Displaying 893 results.

CLME Reef Fisheries & Biodiversity Pilot Project Area (UNEP)
This Map indicate the CLME reef fisheries and biodiversity pilot project area.
Author: CLME PCU

CLME Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
This report is the revised and updated Regional TDA based on TDAs of three fisheries ecosystems of regional significance: the reef, pelagic and continental shelf fisheries ecosystems. This Regional TDA (supported by the three fisheries TDAs and a regional governance analysis) will serve as the science basis for development of an agreed program of interventions including fisheries management reforms, conservation measures and pollution control. A TDA is a widely-used tool within GEF International Waters Projects to provide a scientifically objective assessment of the causes of the main problems affecting transboundary and shared systems.
Author: CLME Project
Year: 2011

CLME Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Executive Summary
This report is the revised and updated Regional TDA based on TDAs of three fisheries ecosystems of regional significance: the reef, pelagic and continental shelf fisheries ecosystems. This Regional TDA (supported by the three fisheries TDAs and a regional governance analysis) will serve as the science basis for development of an agreed program of interventions including fisheries management reforms, conservation measures and pollution control.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2011

CLME Spiny Lobster Pilot Project Area (OSPESCA)
Author: CLME PCU
Keywords: spiny lobster

CLME Suggested Priority Actions – Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
This document is designed to bridge the work of the TDA with the SAP development. It provides preliminary ideas for inclusion in the SAP but clearly it is the expectation that the SAP formulation will undertake detailed reviews and assessments of alternatives for further action. The expected actions will address short, medium and long-term requirements to address the causes of the transboundary problems identified in this TDA. It also should be emphasised that this Regional TDA provides a summary of the details included in the three fisheries ecosystem TDAs and these latter documents (together with the Governance Analysis report) will be the main sources of reference for formulating the SAP.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2011

CLME Thematic Report for the Central/South American Sub-Region
This Thematic Report outlines the key transboundary living marine resources issues for the Central/South American sub-region, their environmental impacts, socio-economic consequences, major causes, knowledge gaps, and proposes options for addressing these problems. For the purposes of this report, the Central/South American sub-region is considered as the marine area bounded by Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico (Quintana Roo), Colombia and Venezuela. The report provides information on productivity, fishes and fisheries, pollution and ecosystem health, socio-economics and governance.
Author: Martinez, S.
Year: 2007

CLME Thematic Report for the Guianas–Brazil Sub-Region
This Thematic Report outlines the key transboundary living marine resources issues for the Guianas–Brazil sub-region, the root causes and potential options for addressing them. For the purpose of this Report, the Guianas–Brazil sub-region is viewed as the marine area comprised of the North Brazil Large Marine Ecosystem and the Gulf of Paria. This area is bordered by Brazil (states of Amapá, Pará, Maranhão), French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, the southeastern part of Venezuela and Trinidad (Republic of Trinidad and Tobago).
Author: Phillips, T.
Year: 2007

CLME Thematic Report for the Insular Caribbean Sub-Region
This Thematic Report outlines the key transboundary living marine resources issues for the Insular Caribbean Sub-Region. The Insular Caribbean is represented as three distinct groups of islands: The Bahamas; the Greater Antilles, consisting of the larger islands of Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico; and the Lesser Antilles, composed of the smaller islands.
Author: Heileman, S.
Year: 2007

CLME+ Sub‐Project # 2: EAF for the Shrimp and Groundfish Fishery
Author: CLME+
Keywords: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries for the Shrimp and Groundfish fishery EAF EAF, Shrimp and groundfish

CLME+ C-SAP Strategies and Actions
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems