FDS-WG on-line technical meeting (SSF Matrix and FIRMS Inventories) - CLME+ HUB
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FDS-WG on-line technical meeting (SSF Matrix and FIRMS Inventories)

September 3, 2020 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

a. SSF Matrix
The session will present present the SSF and recall main principles. It is anticipated that several
examples will be delivered and a Q/A session to follow. It is desired to seek for volunteer countries to
fill out the matrix.

Expected outcome(s): get commitments from a number of countries to fill out the matrix and send

b. FIRMS (follows the SSF Matrix session)
The FIRMS will recall FIRMS objectives and the template for preparing fishery and marine resource
inventory inputs. The team will present the current status of the FIRMS inventory for WECAFC region
and share issues/challenges identified this intersession period , and further detail the dissemination
platform. Seek for interest from countries to contribute / update WECAFC-FIRMS

Expected outcome(s): It is expected to have an updated list from Secretariat and an online teaching
session laid out including a refresher session for seasoned submitters and tutorial for new submission.


September 3, 2020
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Categoría del Evento:

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