Strategy for mainstreaming EBM-EAF in the CLME+ Region - CLME+ HUB

Strategy for mainstreaming EBM-EAF in the CLME+ Region

This strategy is not a separate undertaking. It extracts and summarises the already agreed activities and tasks under all other relevant outputs, but particularly the sub-projects, overall communication strategy and knowledge sharing. Different partners are responsible for these. The field initiatives include UNEP-led EBM sub-project, CRFM-led flyingfish sub-project, OSPESCA-led lobster sub-project, FAO-led shrimp and groundfish sub-project and OECS-led oceanscape that have the potential to practically demonstrate EBM-EAF and document good practices in addition to communicating and conceptualising the practices.  The overall governance, sustainable financing, knowledge sharing, research agenda, P-SAP and C-SAP all facilitate institutional mainstreaming. Success will require good leadership in implementing EBM-EAF at all levels, and at all times, in this work and in the institutional arrangements that guide, learn and adapt.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
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