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Documento Informativo: Recomendaciones para lograr la recuperación de la economía oceánica sostenible y equitativa, y aumentar la resiliencia en el contexto post pandémico en la región del CLME+
Como parte de los esfuerzos para apoyar a los países de la región del CLME+ a hacer frente a los efectos de la pandemia del
Briefing Paper: Recommendations for a Sustainable and Equitable Ocean Economic Recovery and Improved Resilience in a Post COVID-19 Environment in the CLME+ region
As part of the efforts towards supporting countries in the CLME+ region in dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICM has developed
Addendum #1 to The MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Establishing the Interim Coordination Mechanism for the Sustainable Management, Use and Protection of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
This addendum to the MoU of the CLME+ ICM expands its lifespan beyond the termination date of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (i.e. 30 October 2021)
Decisions and Recommendations of the Twelfth Meeting of The CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism
This document contains the decisions and recommendations of the twelfth meeting of the CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM) held via teleconference, 7-8 September, 2021.
StewardFish:CARIBBEAN ICT RESEARCH PROGRAMME (CIRP)’S FINAL REPORT Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean Small-Scale Fisheries (StewardFish)
he Developing Organizational Capacity for Ecosystem Stewardship and Livelihoods in Caribbean SmallScale Fisheries (StewardFish) project set out to implement the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf