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CLME+ Good Practice Guidelines for Successful National Intersectoral Coordination Mechanisms (NICs): Second Edition

These updated guidelines on good practices that favour success are intended for all current and potential NIC stakeholders. These range from citizens as members of the public to policy-makers as leaders in governance. Sections that follow provide: (i) a summary of the key features and functions of most NICs; (ii) an update to good practices for success; (iii) some samples of successful NICs; and (iv) references and resources for readers to obtain more information. The first edition of the guidelines, published in 2017, presented the challenges and good practices exemplified by some functioning NICs within some CLME countries, based on the report on the NICs survey report. This document updates the 2017 guidelines. Empirical data collected from countries within the CLME+ was used to inform this second edition of guidelines to support establishing and/or reactivating NICs throughout the CLME+ region.

Year: 2020
Author: Compton, S., McConney, P., Monnereau, I., Simmons, B. & Mahon, R.
Keywords: governance
       13                          Report issue

CLME+ Ocean Governance Brief 01: Milestone Decision on Ocean Governance for the Wider Caribbean

"CLME+ Ocean Governance Briefs" document progress towards interactive ocean governance. This particular brief covers the decision achieved in the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project Steering Committee inter-sessional meeting from June 16 to June 18, 2020, where more than 20 countries and 14 organizations laid the foundations for a regional "ocean governance" Coordination Mechanism. 

Year: 2020
Author: CLME+ Project
Keywords: featured content, governance, ocean governance
       127         1                 Report issue

CLME+ Over-arching Communication Strategy with central and decentralized components

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Author: CLME PCU
       3                          Report issue

CLME+ Overarching Communication Strategy

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

                                Report issue

CLME+ Project Document

The present UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (GEF ID 5542; 2015-2019) is a 5-year project that specifically aims at supporting the implementation of this 10-year CLME+ SAP. However, as an ambitious and broad “umbrella” SAP, it is acknowledged that SAP implementation cannot be achieved through a single project or initiative. Rather, better articulation, coordination and collaboration among the wide array of ongoing and newly planned projects and initiatives will be required. The CLME+ project is uniquely positioned in this context to catalyse the implementation of the SAP, and to help achieving the required coordination and integration of efforts. This official project document offers a detailed overview of the CLME+ Project.

Year: 2015
Author: UNDP
       13                          Report issue

CLME+ Project Terminal Evaluation

This document presents the Terminal Evaluation of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (2015-2021)

Year: 2021
Author: UNDP
       3                          Report issue

CLME+ Reseña sobre Gobernanza Océanica 01: Decisión clave sobre la Gobernanza Océanica en el Gran Caribe

Las "CLME+ Reseñas sobre Gobernanza Océanica" documentan el progreso hacia la gobernanza oceánica interactiva en la región CLME+. Esta nota informativa en particular abarca la  decisión adoptada en la reunión entre inter-sesional del Comité Directivo del Proyecto PNUD/FMAMA "CLME+", celebrada del 16 al 18 de junio de 2020, en la que más de 20 países y 14 organizaciones sentaron las bases de un mecanismo de coordinación regional para "gobernanza de los océanos".  

Year: 2020
Author: CLME+ Project
Keywords: governance, ocean governance
       22                          Report issue

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Applying the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) to the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fishery in the CLME+ Region

The Central America Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (OSPESCA), under the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA) through a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in support of the United Nations Development Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNDP/GEF) CLME+ Project, was tasked with the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fisheries (aka Ecolobster+) Sub Project. The aim of the Sub Project is to address the CLME+ SAP sub-strategy 4a “Improve the governance arrangements for the implementation of the ecosystem approach to spiny lobster fishing”. This experience note highlights the main outcomes, outputs and lessons learned from this Sub Project.

Year: 2020
Keywords: spiny lobster
       11                          Report issue

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Applying the Governance Effectiveness Assessment Framework (GEAF) indicators to the CLME+ SAP

The CLME+ SAP specifies the development of a comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan to track progress towards achieving its objectives, and to facilitate adaptive management. The monitoring aspect of the M&E plan for the CLME+ SAP is based on the Governance Effectiveness Assessment Framework (GEAF) which has been used to develop indicators for monitoring governance within the region. An assessment of these indicators gives insight into needed improvements that can be applied across all categories of the GEAF framework and for the successful implementation of an ecosystem based approach to the sustainable management of the CLME+ region. This experience note highlights the lessons learned from applying the GEAF in the CLME+ region.

Year: 2020
Keywords: C-SAP, governance
       5                          Report issue

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Coordinating Mechanisms for Strengthening Integrated Ocean Governance in the Caribbean Region

Ocean governance in the Caribbean is comprised of a diversity of networks of actors serving various purposes and have competing and conflicting interests. The CLME+ SAP explicitly identifies weak governance as one of the main root causes of ongoing degradation of the marine environment. The first three strategies of the SAP focus on strengthening regional mechanisms for governance. Under the CLME+ Project two interim Coordination Mechanisms were created with a third long-term coordinating mechanism being negotiated at the time of writing. There have also been discussions on formalising a wide-ranging partnership for integrated governance. This experience note highlights the different regional coordination mechanisms created and proposed under the CLME+ SAP that can be viewed as best practices for strengthening ocean governance in the CLME+ region.

Year: 2020
Keywords: C-SAP, governance
       5                          Report issue

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