Latin America & The Caribbean - Climate Fragility Risk Factsheet - CLME+ HUB

Latin America & The Caribbean – Climate Fragility Risk Factsheet

Climate change will have different impacts across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a region encompassing ecological systems as varied as the islands of Central America, the Amazon Basin, the Andes and the cerrado. Although much of the region has been free from war for decades, conflict and violence are still present in many countries in LAC. State fragility, often related to the expansion of organized crime and widespread human rights violations by the state, has contributed towards elevated rates of violence, while high inequality is shaping how climate affects security in LAC and raising new issues about climate justice and climate-related migration. In short, climate change acts as a risk multiplier in LAC, exacerbating existing conflict and fragility dynamics.

Year: 2020
Author: Erthal, A., Igarapé Institute., Climate Security Expert Network., Rüttinger, L., and Adelphi
Keywords: Habitat, marine habitats
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