StewardFish Institutional and Organizational Assessment of fisheries-related state agencies for enabling ecosystems stewardship in the Caribbean Fisheries Sectors - CLME+ HUB

StewardFish Institutional and Organizational Assessment of fisheries-related state agencies for enabling ecosystems stewardship in the Caribbean Fisheries Sectors

StewardFish recognizes that there are several challenges that hinder the engagement of fisherfolk and their organizations in the sustainable use and management of fisheries in the region including fisheries-related state agencies not having adequate capacity to support fisherfolk and their organizations with ecosystem stewardship initiatives. Because state agencies, including fisheries authorities, vary widely in their support of fisherfolk organizations for different reasons, some within their control and others beyond, a situation specific analysis is required. In support of this, CANARI conducted an Institutional Analysis and Organizational Assessment in each of the project countries to contribute to Outcome 1.2 “Fisheries-related state agencies have capacity to support fishing industry stewardship” and Output 1.2.1 “state agency implementation gaps are assessed regarding support for fisherfolk organizations and their role in stewardship” of the project. The aim of the analysis was to identify current strengths, as well as opportunities for improvement in each project country’s fisheries-related state agencies, in order to improve their capacity to support ecosystem stewardship by fisherfolk and their organizations. The analysis included: • Designing an institutional analysis tool adapted from the Adaptation: Rapid Institutional Assessment (ARIA) methodology, including an organizational assessment survey targeted at the fisheries authorities • Conducting desk studies, surveys, virtual and in-country interviews and focus groups with fisherfolk, fisheries authorities and other key state agencies in the project countries • Facilitating national workshops3 to present, validate, refine and receive input on the preliminary findings and identify priorities for improvement, in each project country • Producing country reports of findings, including recommended priorities for improvement This report provides a brief summary of the common findings and recommendations from the institutional analyses and organisational assessments that were conducted in the seven target countries between December to September 2020.

Year: 2020
Author: CANARI
Keywords: fisheries, governance
       3                          Report issue

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