IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (2017–2026) - CLME+ HUB

IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (2017–2026)

The present IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (2017-2026) has been developed to fulfil IOC Resolution XXVIII-2 “IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015–2021” (IOC, 2015). The Science Plan takes into consideration the IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan 2005-2015 (IOCARIBE 2006), IOC Medium-Term Strategy 2014-2021 (IOC, 2014), and the IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015- 2021 (IOC, 2015). The objectives of the IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan are to: - Support strategic planning of IOCARIBE Member States in relation to the development of marine sciences, oceanic observations and associated services. - Facilitate a coherent management of regional programmes related to the marine-coastal environment and its resources. - Strengthen scientific basis supporting regional programmes Lines of Action of the Plan are: i) Oceans and Climate ii) Ocean Science, technology and sustainable use of Coastal and Ocean Resources with special emphasis on Large Marine Ecosystems and Integrated Coastal Area Management; iv) and Extreme Natural Hazards.

Year: 2017
Author: IOC Sub-commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE)
Keywords: biodiversity, blue carbon, coral reefs, governance, international agreements, Large Marine Ecosystems, marine habitats, Monitoring & Evaluation, SDGs
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