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CLME+ EAF within EBM – Strategy and Guidance Notes: Continental Shelf Ecosystem

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) provides the broad context whereas Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) focuses on fisheries management and development. Hence both EBM and EAF are needed to support the implementation of sustainable development through the principles of good governance. This document offers guidelines on how to plan and implement an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) strategy within an Ecosystem-based Management strategy (EBM) in a Continental Shelf Ecosystem.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EAF, EBM
       7                          Report issue

CLME+ EAF within EBM – Strategy and Guidance Notes: Pelagic Ecosystem

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) provides the broad context whereas Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) focuses on fisheries management and development. Hence both EBM and EAF are needed to support the implementation of sustainable development through the principles of good governance. This document offers guidelines on how to plan and implement an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) strategy within an Ecosystem-based Management strategy (EBM) in a Pelagic Ecosystem.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EAF, EBM, pelagics
       6                          Report issue

CLME+ EAF within EBM – Strategy and Guidance Notes: Reef Ecosystem

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) provides the broad context whereas Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) focuses on fisheries management and development. Hence both EBM and EAF are needed to support the implementation of sustainable development through the principles of good governance. This document offers guidelines on how to plan and implement an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) strategy within an Ecosystem-based Management strategy (EBM) in a Reef Ecosystem.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: coral reefs, EBM
       6                          Report issue

CLME+ Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Strategy and Guidance Notes

Human activities on land, along the coasts and in the ocean seriously affect marine ecosystems by altering marine food webs, changing the climate, damaging habitat, eroding coastlines, introducing invasive species, and polluting coastal waters — which is why we need EBM. The concept of EBM sets out the most meaningful way of meeting the challenges of sustainable development in relation to the utilization of natural resources, and their inter-relationships between land and sea. This document offers a complete description and guidance on how to implement an EBM strategy.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EBM
       8                          Report issue

CLME+ El Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) – Estrategia y Notas de Orientación: Ecosistema Arrecifal

El Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) proporciona el contexto amplio, mientras que el Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) se centra en el manejo pesquero y el desarrollo. Por lo tanto, tanto MEE como EEP son necesarios para apoyar la implementación del desarrollo sostenible a través de los principios de buena gobernanza. Este documento ofrece pautas sobre cómo planear e implementar una estrategia con Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) en el Ecosistema Arrecifal.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: coral reefs, EAF, fisheries
       6                          Report issue

CLME+ El Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) – Estrategia y Notas de Orientación: Ecosistema Pelágico

El Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) proporciona el contexto amplio, mientras que el Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) se centra en el manejo pesquero y el desarrollo. Por lo tanto, tanto MEE como EEP son necesarios para apoyar la implementación del desarrollo sostenible a través de los principios de buena gobernanza. Este documento ofrece pautas sobre cómo planear e implementar una estrategia con Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) en el Ecosistema Pelágico.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EAF, EBM, pelagics
       4                          Report issue

CLME+ Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) – Estrategia y Notas de Orientación: Plataforma Continental

El Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) proporciona el contexto amplio, mientras que el Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) se centra en el manejo pesquero y el desarrollo. Por lo tanto, tanto MEE como EEP son necesarios para apoyar la implementación del desarrollo sostenible a través de los principios de buena gobernanza. Este documento ofrece pautas sobre cómo planear e implementar una estrategia con Enfoque Ecosistémico en la Pesca (EEP) dentro del Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) en ecosistemas de Plataforma Continental.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EAF, EBM
       4                          Report issue

CLME+ Estrategia de Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE) y Directrices

Las actividades humanas terrestres, a lo largo de las costas y en el océano afectan seriamente los ecosistemas marinos alterando las redes alimentarias marinas, cambiando el clima, dañando el hábitat, erosionando las costas, introduciendo especies invasoras y contaminando las aguas costeras - por lo cual necesitamos el  Manejo con Enfoque Ecosistémico (MEE). El concepto de MEE establece la forma más significativa de hacer frente a los desafíos del desarrollo sostenible en relación con la utilización de los recursos naturales y sus interrelaciones entre tierra y mar.

Year: 2017
Author: CERMES
Keywords: EBM
       4                          Report issue

CLME+ Flyingfish Sub-project Final Technical Report Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Secretariat Technical & Advisory Report No. 06/2021

The sub-project was designed to give ownership of the work to the participating countries (Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St, Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago) by allowing fisheries divisions (national focal points) to work closely with the six consultants; especially with regard to the development of their own in-country flyingfish fishery management outreach activities with local stakeholder groups (fishers, fisherfolk organizations, and cooperatives). This document provides a summary of the approaches, methods, activities, and outputs of the sub-project

Year: 2021
Author: CRFM
Keywords: fisheries, Flyingfish
       8                          Report issue

CLME+ Good practice guidelines for successful National Intersectoral Coordinating Mechanisms (NICs)

These guidelines on good practices that   favour success are intended for all current and potential NIC stakeholders. These range from citizens as members of the public to policymakers as leaders in governance. The document covers some key features and functions of most NICs, good practices   for success, some samples of successful NICs, and references and resources for readers to obtain more information. The document is kept as short and      simple   as possible for such a complex subject.

Year: 2017
Author: Compton, S., McConney, P., Monnereau, I., Simmons, B. & Mahon, R.
Keywords: coordination mechanism, governance
       9         1                 Report issue

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