Global International Waters Assessment – Regional assessment 3a Caribbean Sea/Small Islands
The GIWA assessment evaluated the relative importance of different impacts on the international aquatic system of the Small Islands subsystem. The environmental and socio-economic impacts were assessed for present and future conditions, and overall impacts and priorities were identified. The concerns for the Small Islands sub-system were ranked in the descending order: 1.Global change 2. Habitat and community modification 3. Pollution 4. Freshwater shortage 5. Unsustainable exploitation of fish and other living resources The GIWA assessment determined that the concern of Global change exerted the greatest impacts on the Small Islands sub-system. However, since it is an international concern addressed through other initiatives (e.g. the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), Habitat and community modifi cation was selected as the GIWA priority concern for further analysis in the Causal chain and Policy options analysis.