Mandates, structure, membership, work plans, meetings and achievements of the interim coordination mechanisms, and proposals and progress towards the creation of a permanent regional mechanism for ocean governance, and of a broader association of key actors.

” Interactive Governance ” 

Is “the whole of interactions (among societal actors) taken to solve societal problems and to create societal opportunities”

Improvements in ocean governance at national, sub-regional and regional levels are vital for a successful achievement of SDG14 and other ocean-related SDGs.  The 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme  (2015-2025) explicitly acknowledges weaknesses in ocean governance as one of the main root causes of ongoing degradation of the marine environment.

Given the high levels of fragmentation of ocean-related efforts in the wider Caribbean, the development of effective regional integrating and coordinating mechanisms is critically needed.

With the support of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project, 2 interim Coordination Mechanisms have been created, while the region works towards defining a Permanent Ocean Governance Coordination Mechanism and a prospective wide-ranging Partnership


The CLME+ SAP Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM)


The CLME+ SAP ICM was formally established in 2017, through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by 8 Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGO’s) with an Oceans-related Mandate in the Wider Caribbean.

The ICM responds to a call for action under the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP Strategy 3), and decision of the 1st Meeting of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee, held in 2016.

Through an addendum of the MoU constituting the ICM its members extended the lifespan of the mechanism beyond the end date of the CLME+ Project (Oct 31st, 2021) and officially welcomed UN ECLAC as a new member of the ICM.


The ICM will enhance regional coordination and collaboration, and support oversight and integration of actions for sustainable fisheries and for the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment. ICM will further promote the up-scaling of actions by all sectors of society, to achieve the long-term vision of the CLME+ SAP  of “Healthy Marine Ecosystems that Provide Benefits and Livelihoods for the Peoples of the region”

CLME+ SAP ICM MoU Document: You are invited to find more information about the ICM in the CLME+ SAP MoU

Addendum to the CLME+ SAP ICM MoU: please click here to acess the Addendum. 

CLME+ SAP ICM Terms of Reference (ToRs): Please click here to gain acces to the ICM ToRs


The ICM:

  1. Contributes to the coordinated implementation of the CLME+ SAP;
  2. Monitors and evaluates, and reports on SAP implementation, with a focus on (a) habitat degradation; (b) pollution; and (c) unsustainable fisheries while giving due attention to climate change

The ICM thereby

  • Contribute to consolidate the framework for Regional Ocean Governance in the CLME+ region
  • Leads the reporting on the “State of the Marine Ecosystems and associated Economies” (SOMEE) for the CLME+ region
  • Catalyzes the progressive expansion of the Global CLME+ Alliance and Partnership,
  • Promotes coordinated communication, data and information sharing and dissemination of information
  • Develops, review, revise and report back to their constituencies on the implementation of functions under this CLME+ SAP MoU




The CLME+ SAP ICM Chair and Co-Chair

Both the Chair and Co-chair of the CLME+ SAP ICM are elected by a simple majority of the members and serve for a period of two years. As per a decision of the members of the ICM at the twelfth meeting of the mechanism held on September 7 and 8, 2021, the chairmanship and vice-chairmanchip currently exercised by the  IOCARIBE of IOC of UNESCO and the UNEP CEP was extended until October 31st, 2021.

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO-IOC)  has exercised the role of Chair of the ICM since July 2019 and is foreseen to continue in this role until the end of October 2021.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) represents by its Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit has exercised the role of Co-chair of the ICM since July 2019 and is foreseen to continue in this role until the end of October 2021. 

The ICM Secretariat

The Project Coordination Unit of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project acted as the Secretariat of the ICM until the end of the CLME+ Project (31st of October 2021).
Starting November 1st, 2021, the IOCARIBE of the IOC of UNESCO and the UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ PPG Phase Coordination Unit will jointly assume the responsibilities of the Secretariat of the ICM until the end of the PROCARIBE+ PPG phase scheduled for June 2022. For more information, please contact

Contact List of all ICM Members and Observers

As per a decision of the ICM, a list of contacts of all member organizations and observers with its respective main focal points can be accessed here.  (Access is restricted to ICM members only)




The ICM and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

The ICM will support the countries of the CLME+ region in their efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG 14 (“to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”), and other relevant international commitments.




1st Meeting28 October 2015Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
2nd Meeting8-9 September, 2016Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
3rd Meeting25-26 May, 2017Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
4th Meeting15-17 August 2018Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
5th Meeting29 July – 2 AugustPanama City, PanamaSummary of the Meeting
6th Meeting16-17 September 2019Cartagena de Indias, ColombiaSummary of the Meeting
7th Meeting18-30 March 2020Virtual MeetingSummary of the Meeting
8th Meeting21-22 September 2020Virtual MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Decisions 
Summary of the Meeting
9th Meeting1-2 December 2020 Virtual MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Decisions
Meeting Report
10th Meeting16 and 18 February 2021Virtual MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Decisions
11th Meeting 15, 16 and 29 June 2021Virtual Meeting Meeting Agenda
Meeting Decisions
Summary of the Meeting
12th Meeting 7 and 8 September 2021Virtual Meeting Meeting Agenda
Meeting Decisions


ICM Work Programme for the September 2020 – October 2021 period

The ICM Work Programme” list the issues on which Strategic Discussion & Decision-making by the representatives of the ICM Members and Secretariat is required (with associated timeline). The current Work Programme covers the period September 2020 – October 2021, thus listing all matters to be dealt with by the ICM between now and October 2021.

Kindly access the programme using this link.

*Access restricted to ICM members only*

ICM 2020-21 Work Plan

The ICM Work Plan” lists the activities (i.e. the “real work”) to be undertaken by the ICM Membership and Secretariat. As the content of the Work Plan is derived from and based on the decisions and recommendations from the ICM representatives, it covers the same time period as the Work Programme (which currently is: September 2020 – October 2021)

Access this Work Plan by clicking here.

*Access restricted to ICM members only*

ICM Decisions Tracker

The “ICM Decisions Tracker” list all decisions made by the ICM members in each of the meetings of the mechanism to date. To access the decisions tracker please click here


ICM inter-sessional work and pre-decision making platform

The CLME+ ICM agreed to use an online platform that could facilitate the inter-sessional work ahead of the virtual meetings. Since ICM8, the mechanism uses the Loomio platform to share documents, proposals, gather impressions from all its members and promote a pre-decision making process.

To access Loomio, please click here.

*Access restricted to ICM members only*


ICM programmatic approach in support of the CLME+ Vision

The “ICM programmatic approach in support of the CLME+ Vision” lists the well-coordinated projects and initiatives towards achieving the CLME+ SAP vision.

To access the list of projects, please click here.

*Access restricted to ICM members only*


CLME+ ICM Materials Folder

All in one place. Access all ICM related documents and materials, such as the ICM MOU, Rules & Procedures, Work Programme, Work Plan and Meeting Reports and Decisions documents and much more.

To access the folder, please click here.

*Access restricted to ICM members only*

ICM Branding Materials

To guarantee the proper usage of the CLME+ ICM brand. The membership has agreed to use a variety of options for its official logo, a common tagline and other resources that can be found here. In case of any doubts or special brand related query, please contact the ICM Secretariat at:
*Access restricted to ICM members only*

*This section is under construction and will be regularly updated to reflect the ongoing work of the ICM. Please come back regularly!

This section will be progressively developed to highlight the achievements of the Interim Coordination Mechanism.

As part of the efforts towards supporting countries in the CLME+ region in dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICM has developed a Briefing Paper entitled “Recommendations for a Sustainable and Equitable Ocean Economic Recovery and Improved Resilience in a Post COVID-19”. The document is available in English and Spanish.

In addition, a preliminary analysis of the achievements of the ICM was conducted in the following early assessment report produced in 2019.

The Interim Fisheries Coordination Mechanism (IFCM)

The establishment of the IFCM is a recognition of the commitment to CLME+ SAP Vision.

“Healthy marine ecosystems in the CLME+ Region that are adequately valued and protected through robust, integrative and inclusive governance arrangements at regional, subregional, national and local levels, which in turn effectively enable adaptive management that maximizes, in a sustainable manner, the provision of goods and services in support of enhanced livelihoods and human well-being”

The CLME+ IFCM establishment was a call from the CLME+ SAP Under Strategy 2, Action 2.1(A), especially requesting the creation of an interim fisheries coordination arrangement for sustainable fisheries development. 


To enhance the regional governance for sustainable fisheries, facilitate, support, and strengthen the coordination of actions among the organizations for sustainable fisheries in the Wester Central Atlantic Region.

To read more on the IFCM please download the IFCM MoU here

To access the Amendment to Fisheries ICM MoU please click here


  • To promote coordination and cooperation in identified priorities in the CRFM OSPESCA Joint Action Plan, including the technical Working Groups;
  • To collaborate to ensure a free flow of mutually useful information and data concerning fish stocks, fisheries activities and the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems.
  • To facilitate the work among the members of the Parties towards harmonization
  • To cooperate with relevant scientific and fisheries management projects
  • To establish reciprocal observer arrangements 
  • To share reports of their sessions and meetings of their subsidiary bodies and projects that are relevant for each other’s work



The IFCM Work Plan is a living document that is regularly updated. Please click here to see its latest update.


1st Meeting3 September 2015Bridgetown, BarbadosSummary of the Meeting
2nd Meeting2 December 2015Summary of the Meeting
3rd Meeting24 June 2016Guadeloupe, French IslandSummary of the Meeting
4th Meeting28 February 2017Bridgetown, BarbadosSummary of the Meeting
5th Meeting2 October 2017Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
6th Meeting23 March 2018Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicSummary of the Meeting
7th Meeting18 August 2018Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicSummary of the Meeting
8th Meeting27 March 2019Bridgetown, BarbadosSummary of the Meeting
9th Meeting19 July 2019Miami, USASummary of the Meeting
10th Meeting21 May 2020TeleconferenceSummary of the Meeting

*This section is under construction and will be regularly updated to reflect the ongoing work of the IFCM. Please come back regularly! 

This section will be progressively developed to highlight the achievements of the Interim Coordination Mechanism. Currently, we provide a link to the early assessment report produced in 2019. Problema
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The constituting Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will enable the creation of an Ocean Coordination Mechanism (OCM) for the wider Caribbean was finalised at the last UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting held on 11-12 October 2021, marking an end to five year regional negotiations on the matter. This historic meeting was attended by representatives from twenty-five States and Territories and fifteen Organizations from the Wider Caribbean region.

The landmark decision on the MoU has now cleared the road towards a multi-stakeholder platform that will allow to convene and discuss, plan and coordinate actions to restore and protect the region’s marine assets, in support of sustainable ocean-based economies and climate-resilient development.

The next steps include the reconciliation of the text in Spanish and French to ensure that all languages of the MoU are equally valid. After the completion of the language reconciliation, the MoU will be open for signature by the States, Territories and Intergovernmental Organizations from the Wider Caribbean region listed in Annex 1 of the MoU. The signatures from a minimum of twenty three countries and Intergovernmental Organizations are required to enable the Coordination Mechanism to become operational. A counter has been installed on the homepage of the CLME+ Hub ( that will allow progress towards this target (see the “Interactive Timeline” section on the homepage).

The CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) acts as the custodian of the MoU text and will be responsible to collect all signatures thereto, until the Mechanism becomes established. Since the 1st of November 2021, the IOCARIBE of the IOC of UNESCO and the UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ PPG Phase Coordination Unit will jointly assume the responsibilities of the Secretariat of the ICM until the end of the PROCARIBE+ Project Preparation Phase (PPG) scheduled for June 2022.

The CM will seek to enhance collaboration and coordination for the conservation and sustainable use of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. In connection to this decision, members of the Steering Committee decided in key aspects of this Coordination Mechanism, which was requested under Action 3.2 of SAP CLME+

Virtual Meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee, 16 – 18 June 2020

The CLME+ Project Steering Committee:

Having convened the intersessional UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting virtually utilizing the Kudo Meeting Platform from 16-18 June, with a total of 114 participants representing 22 countries and 16 organizations and Chaired by Panama with the Deputy Chairperson from Trinidad and Tobago and the Rapporteur from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;

Noting the Declaration of the Delegation of Colombia relative to the decisions of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee on the Coordination Mechanism.

Click here to read the declaration.

Have convened in the following recommendations and decisions related to the Coordination Mechanism;

Decisions on the core aspects:


  1. Reiterates the importance of proceeding with the setting-up of a Coordination Mechanism

  2. Supports and endorses in principle the text included in document “PSC2006_AG5.1 Core Aspects of the Coordination Mechanism” and recognizes that further refinement may be needed as the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is further negotiated.

Decisions on the establishment of the agreement:


  1. Supports the use of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding as the preferred modality for expressing the intent to create the Coordination Mechanism
  2. Supports the formation of a drafting group, with representation from legal and technical expertise, to advance the work on the draft Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of the Coordination Mechanism
  3. Requests the CLME+ Project Coordination Unit (PCU) to issue a call for interest for participating in the MoU drafting group.


  1. Acknowledges the proposed process and tentative timeline towards the creation and operationalisation of the Coordination Mechanism as presented by the CLME+ Project Coordination Unit (PCU) and as reflected in document “PSC2006_AI5.3 Process and Tentative Timeline
  2. Acknowledges the debriefing of the CLME+ PCU on the preliminary call for expressions of interest to host the secretariat of the Coordination Mechanism, noting an expression of interest submitted by the Government of Honduras


This virtual meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee had the participation of the following members and observers.

Virtual Meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee, 20 – 21 October 2020

The CLME+ Project Steering Committee:

Having convened the intersessional UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee Meeting virtually utilizing the Kudo Meeting Platform from 20 – 21 October, with a total of 90 participants representing 20 countries and 15 organizations and Chaired by Trinidad and Tobago;

Agreed on the following recommendations and decisions related to the Coordination Mechanism.

The Steering Committee:

Agenda Item 4: Report on the Work Undertaken by the Drafting Group on the draft Coordination Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding

  1. Commends the CLME+ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Drafting Group for its work undertaken in reviewing and making recommendations on the draft Coordination Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding.

Agenda Item 6: Review, discussion and possible advancement towards consensus on the Draft Coordination Mechanism MoU

  1. Acknowledges the advancements towards consensus on the text of the draft Coordination Mechanism MoU during this special PSC meeting.
  2. Urges the countries and organisations that have not yet engaged their legal advisors in the development of the MoU to commence that process immediately.
  3. Intends to further engage towards achieving consensus on the Coordination Mechanism MoU text, and requests the CLME+ PCU to support this process aiming to achieve a technically and legally cleared document by CLME+ Project End
  4. Calls upon the CLME+ PCU to consider the possibility of organising a consultation to further review and refine the draft MoU prior to the next ordinary meeting of the PSC

Agenda Item 7: Timeline towards the creation of the Coordination Mechanism

  1. Supports the proposed process and tentative timeline towards the creation and operationalisation of the Coordination Mechanism as presented by the CLME+ Project Coordination Unit (PCU) and as reflected in document “PSC2010_AI7 – Timeline towards the creation of the Coordination Mechanism”


This virtual meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee had the participation of the following members and observers.

Virtual Meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee, 23 – 25 February 2021

The CLME+ Project Steering Committee:

Having convened the Third and Final Regular Meeting of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee virtually utilizing the Kudo Meeting Platform from 23-25 February, 2021, with a total of 109 participants representing 31 States and Territories and 13 organizations, Chaired by The Bahamas, with the Deputy Chair from Honduras,

Agreed on the following recommendations and decisions related to the Coordination Mechanism.

The Steering Committee:

Technical endorsement of the Coordination Mechanism MoU:

Sub Agenda Item 4a: Final fine-tuning and technical endorsement of the Coordination Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding

1. Noting an emerging consensus on the text of this draft Memorandum of Understanding,

2. Technically endorses the content of the Memorandum of Understanding Enabling the Creation of a Coordination
Mechanism to Support Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems and the associated Annex 1 as contained in documents PSC2102 AI4 – Coordination Mechanism draft MoU and PSC2102 AI4 – Annex 1: Potential Signatories for MoU Commencement

3. Notes that the way forward will include the following steps:

4. Requests the CLME+ Project Coordination Unit (PCU), with support from interested Project Steering Committee Members, to conduct a language reconciliation assessment of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure consistency with language in the English and Spanish versions and share the revised version with the Project Steering Committee by 20 March 2021

5. Encourages States, Territories and Inter-governmental organisations listed in Annex I to the MoU to submit the document to their legal departments for review to allow for the finalization and subsequent opening for signature of the Coordination Mechanism MoU and to submit any comments/recommendations, including those aimed at resolving the pending issue related to paragraph 3 of the MoU, to the CLME+ PCU at their earliest convenience, but no later than end of April 2021. In that process, States, Territories and Inter-governmental organisations are invited to verify if they are satisfied that the MoU as drafted will suffice to allow the Coordination Mechanism and its Secretariat to operate efficiently and effectively in
discharging their functions and achieving their objectives, noting in particular the omission of text on the legal personality
of the Coordination Mechanism.

6. Requests the PCU to convene a special Meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee with the aim of achieving finalization and opening for signature of the Coordination Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding before the end of June 2021.

Sub Agenda Item 4b: Operationalizing the Coordination Mechanism

7. Acknowledges that it is up to each State and Territory to determine who would sign the MOU on their behalf and who will represent them in the Steering Group.

8. Recommends that, when considering who would sign the MOU, States and Territories consider high-level officials whose purviews cover the functions of the Coordination Mechanisms as outlined in the MOU.

9. Acknowledges that the representation of each State and Territory at the Coordination Mechanism Steering Group should be such that it will facilitate the successful achievement of the goals and objectives of the Coordination Mechanism, and enable adequate articulation among regional-level and national-level ocean coordination processes, such as e.g. those undertaken by National Inter-sectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs).

10. Acknowledges in the context of the latter (a) the importance of well-functioning NICs, as well as (b) the progress made by States and Territories from the region throughout the CLME+ Project towards achieving such well-functioning NICs, and (c) encourages States and Territories to continue working towards the strengthening of national-level ocean coordination processes.

11. Acknowledges the importance of simultaneously and expeditiously moving towards the commencement of both the PROCARIBE+ Project and the Coordination Mechanism, to enable the prompt and successful operationalization of the Coordination Mechanism.

12. Indicates preliminary support for the following approach towards achieving short, medium and long-term sustainability of the Coordination Mechanism, while acknowledging the Steering Group of the Coordination Mechanism may revisit and adjust the approach, and taking into account that a number of States and Territories have voiced their opposition to mandatory financial contributions:

  • Short & medium-term (2021/2-2027):
    ○ Coordination Mechanism Secretariat and other Organs operate (largely) with financial support from the PROCARIBE+ Project
    ○ PROCARIBE+ Project period used to demonstrate and evaluate CM added value
    ○ CM considers a range of options and decides, prior to PROCARIBE+ Project end, on post-Project financing mechanism(s)
  • Long-term (2027 and beyond):
    ○ Deployment of sustainable financing mechanism(s) endorsed by the Coordination Mechanism Steering Group.

13. While recognizing the relevance of inter-governmental coordination, also acknowledges the importance of actions by all sectors of society, and as such reiterates its support for broad stakeholder partnerships.

14. Requests that the CLME+ PCU solicit proposals for names for the Coordination Mechanism and survey participants regarding preference.


This virtual meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee had the participation of the following members and observers.

Virtual Meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee, 11 – 12 October 2021

Having convened a Special Meeting of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee virtually utilizing the “Congress Rental Network” teleconferencing Platform from 11 – 12 October, 2021, with a total of 98 participants representing 25 States and Territories and 15 Organizations, Chaired by The Bahamas, with the Deputy Chair from Honduras

Agreed on the following recommendations and decisions related to the Coordination Mechanism.

The Steering Committee:


Sub Agenda Item 3a: Overview of approach adopted since last PSC Meeting towards gathering and compiling comments un the draft MoU

1.Acknowledges the approach utilised by the CLME+ PCU, in gathering and compiling the comments, suggestions and requests by States, Territories and Intergovernmental Organizations emanating from their final (legal) review of the text of the draft “Memorandum of Understanding Enabling the Creation of a Coordination Mechanism to Support Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” (“the MoU” or the “coordination mechanism MoU”), whose content had been previously technically endorsed at the February 2021 CLME+ Final Regular Steering Committee Meeting

Sub Agenda Item 3b: Overview and status of comments received on the draft MoU text

2. Takes note of the overview and status of comments, suggestions and requests received, and the approach utilised by the CLME+ Project Coordination Unit in dealing with such comments, suggestions and requests.

Sub Agenda Item 3c: Addressing remaining comments

3. Acknowledges the efforts undertaken by the Steering Committee to resolve any outstanding issues relative to the MoU, with the aim of enabling full and satisfactory finalization of the MoU at the Meeting.

Sub Agenda Item 3d: Other requirements for finalizing the MoU

4. Takes note of the efforts undertaken by the CLME+ PCU to facilitate inputs and comments, and the indication of preferences, if any, on possible names for the coordination mechanism.

5. Recommends that a decision on a name for the coordination mechanism can be made by the organs of the coordination mechanism, once the MoU has commenced and the coordination mechanism decision-making processes are operational.

Finalisation of the Coordination Mechanism MoU

Sub Agenda Item 3e: Finalisation of MoU and Annex

6. Provisionally finalizes on the 12th day of October 2021, the MoU and its associated “Annex 1”, as contained in Document “211004 – Coordination Mechanism draft MoU EN & SP and Annex 1: Potential Country & IGO Signatories” and decides to open the MoU for signature, subject to language reconciliation.

7. Accepts UNEP’s gracious offer to conduct a language reconciliation, and requests that they expeditiously carry this out, taking into account any inputs received and subject to the absence of objections from prospective Signatories, through the services of UN certified translators, of the French and Spanish versions of the MoU text to ensure that the English, French and Spanish versions of the MoU are equally valid, prior to the opening for signature of the MoU.

8. Requests the CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) Secretariat to communicate to all States, Territories and IGOs listed in Annex 1 any relevant deadlines in this regard.

9. Requests the CLME+ ICM Secretariat to announce the Opening for Signature of the MoU to all CLME+ PSC Members as soon as the language reconciliation process described in the previous paragraph has concluded, while encouraging all IGO’s listed in Annex 1 to subsequently and formally inform their Constituents, at their earliest convenience and as applicable, of the Opening for Signature of the MoU.

Sub Agenda Item 3f: Operationalisation of the Coordination Mechanism: Next Steps/Timeline

10. Acknowledges (a) the relevance of swiftly operationalizing the coordination mechanism and (b) invites States, Territories and Inter-Governmental Organisations listed in Annex 1 to sign the MoU as soon as possible after the MoU is open for signature to ensure its prompt commencement, noting that the coordination mechanism MoU is expected to commence on the date that a minimum of twenty-three (23) potential Signatories, including no fewer than seventeen (17) States or Territories and six (6) IGOs, have signed the MoU.

11. Acknowledges the role of the Secretariat of the CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) as (interim) Custodian of the coordination mechanism MoU and of the signatures thereto, pursuant to Paragraph 36 of the coordination mechanism MoU, provisionally finalized by the PSC.

12. Takes note of the importance of ICM Members formalizing, prior to 31 October 2021, the extension of the ICM lifespan beyond the CLME+ Project End Date.

13. Further takes note of June 2021 Decision ICM11D1.2 of the ICM, through which all ICM Member IGO’s reaffirm their commitment to continue participating in the ICM beyond the CLME+ Project End Date.

14. Therefore urges all ICM Member IGO’s who have not yet done so, to proceed with the signature, prior to the CLME+ Project End Date, of the CLME+ ICM MOU Addendum that will extend the ICM lifespan.

15. Acknowledges the approval of the UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Concept Note (PIF) at the June 2021 GEF Council Meeting, as well as the PIF’s endorsement to date by 18 GEF Operational Focal Points.

16. Further acknowledges the provisions in the PROCARIBE+ PIF for enabling the short-term operationalization of the coordination mechanism with the financial support of the PROCARIBE+ Project, as recommended in Decision 12 from the February 2021 CLME+ Project Steering Committee (PSC).

17. More specifically, acknowledges the provision under the PROCARIBE+ PIF for the PROCARIBE+ Project Coordination Unit to function as the initial/interim coordination Mechanism Secretariat, and endorses the further development and implementation of such cost-effective, short-term financial solution through the PROCARIBE+ Project Document.

18. Reaffirms the importance of simultaneously and expeditiously moving towards operationalizing the PROCARIBE+ Project and commencing the coordination mechanism MoU, noting that the PROCARIBE+ Project is anticipated to financially support the coordination mechanism and its organs.

19. Notes the proposed roadmap and (short) timeline for finalizing the detailed UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project Document and other documents for submission to the GEF Secretariat.

20. Recommends that States, Territories and Intergovernmental Organisations from the region therefore support the efforts aiming at ensuring the successful and timely finalization and submission to the GEF Agency and Donor of the Project Document and other documents.

21. Invites interested GEF eligible countries from the region who have not done so yet, to consider submitting a GEF Operational Focal Point Endorsement Letter for the PROCARIBE+ PIF at their earliest convenience, to formalize their participation in the Project.

Adoption of the  MoU and formal opening for signature

Sub Agenda Item 5b: Adoption of the MoU and formal opening for signature.

27. Provisionally finalizes, subject to language reconciliation, the “Memorandum of Understanding Enabling the Creation of a Coordination Mechanism to Support Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” and the associated “Annex 1” as constituting the Memorandum of Understanding to enable the commencement and operationalization of the ocean coordination mechanism called for under Strategy 3, Action 3.3, of the “Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” (the CLME+ SAP).


This virtual meeting of the CLME+ Project Steering Committee had the participation of the following members and observers.

The Objectives of the Coordination Mechanism are as follows:

  1. To support regional collaboration towards a coordinated approach to the conservation and sustainable use of the marine and coastal ecosystems and their goods and services;
  2. To support  coordinated and interactive ocean governance in support of attaining ocean-based sustainable development;
  3. To promote actions towards the achievement of the long-term vision [articulated in ] the CLME+ SAP, and other ocean-related international and regional goals and commitments of the Signatories;
  4. To promote partnerships with stakeholders from civil society and the private sector to facilitate and enhance efforts for the ecosystem based conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources and to support intersectoral coordination and collaboration.

Geographic Scope

The geographic scope of the Coordination Mechanism (CM) includes the Caribbean LME and the North Brazil Shelf LME.

States, Territories and Intergovernmental Organizations listed in Annex 1 of the Coordination Mechanism Memorandum of Understanding will be able to sign-on to the CM.

Core functions:

1 – Facilitate programmatic coordination of ocean governance and support the monitoring of progress with ocean sustainability instruments, goals and commitments.

2 – Support the sustainable financing and coordinated resource mobilization for ocean governance.

3 – Facilitate the coordination of institutional and policy frameworks for ocean governance across multiple levels.

4 – Support, as requested,  national ocean governance, including national level coordination for oceans.

Complementary functions:

5 – Coordinate knowledge management and facilitate data and information sharing

6 – Coordinate outreach, awareness-raising, and stakeholder engagement

7 – Strengthen science-policy interfaces

8 – Explore new areas for collaboration (within IGO mandates)

9 – Engage in cooperation with the Gulf of Mexico LME.

Undertake such additional activities as may be  necessary to support the objectives of the Coordination Mechanism, as determined by the Signatories.

Governance of the Coordination Mechanism

The Coordination Mechanism will operate through three main organs:

  1. Steering Group composed of country representatives and the Chair of the Executive Group as a non voting Member
  2. Executive Group composed of IGO representatives (Chair of Steering Group may attend without decision-making capacity)
  3. Secretariat Director, and such other staff as the Coordination Mechanism may need. It is anticipated that in an initial phase the function of Secretariat will be exercised by the Project Coordination Unit of the forthcoming UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project.
  • Working Groups including experts and representatives from countries, IGO, non-state actors, academia etc. as necessary and appropriate


In the context of the activities of the CLME+ Project, an early proposal has been developed of what could be a “Global Partnership for the Sustainable Management, Use and Protection of the living marine resources of the CLME+/wider Caribbean region” (the “Partnership”). However, it is noted that this proposal needs to be further discussed, reviewed, and as applicable, revised by participants in the CLME+ Project.  This partnership is proposed to be an interactive, responsive, dynamic and evolving, voluntary non-legally binding long-term partnership arrangement for the stakeholders of the marine environment of the region.

Mission: To improve interactive and cooperative ocean governance, inter alia through integrated management of the shared living marine resources of the CLME+ region.

Goal: To facilitate the realization of the long-term vision of “healthy marine ecosystems that are adequately valued and protected through robust, integrative and inclusive governance arrangements at regional, sub-regional, national and local levels, effectively enabling adaptive management which maximizes, in a sustainable manner, the provision of goods and services in support of enhanced livelihoods and human well-being” in the CLME+ region, within a horizon of 15 to 20 years.


  • Strengthen consensus among partners on approaches and strategies for addressing the threats to the marine environment as well as their root causes, and to exploit and promote the exploitation of sustainable marine-based socio-economic development opportunities and goals; 
  • Build confidence through collaborative projects and programmes; 
  • Support inter-governmental organizations with a formal mandate for the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment of the CLME+ region in the implementation of these formal mandates and the successful execution of associated work programmes;
  • Reduce regional disparities in capacities for the sustainable ocean and marine resources governance and management;

It is anticipated that the Partnership will be open to membership by Governments, Governmental Institutions, Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGO’s), Civil Society, Private Sector, Academia, Communities and Influential Individuals, Financial Institutions and the Donor and Development Aid Community, at various levels.

Initially, the CLME+ SAP Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) is proposed to be at the core of this wider-ranging Partnership. In the near future, the ICM could then be replaced by -once established-  the Permanent Coordination Mechanism for integrated Ocean Governance.

Membership of the  Partnership could comprise interested and active stakeholders from within the CLME+/wider Caribbean region and from around the Globe who:

  • Subscribe to, and commit to actively, consistently and substantially contribute to the achievement of the long-term vision of a healthy marine environment that supports the livelihoods and well-being of the Peoples of the region; 
  • Acknowledge the need to embrace the concepts of, and support through their actions the adoption and implementation of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) and an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF);
  • Acknowledge the importance of, and commit to adhere to and apply and/or promote, to the extent possible, the key guiding principles for good living marine resources management formulated under the 2015-2025 CLME+ SAP;
  • Agree and commit to support and contribute, to the extent possible, to the implementation of CLME+ SAP Strategies and Priority Actions, and/or those of associated Programmes, Projects, and Initiatives, based on and in alignment with their formal mandates, skills & experience and /or comparative advantages;
  • Agree and commit to communicate on and coordinate such action with relevant Members of the Partnership, in particular relevant parties under the Core Membership.

In the inital stages, membership may be by invitation.

  • An ecosystem-based approach [to fisheries management] should be applied, which maintains key characteristics of ecosystems in a way that sustains species and ecological processes while supporting human use for economic or social purposes.
  • The principle of sustainable development should be applied such that there is a prudent and rational utilization of living resources and the preservation of the rights of future generations to a viable environment.
  • The principle of adaptive management should be applied such that there is a systematic, rigorous approach for deliberately learning from management actions with the intent to improve subsequent management policy or practice. The principles of good governance should be applied, including participation, the rule of law, transparency, accountability, responsiveness, consensus building, equity, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • The principle of subsidiarity should be applied.
  • Risk management should be applied


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