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CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: Engaging stakeholders in crafting a CLME+ Civil Society Action Programme and a sub-regional fishery management plan for Eastern Caribbean flyingfish

The University of the West Indies - Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI/CERMES) has been working with the CLME+ Project partners to identify and share best/good practices and experiences from CLME+ SAP implementation within the region. Globally sharing lessons learned helps to improve the understanding, further implementation and uptake of the SAP by the CLME+ partnership and global LME Community of Practice (COP). This experience note focuses on the best practices and lessons learned from engaging civil society in one aspect of the implementation of the CLME+ SAP through a selected CLME+ Sub-Project.

Year: 2020
Keywords: C-SAP, Flyingfish, SAP
       9                          Report issue

CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP) Experience Note: The ocean governance research and science agenda: supporting collaboration and engagement in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR)

The various projects, programmes and initiatives under the CLME+ have brought together stakeholders from across the region and internationally to collaborate and engage in ocean governance research and science agenda-setting in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR). The science research agenda was developed primarily to mitigate deleterious effects resulting from poor governance; and manage the unforeseen impacts on the marine ecosystems in the CLME+ region. To achieve this goal, the main focus is on developing mechanisms that integrate scientific information into the regional governance framework (RGF). There are several lessons that can be learned and best practices utilised from all the useful research that has been and continues to be done in the CLME+ region. This experience note highlights some of lessons learned and best practices observed from collaborative and engaging activities at the nexus of the region’s science-policy interface.

Year: 2020
Keywords: C-SAP, governance
       4                          Report issue

Coastal blue carbon ecosystems

This policy brief examines the existing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and ratified National Determined Contributions (NDCs) with regard to the inclusion of specific efforts addressing blue carbon ecosystems, namely mangroves, tidal saltmarshes and seagrasses, as climate mitigation or adaptation solutions.

Year: 2016
Author: Herr, D., Landis, E.
Keywords: blue carbon
       3                          Report issue

Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO)

The Committee on Fisheries (COFI) at its Nineteenth Session in March 1991 called for the development of new concepts which would lead to responsible, sustained fisheries. Subsequently, the International Conference on Responsible Fishing, held in 1992 in Cancûn (Mexico) further requested FAO to prepare an international Code of Conduct to address these concerns.

Year: 1991
Author: FAO
Keywords: fisheries, Working Group
       4                          Report issue

Comparison of Approaches to Management of Large Marine Areas

The ocean makes up the Earth’s primary life support system, comprises 70 percent of our planet’s surface and is essential to human well-being and prosperity. Ocean ecosystems are threatened by unsustainable fishing, global change, habitat destruction, invasive species, and pollution - the combined effects of which are far more destructive than individual threats on their own. Effectively addressing these threats requires comprehensive ocean management at large scales. Several models exist for achieving such large scale marine management, each of which tackles a broad range of issues with its own suite of inputs, objectives and methodologies. Often, more than one of these frameworks are applied to the same or similar geographies by different institutions. In order to learn more about the different approaches to managing large-scale marine areas, their comparative merits, and the synergies and overlaps between them, CI commissioned this independent analysis of several widely applied models. Although the report was commissioned by CI, the views expressed in this report are those of the authors; they were charged with providing a critical examination of all the assessed approaches, including the Seascapes approach.

Author: Bensted-Smith, R., and. Kirkman, H.
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems, marine habitats
       3                          Report issue

Compilación de la Normativa Internacional y Nacional de la República Dominicana en la Regulación Pesquera

El presente documento contiene una actual compilación de los instrumentos jurídicos sobre regulación pesquera  tomando en consideración los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto piloto Manejo y Conservación de la Pesquería y Biodiversidad Arrecifal de la Provincia Montecristi, República Dominicana, que son:  Los recursos marinos vivos, los recursos marinos transfronterizos, las expresiones de gobernanza de los recursos naturales a diferente escala geográfica y  la protección y manejo de áreas marinas protegidas.

Year: 2012
Author: ViceMinisterio de Recursos Costeros y Marinos, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Republica Dominicana
       3                          Report issue

Conservation Measures Framework and Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for The Pedro Bank Management Programme

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Year: 2013
Author: Meggs, L.
       3                          Report issue

Cooperation between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly

In this resolution the General Assembly affirms the need to further expand and deepen the cooperation that already exists between the Caribbean Community and the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, so as to enhance coherence and effectiveness in the partnership among the United Nations, the Caribbean Community and the States members of the Community. The assembly also calls on the United Nations system and the international community to continue to assist in furthering the development and maintenance of peace and security within the Caribbean region and requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-fifth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.

Year: 2019
Author: UN General Assembly
       4                          Report issue

Coral Reefs and MPAs in the Caribbean Biological Corridor (CBC)

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Author: CLME+ PCU
       5                          Report issue

Coral Reefs in the Eastern Caribbean

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Year: 2018
                                Report issue

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