Displaying 893 results.

State of the Marine Environment and associated Economies in the CLME+ region (SOMEE) reporting mechanism Information Booklet
This booklet introduces a unique and first ever regional mechanism for assessment and reporting on the state of the marine environment and how the marine environment contributes to socio-economic development and human wellbeing. This mechanism, the main outputs of which will be an integrated report and interactive online platform, has been called for by the countries and by Intergovernmental Organizations with a mandate for ocean governance in the region. The aim of this booklet is to raise awareness about and increase stakeholder buy-in for the SOMEE mechanism. A description of the building blocks for the SOMEE mechanism, the assessment approach, and report outline is followed by examples of the kind of contents to be expected in the SOMEE report.
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2019

Status and Trends of Caribbean Coral Reefs: 1970-2012
This is the 9th status report since the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN) was founded in 1995 as the data arm of the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) to document the ecological condition of coral reefs, strengthen monitoring efforts, and link existing organizations and people working on reefs worldwide.
Author: Jackson, JBC., Donovan., MK, Cramer., KL, and Lam VV.
Year: 2014

Status Of Billfish Resources And Billfish Fisheries In The Western Central Atlantic
This desk review considered over 100 pertinent documents on the subject matter and 74 of them (Cited literature) were selected for their critical contents. Three main billfish species have been assessed by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT): blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish. ICCAT is responsible for the statistical and
biological data collected for billfish stock assessments and for the modeling approaches adopted to assess status of exploitation.
Billfish are caught as bycatch in large Atlantic tuna fisheries. This review finds that billfish resources have been subjected to intense exploitation in the tuna and tuna like fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean for more than six decades, and as consequence billfish resources appear depleted, overfished and/or undergoing overfishing.
Author: Enrhardt, N., and Fitchett, M.
Year: 2016
Keywords: Billfish Resources Fisheries western central atlantic fisheries, marine habitats

Status of Coral Reefs In The Mesoamerican Region
This Document makes a description of the status of the coral reefs in the mesoamerican region, taking in mind that:
-The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS/MAR) region has received increasing recent attention as a priority for international conservation organizations to provide more research and conservation effort;
-Human and natural threats are continuing, resulting in declining reef condition;
-Live coral cover has declined greatly while chronic human stresses escalate, in parallel with environmental changes and natural events. Coral cover on some reefs has declined by more than 50%;
– A 2006 comprehensive survey of 326 representative reefs revealed regional coral cover averaging 11% (11% Belize, 7.5% Mexico Yucatan, and 14.4% Honduras & Guatemala combined); but some sites have higher cover;
– Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) project found coral cover from 11–26% at 13 strategically selected sites from 2004–2005 (most/all within MPAs); 96 new surveys in 2007 to 2008 on shallow fore-reefs (2–5 m) in 6 Belize regions showed coral cover of 13%; total fish biomass had declined (average 49.8g per m2); – — – coral and fish abundances are below the Caribbean average;
– Low coral cover indicates that reefs have not recovered from the 1998 bleaching and Hurricane Mitch;
– It is urgent to develop measures to increase reef resilience and lobby for stronger protection of reefs in good health
Author: Garcia, M., Nava, G., Bood, N., Mcfield, M., Molina, A., Yañez, B., Jacobs, N., Shank, B., Vasquez, M., Majil, I., Cubas, A., Dominguez, J., and. Arrivillaga, A.
Year: 2008
Keywords: coral reefs

Status of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) by Effort in the Wider Caribbean
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2019
Keywords: Status of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) by Effort in the Wider Caribbean

Status of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Wider Caribbean Map
This map illustrates the status of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in the Wider Caribbean as of December 2019. The map shows the areas where MSP is in the pre-planning phase; in the analysis phase for planning; with the management plan completed; with the management plan implemented or where status is unknown.
Year: 2019

Status of National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs)
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Status of National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs)

Status of National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs)
Author: CLME+ PCU
Keywords: Status of National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs)

Status of National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs) Map
This map illustrates the status of the National Intersectoral Mechanism in the Wider Caribbean Region as of July 2019. A National Intersectoral Mechanism is a mechanisms that involves stakeholders comprehensively: State actors – government agencies, parastatal bodies; Non-state actors – NGOs, CBOs and academia; Private sector – from small to large enterprise. It’s also a mechanism for regular review, evaluation, learning and adaptation (for efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness); and serves to integrate sectors and actors involved in marine affairs at the national level.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2019

Status Overview of WECAFC countries fishery statistics data submission to FAO
Author: WECAFC
Keywords: Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group