There is no Green without Blue - An analysis of the importance of coastal and marine resources to the development of Green Economies by Caribbean SIDS - CLME+ HUB

There is no Green without Blue – An analysis of the importance of coastal and marine resources to the development of Green Economies by Caribbean SIDS

A worldwide transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient Green Economy will not be possible unless the seas and oceans are a key part of these transformations. The marine environment provides a range of services including food security and climate regulation to nutrient cycling and storm protection. Despite these services, there has been increased degradation from inter alia pollution, overfishing and climate change. This affects the livelihoods of people who depend directly and indirectly on these coastal and marine ecosystems for goods, services and jobs. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a distinct group of developing countries facing specific social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities. The sustainable use of coastal and marine resources is a major challenge for SIDS and oceans and fisheries issues should be prioritized on any national and regional sustainable development agendas. The transformation of attitudes, behaviors and actions of their people.

Year: 2013
Author: Corbin, C.
Keywords: marine habitats
       8                          Report issue

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