At its 60th Meeting, held from 14-18 June 2021, the GEF Council approved the new Work Program of the GEF Trust Fund, for a total value of US$281 million. Funds will be allocated to 33 projects and 3 programs around the world, including the new UNDP/GEF PROCARIBE+ Project. PROCARIBE+ is a regional initiative for Protecting and Restoring the Ocean’s Natural Capital, building Resilience and supporting region-wide Investments for sustainable Blue socio-Economic development in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CLME+ region).
The GEF Council approval on 18 June of the PROCARIBE+ Concept Note (PIF) marks the beginning of the PROCARIBE+ “PPG Phase”, during which the detailed Project Proposal Package will be developed together with the participating countries and (prospective) project partners.
On 14 and 15 July 2021, UNDP and the PROCARIBE+ PPG Coordination Unit organized the PROCARIBE+ PPG Preparatory Meeting. Please click here to access the materials (powerpoints, video recordings,…) from this meeting.
The PROCARIBE+ Project Aims at:
- Implementing integrated ocean management arrangements (regional and national)
- Enabling and developing sustainable and resilient ocean-based (blue) economies (through Marine Spatial Planning, marine conservation, sustainable fisheries and addressing land-based sources of pollution); while taking into account cross-cutting issues such as climate change, gender and post COVID-19 recovery.
- Catalysing the next iteration of key regional processes
such as the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) / Strategic Action Programme (SAP).
The PROCARIBE+ Project Identification Form (PIF) proposes 4 Project Components that will allow to advance matters pertaining to the fields of: regional coordination and collaboration, national capacity building, environmental stress reduction, blue economy, marine planning and conservation, sustainable fisheries, regional marine data infrastructure, and knowledge exchange. To access the Project Identification Form (PIF) please click here. A basic Project Profile is also available in the CLME+ Hub’s Projects Database.

The PROCARIBE+ PPG Coordination Unit has proposed the use of the Loomio Online Discussion Platform in combination with Google Suite (Google Docs, Google Drive, etc.) for discussions, polling, pre-decision making and the collaborative development of project documents during the Project Preparation process. Participants in the PROCARIBE+ PPG process can access (a) the Loomio Platform here and (b) the Google Suite folders here.