TNC Publishes First-Ever Detailed Maps of All Caribbean Coral Reefs
High-resolution maps of the underwater habitats of the entire Caribbean have the potential to transform marine conservation and significantly enhance our knowledge of the ocean.
High-resolution maps of the underwater habitats of the entire Caribbean have the potential to transform marine conservation and significantly enhance our knowledge of the ocean.
The treatment of fishing subsidies is a top-order issue for international trade, and negotiations are expected to finalize a normative agreement that determines a disciplinary, efficient and sustainable regulatory policy.
El tratamiento de las subvenciones a la pesca constituye un tema de primer orden para el comercio internacional, de cuyas negociaciones se espera concretar un acuerdo normativo que determine una política regulatoria disciplinaria, eficiente y sostenible.
La conferencia se centrará en la política emergente, explorará cuestiones relacionadas con el diseño circular de los equipos de pesca y proporcionará una actualización de la investigación dentro del proyecto Blue Circular Economy. La conferencia concluirá con un debate sobre cuestiones futuras relacionadas con políticas, modelos de negocio circulares, cadenas
The conference will highlight the emerging policy, explore issues related to the circular design of fishing gear and provide an update on research within the Blue Circular Economy project. The conference will conclude with discussion over future issues related to policy, circular business models, supply chains and marketing.
The CLME+ Hub is an initiative of the Secretariat of the CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism (ICM), in collaboration with the members of the CLME+ ICM and CLME+ Project Executive Group (PEG) and (prospective) Partner Organizations. Development of the Hub has benefited from the financial support of the UNDP/GEF Project: “Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” (CLME+ Project, 2015-2020). The CLME+ Project is executed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in close collaboration with a large number of global, regional and national-level partners. For more information on the CLME+ Project click here
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