Key Institutional Players at the Local, National, Sub-Regional, Regional and International Levels in the Caribbean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem - CLME+ HUB

Key Institutional Players at the Local, National, Sub-Regional, Regional and International Levels in the Caribbean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem

This report builds on a previous report “Preliminary Identification of Key Institutional Players at the Local, National, Sub-Regional, Regional and International Levels in the Caribbean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project”.1 This current report presents the results of an analysis and selection of the key institutional players identified from the preliminary report named above to determine the key partners for the CLME project and their potential role(s) and a preliminary population of the partnership diagrams for each of the components of the CLME project identifying their current and/or potential positions in the various stages of the generic policy cycle described for the proposed multi-scaled governance framework of the CLME Project (See background document on the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Governance Framework and the structure of the CLME Project, CLME PCU).

Year: 2007
Author: Parsram, K.
       3                          Report issue

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