugger is enabled - Fix: do not have a return inside an object buffer - Fix: render_view_template() now adjusts the global $authordata - Fix: add the charset info to our pagination AJAX response, so it does not let the server use a different encoding - Fix: change the AJAX pagination response content-type to text/html - Fix: correct protocol for AJAX callback URLs when backend uses FORCE_SSL_ADMIN and frontend is not SSL - Fix: colorbox position when opening a toggle box while creating or editing the usage of a Content Template - Fix: settings page slug changed from "views-settings-new" back to "views-settings" - Fix: add the toolbar button to toggle syntax highlighting in the Content Template edit screen using the Quicktag API - Fix: a View listing taxonomies and filtering by page terms on a page with no terms returns an error - Fix: a View, Content Template or WordPress Archive with an attached non-image file was breaking the export - Fix: when changing a Content Template title, if it already exists, the Update button gets locked on disabled state - Fix: do not allow spaces or special characters in Views or WordPress Archives slugs - Compatibility: fix issue with Post Type Switcher - Compatibility: WordPress 3.9 - remove mysql_* functions - Compatibility: better layout for the administration box of Views widgets - Optimization: merge frontend scripts - Optimization: merge frontend styles - Optimization: avoid recursive AJAX calls in backend - Optimization: better backend styles - Optimization: better Layout Wizard structure - Optimization: rewrite of the popups for creating and editing the usage of Content Templates and WordPress Archives - Optimization: rewrite of the metabox in the Content Template edit screen to assign it - Update: CodeMirror 3.21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5.1 - New: filter "wpv_filter_post_excerpt" - New: filters "wpv_filter_start_filter_form" and "wpv_filter_end_filter_form" - New: filter "wpv_filter_content_template_output" - New: shortcode [wpv-post-class add=""] - New: output="normal|raw|inherit" attribute for the [wpv-post-body view_template="None"] shortcode - New: improve the [wpv-post-excerpt] shortcode: * the length attribute now applies to real excerpts too * new count="char|word" attribute * new more attribute - New: [wpv-user] shortcode can take ID as the field attribute value - Optimization: * shave one SQL query when displaying the debugger per [wpv-post-body view_template="None"] shortcode * shave one SQL query per [wpv-post-taxonomy] shortcode * improve the [wpv-post-featured-image] shortcode - shave a SQL query when data="url" and size="full" * save a SQL query if we use get_the_terms() and wp_list_pluck() instead of wp_get_post_terms() in the filter by taxonomy for Views listing posts * add usermeta caching for Views listing users when using Types - Change: Views edit screen - change the Content selection section select into a series of radios - Fix: fields created outside Types and then added to Types control as numeric were not sorting a View as numeric values - Fix: error when creating a Content Template on the Templates listing page if unchecking all the options offered in the popup - Fix: error when rendering a Content Template with auto formatting inside a View with AJAX pagination - Fix: "shop_order_status" taxonomy was hijacking "post_tag" taxonomy on the V icon popup when using WooCommerce - Fix: allow quotes in parametric search values, both in search boxes and in custom fields using textfield - Fix: inner shortcodes inside Tempates used calling [wpv-post-body] with the attribute suppress_filters set to true were not being rendered - Fix: move the custom CSS output earlier in the wp_footer hoot, before the script printing at 10, to avoid the bottleneck - Fix: raise z-index for the V popup in the Content Templates edit screen - avoid CodeMirror gutters and scroll bars problems - Fix: pagination sumary was displaying wrong data - Fix: PHP fatal error when adding debug info for a taxonomy filter by terms coming from the current page - Fix: error when filtering by taxonomy set by the current page - the passed terms array was not correctly indexed - Fix: preload last page when doing AJAX pagination using Slide Down or Slide Right effects - Fix: clean the get_users_query() function and make it modular by using filter hooks in "wpv_filter_user_query" - Fix: changing some setting for a WordPress Archive was deleting all the Views Settings options from the database - Fix: offset will not work on Views listing posts if there is no limit or pagination setting - Fix: offset will not work on Views listing users if there is no limit setting - Fix: duplicating a View can lead to a View with status of "future" - Fix: export error on layout wizard settings for Views created using an older version - Fix: error on the disable_rich_edit_for_views() function on scenarios where the $post is not already set - Fix: Content Templates attached to a View were lost on the export/import flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.5.0 - New: debug tool - New: Views Maps plugin - New: adjust Views layout widths on window resize - responsive layouts - New: add option to filter posts excluding by ID - New: add option to use IN, NOT IN and AND as operators when filtering by taxonomy using URL parameter or shortcode attribute - New: add shortcode attribute and URL parameter options to the post relationship filters - New: add a GUI for the callback_next parameter for AJAX pagination - New: hide_empty option for parametric search filtering by taxonomy - New: filters "wpv_filter_start_filter_form" and "wpv_filter_end_filter_form" - New: add $args parameter to get_view_query_results() so arguments can be passed when getting a View results - New: add visual flag to buttons for CSS and JS textareas when they have content - Fix: parametric search - custom field relationship is not maintained if new filter added to search - Fix: filter on taxonomy fails when using taxonomy by current page and current page has no taxonomy set - Fix: console.log not defined in IE8/9 was breaking image preloading in frontend pagination - Fix: restore the Fade effect on frontend pagination when old and new pages have the same height - fadeOut and fadeIn should happen at the same time - Fix: .wpv-pagination element has zero height if elements inside the pagination are floated - Fix: remove onclick attributes from frontend - Fix: make the output of taxonomy parametric search radios consistent with other layouts - first the input, then the label - Fix: broken pagination when displaying two Views on a page and both using pagination links - Fix: adjust vertical sliding effect when old and new page have diffferent heights - Fix: add version numbers when registering scripts - Fix: parametric search popup - taxonomy_order & taxonomy_orderby & auto_fill_sort options are not inserted - Fix: timezone problem with date filters - Fix: wpv-post-date defaults to WordPress general settings - Fix: duplicating a View should use the new title as the slug - Fix: duplicating a View duplicates the View description too - Fix: post_type_dont_include_current_page was not working when using AJAX pagination and the current post was not on the first page - Fix: possible SSL errors by setting the correct URLs when loading assets - Fix: remove unwanted br tags and empty p tags caused by newlines formatting - Fix: pagination for taxonomy Views was not working - Fix: save one database query if there are no custom fields filters - Fix: add custom CSS and JS to pages containing Views and Content Templates displayed using PHP functions - Fix: clean Views pagination: remove inline styles, remove unwanted br tag, add new classnames - Fix: correctly register and enqueue scripts and styles for the frontend - Fix: wpdb->prepare missing second argument - Fix: better settings page - only offer to save some setting when it has changed - Fix: Layout Wizard fields data was corrupted on import - Fix: add shortcode support inside wpv-heading shortcodes on table layouts - Fix: PHP 5.4 Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference - Fix: register wp_footer actions involving scripts at a 21+ priority, so the scripts enqueued on the footer (with priority 20) are all loaded before them - Fix: normalize the form style when using wpv-view or wpv-form-view shortcodes: remove inline styles - Fix: invalid values in text inputs (search box and textfield parametric search) containing quotes - Fix: improve date filters for parametric searches: * remove onclick attributes * remove dependency on the order of imputs - LTR support * JSLint the script - Compatibility: WordPress 3.8 * admin notices in Views listing screens use the native WordPress styles * V popup is not correctly displayed in Content Templates with syntax highlight on * table cebra styling for listing pages - Compatibility: WPML integration * add [wpml-string] shortcodes by default to Views textareas * register strings on textarea save if String Translation is active * automatically register existing strings when activating String Translation * automatically register strings when importing if String Translation is active * require string and context fields in Translatable String popup * same value used twice in labels on parametric search inputs was not correctly registered in String Translation - Compatibility: Module Manager - move the integration code to the embedded part to support WooCommmerce Views wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.1 - Fix: 500 server error on sites using multisite with a lot of sites and / or sites with a lot of usermeta fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4.0 - New: users support in Views - New: PHP filters "wpv_filter_user_query" and "wpv_filter_user_post_query" - New: filters for Views listing users - include/exclude specific users, filter by a usermeta field - New: shortcodes for displaying users data - [wpv-user field="xxx"] - New: filter posts by author set by parent View - nested Views - New: sorting a View listing posts by last modified - New: make slugs editable for Views and WordPress Archives - New: [wpv-post-status] shortcode - New: improved [wpv-post-featured-image] shortcode - New: [wpv-taxonomy-archive] shortcode - New: [wpv-post-slug] shortcode - New: [wpv-post-body] new attribute "suppress_filters" - when set to 'true' the shortcode will render with basic WordPress filters applied - New: extend [wpv-if] shortcodes - add custom functions support to [wpv-if] shortcodes - New: [wpv-items-found] and [wpv-no-items-found] support for Posts, Taxonomies and Users - New: [wpv-found-count] extend support for Taxonomies and Users - New: trash for Views, WordPress Archives and Content Templates - New: custom inner shortcodes in Settings and "wpv_custom_inner_shortcodes" PHP filter. Add [wpml-string] shortcode by default when available - New: add a "class" parameter to the [wpv-filter-submit] shortcode - New: allow to clear all existing single posts from a Content Template asignment - New: "wpv_edit_view_link" PHP filter for frontend edit links - New: "wpv_filter_custom_field_filter_original_value" and "wpv_filter_custom_field_filter_processed_value" filters for values for Views filters - can override the values used on a filter by custom fields for Views listing posts - New: Translatable string item in V popup when WPML and String Translation are active - Fix: the filter the_content gets applied twice in some cases - Fix: when using a [wpv-post-body] shortcode inside a Content Template other shortcodes might not be expanded - Fix: workaround for AJAX pagination on IIS servers - Fix: default spinner image for pagination was not being set - Fix: small glitches in Content Templates asignment - Fix: evil comma of doom in javascript - Fix: descriptions for Views objects are now exported and imported - Fix: hook a PHP filter before and after the query to prevent incompatibilities with plugins that mess with the query - Fix: do not offer creation of Content Templates for archive loops that do not exists (like posts, pages and attachments archives - Fix: View forms in V popup missing in some situations - Fix: View widgets now list only the relevant Views - Fix: remove dash from default shortcode attribute for taxonomy filters - Fix: use ColorBox for the Insert View Form popup in the post.php and post-new.php screens - Fix: [wpv-control] shortcode parameter format was not being used for taxonomy filters using checkboxes - Fix: Views form shortcode can now be inserted in embedded Views - Fix: Convert URLs to point to translated content in Views and Content Template option in WPML was not working for links to taxonomy archives - Fix: if a page contains two Views with table layout, sorting the first affected the order of the other (and the second one could not be sorted) - Fix: respect format in Content Templates affected by the wptexturize filter - Fix: [wpv-for-each] shortcode behaviour is now more accurate - Fix: editing a posts with an assigned Content Template using a CRED form resulted in a broken layout - Fix: PHP warnings when performing parametric searches by taxonomies using select or radios and taxonomy names as values - Fix: parametric search popup - do not offer taxonomies we want to exclude or taxonomies with show_ui set to false - Fix: ability to insert a Content Template inside posts, templates - Fix: datepicker in parametric search does not display the selected date on results page when default_date is set to NONE - Fix: do not offer to create a WordPress Archive or a Content Template for post archives for posts that do not have an archive - Fix: when adding the [wpv-filter-meta-html] shortcode twice to a View combined output the table sorting stops working - Fix: PHP notice when the [wpv-heading] has no name attribute - Fix: View duplication on multisite - Fix: WPML + Views integration: - Fix: Views form widget - sync of target page for Views form wiget accross languages - Fix: Views form widget - only offer as target pages the ones in the current language - Fix: Views form shortcode - sync the target page from shortcode accross languages - Fix: Views filters - sync options like parents, taxonomy terms or post IDs accross languages - Fix: Views filter by taxonomy term - fix so it displays translated terms when needed - Clean: delete unused version of CodeMirror - Clean: improve scripts and styles queue list so we only load in the backend the needed elements and delete some unused scripts - Compatibility: Relevanssi - Deprecated: [wpv-post-found] is replaced with [wpv-items-found] - Deprecated: [wpv-no-post-found] and [wpv-no-taxonomy-found] are replaced with [wpv-no-items-found] - Deprecated: [wpv-post-count] is replaced with [wpv-items-count] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.1 - Admin listing screens: full page refresh instead of AJAX - Admin listing screens: improved pagination and partial search - Admin listing screens: table sorting by "name" and new column "date" - Views and WP Archives: Update All Sections button - Fix Views pagination admin GUI - Fix Content Template asignment for posts previous to Views activation and for attachments - Fix Missing templates in template chooser when arranged by usage - Fix Search filter only in post titles - Fix Layout Wizard behaviour - Fix Create or update a WordPress Archive deletes the settings for some Content Templates - WPML fix: CPT slugs in Views with AJAX pagination - WPML fix: translation for strings in Views widget - Several fixes in Views filters - Fix Settings page - AJAX nonces and error handling - Fix permissions where editors could access the natural Views and Content Templates listing screens - Fix error in export and import for specific taxonomy Views and Layout Wizard settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version - Fix problem rendering [wpv-post-body] when no view_template is specified - Fix bug creating Content Templates on some systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version - Fix comparison function when inserting a filter - Fix wrong message when editing a Views - Fix adding a Content Template when only one exists - Fix empty function in wpv-if shortcode - Fix error when changing WordPress Archive title. Settings were lost. - Fix problem when saving inline Content Template. Settings were lost. - Add check for compatible Toolset plugins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version - Fix SQL bug on Views listing page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3.0 - Major redesign of the UI to improve usability - Rename View Templates to Content Templates - New UI for Views listing page - New UI for WordPress Archive listing page - New UI for Content Template listing page - New UI for the Views editor - New UI for the Views setting page - New UI for applying Content Templates - Descriptions added to Views - Descriptions added to Content Templates - Improved workflow for creating Views - Improved workflow for Views filters - Improved workflow for Parametric Searches - Improved workflow for Pagination - Improved workflow for layouts with Layout wizard - Easy HTML editing - Added Inline Content Templates editing to Views Editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2.1 - Fixed wpv_control -- auto_fill_sort parameter is not working - Fixed Not default sorting for AJAX pagination not working - Fixed View Templates: if syntax highlight is off, CSS and JS editors won't show a textarea - Fixed Filter by author was not exported/imported correctly - Fixed Filtering by 2+ custom fields using OR relationship and sorting by a third custom field was not working - Fixed Add Module Manager keys to the embedded version - New Output the results of the View query for PHP using get_view_query_results - New Output the results of View Templates to PHP using render_view_template - New Two new options for the wpv-current-user shortcode: logged_in and role - New Export/Import now adjusts image thumbnails inserted into any textarea in addition to full images ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2.0 - Fixed Views filter appears to have a problem with Asian characters - allow asian characters in values - Fixed Change the order of View results - allow adding aditional manual sorting - Fixed The default option not working for Select type fields - Fixed Filter controls: There is no way to set Default label for taxonomies, only for custom fields - Fixed Fix generation of table header layout Meta HTML - Fixed Debug to console is not working in WP 3.5 - Fixed Some items in the V popup are centered and some not - Fixed Passing arguments using views short code attribute - fix for example text - Fixed Both in frontend and backend: Calendar always shows in english, even with another default language - fixed frontend - Fixed Open_basedir restriction in effect when exporting - Fixed View not get correct translated CPT slug in LOOP - Fixed Archive View settings still in effect after changing View to Normal - Fixed Search filter mixes specific and visitor modes - Fixed Archive views not working when no posts found - New Syntax highlighter in Views Meta HTML and View Templates editor - New Add a media section to the View edit - New Add CSS editor to Views and View templates - New Add JS editor to Views and View templates - New Make meta HTML, CSS and JS boxes open-state persistent - New Export CSS, JS and images - New Add View template name to body classes - New Check if we receive a complete form when editing Views - New Raw output for [wpv-post-featured-image] - New Shortcode for get_currentuserinfo() - New Add [wpv-current-user] to wpv-if processing - New Shortcode for bloginfo() - New Shortcode for get_post_type_archive_link($post_type) - New Add taxonomy shortcodes to shortcodes-in-shortcodes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version - Fixed taxonomy query using name instead of slug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.4 - Fixed WP 3.5 Filter forms - taxonomy filter doesn't work when there is a space in taxonomy term name - Fixed Missing links in Settings page - Fixed Paginating looses filter control values - Fixed Display usage tips for filter by author - Fixed Add colons before inputs - Fixed Check/handle spaces in URL parameters - Fixed Validate that the URL argument name or shortcode attribute name is specified and show an error message otherwise - Fixed When inserting author filter via the popup, it's saved incorrectly - Fixed New Pages Overridden by Post View Template - Fixed Pagination looses frontend filter values - Add filtering by author - Fixed Don't use mb_ereg - Fixed HTML validation errors with View filter - Fixed Javascript error when inserting shortcodes - Add Wrap View loop in [wpv-posts-found] shortcode - Fixed Conditional with empty not working