Displaying 893 results.

NBS Mangrove Project: Regional Biophysical Review
This report provides a synthesis of current understanding of the physical processes and hydrodynamic mechanisms that support mangrove development across the NBS. This synthesis is intended as a key technical input to orientate planning and awareness building for conservation and restoration measures across the mangrove forests of the NBS region and as a means to explore development options in the region that conserve (vs disrupt) natural processes. It aims to ensure the sustainable use and providence of critical ecosystem goods and services (e.g. natural heritage, fisheries, carbon storage and coastal defenses to local communities). The focal area is Guyana and Suriname, with reference to the neighboring and connected mangrove systems of Brazil (Amapá State) and French Guiana. It includes a description of the factors that shape mangrove environments, the hydrodynamic and physical processes essential to mangrove environments and the feedback processes that maintain mangrove environments.
Author: Conservation International
Year: 2019
Keywords: mangroves

NBS Review of the effectiveness of existing coastal restoration efforts in Guyana Final Report
This study was conducted to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the mangrove restoration activities conducted within Guyana 2010 -2018. It specifically addressed relevant literature and data relating to work completed in country on mangrove restoration and establishing that the restoration activities were conducted. It also assessed the efficiency and effectiveness of restoration activities using key ecological indicators. In addition, the report forecasted that future of sustainable mangrove restoration in Guyana.
Author: Bovell, O.
Keywords: mangroves

NBS State of Mangroves in Guyana
The study of mangroves has become increasingly popular in Guyana. There are notable studies that have been done on mangrove species and on the mangrove ecosystems as a whole. However, due to the dynamics and vastness of these ecosystems, mangrove research is much more than meets the eye. This report examined the state of mangroves in Guyana including completed, ongoing, and planned research projects. Though there have been fragmented reports of mangroves existing in Guyana as early as the 1800s, there is a serious lack of anecdotal and empirical evidence to support this and the situations that existed then. From the synthesis study, it was also noted that there were satisfactory attempts to examine the avifauna of mangrove forests, along with fish assemblages. Additionally, there were valiant attempts to assess the relationship between mangroves and climate change, and factors affecting mangrove forests, particularly sedimentation. The economic valuation of mangrove forests is almost non-existent locally, so this is a priority and crucial point for research. The scope for advanced research in all the areas discussed in this report is wide and once research gaps are disseminated, there is a large possibility of filling these gaps over a period of time.
Author: Conservation International
Year: 2018
Keywords: mangroves

NBS State of mangroves in Guyana: An analysis of research gaps, and recommendations
This documents contains an analysis of research gaps and recommendations for the state of mangroves in Guyana. The analysis focus its attention on the following topics: Brief history, classification, taxonomy, and distribution of mangroves in Guyana, legal framework for mangroves in Guyana, flora and fauna of mangrove forests in Guyana, mangroves and climate change, factors affecting mangroves and their response to natural stresses, productivity of mangrove ecosystems, community participation and efforts in conservation, the rehabilitation and restoration of mangroves in Guyana and economic valuation of mangrove forests.
Author: Conservation International
Year: 2019
Keywords: mangroves

NDC Partnership
This maps shows the members of the NDC Partnership
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2021
Keywords: NDC Partnership

Ninth Session Of IOC Sub-Commission For The Caribbean And Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
In accordance with Rule of Procedure 48.3, IOCARIBE, as a regional subsidiary body of IOC, is required to report to a Governing Body on its sessions.
The Executive Council at its 39th Session will be invited to consider the Executive Summary as presented in the Action Paper (IOC/EC-XXXIX/2 Prov.) and by the Chairman of the Sub-commission in plenary as well as the recommendations contained in this document.
Year: 2006

North Brazil Shelf Mangrove Project – Blue Carbon Feasibility Assessment Executive Summary
Blue carbon ecosystems, which are coastal vegetated ecosystems including mangroves, tidal wetlands, and seagrass beds, sequester significant amounts of carbon within the soil for tens to thousands of years. In addition to carbon storage, blue carbon ecosystems offer many ecosystem services, including habitat and nurseries for fish, birds, invertebrates, and mammals, shoreline protection, and land building capacity, among many others. Once disturbed and drained, the substantial soil carbon stores can be released at significant rates. These ecosystems also will be significantly impacted by predicted accelerated sea-level rise, especially if abutting hardened structures. This Blue Carbon Feasibility Assessment presents current data specifically on mangrove distributions, carbon stocks, and deforestation in Guyana and Suriname along the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NBS-LME), and outlines the methodologies and feasibility of developing carbon finance projects.
Author: Conservational International

Ocean Currents of the Wider Caribbean Region
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Ocean Currents of the Wider Caribbean Region

Ocean Governance OECS SOMEE Shapshot Short
This documentary is presented to you by The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project.
Author: OECS
Year: 2020
Keywords: Ocean Governance OECS SOMEE Shapshot Short governance

Ocean Governance OECS SOMEE Snapshot Full
This documentary is presented to you by The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project.
Author: OECS
Year: 2020
Keywords: Ocean Governance OECS SOMEE Snapshot Full governance