Coordinación National Intersectorial OLD - CLME+ HUB

Coordinación National Intersectorial OLD

National Inter-sectoral Coordination

** This page is currently under development and will provide information on the status of “National Inter-sectoral Coordination” for coastal and marine management in the States and Territories in the wider Caribbean. **

For the time being, a dynamic map is presented showing the status of establishment and operations of NIC mechanisms in the wider Caribbean. The map is based on information UWI/CERMES was able to collect by June 2019, in the context of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project.

Should you have information that will allow to update/further improve the information presented in this map, please contact us

Map Guidance: Click on to display the map legend.

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Welcome to SOMEE

SOMEE content is still under development and is therefore not yet available online. However, you can already check for sample text and materials under the sections in blue text