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Lorem hola mundo

Year: 1990
Author: Daniel
                                Report issue

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Author: Ivan
Keywords: Deep Sea Fisheries, Ecosystem Based Management
                                Report issue

Documento Informativo: Recomendaciones para lograr la recuperación de la economía oceánica sostenible y equitativa, y aumentar la resiliencia en el contexto post pandémico en la región del CLME+

Como parte de los esfuerzos para apoyar a los países de la región del CLME+ a hacer frente a los efectos de la pandemia del COVID-19, el MIC ha elaborado un documento informativo titulado "Recomendaciones para lograr la recuperación de la economía oceánica sostenible y equitativa, y aumentar la resiliencia en el contexto post pandémico en la región del CLME+". El documento está disponible en inglés y español.

Year: 2021
Author: CLME+ ICM
       2                          Report issue

Does International Marine Environment Law Work? An Examination of the Cartagena Convention for The Wider Caribbean Region.

This study examines the effectiveness of international marine environment law in controlling and abating contamination of the marine environment in the Wider Caribbean Region. The main international agreement covering the region is the Cartagena Convention which came into force in 1983. This convention, initiated by the UNEP under its Regional Seas Program, is considered one of the most successful of the programs. The study examines that claim in light of events since the adoption of the Cartagena Convention by the majority of nations bordering on the region.

Year: 2004
Author: Sheehy, B.
Keywords: governance, marine habitats
       3                          Report issue

Drafting Workshop for the Development of a Training and Repository Portal for the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem, Cartagena, Colombia 9–11 April 2019

Following the successful completion in 2014 of the Project “Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions” (PIMS 2193), the UNDP/GEF Project Document for the Project “CLME+:Catalysing implementation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the sustainable management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems” was endorsed by the CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)in 2015.This new, 5-year UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (GEF ID 5542; 2015–2020), with UNOPS as the Executing Agency, became operational on 1 May 2015. The project seeks to facilitate Ecosystem Based Management/an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EBM/EAF) within the CLME+ region, in such a way that a sustainable and climate resilient provision of goods and services from the region’s living marine resources can be secured.

Year: 2019
Keywords: coordination mechanism
       10                          Report issue

EAG’s Community Member Spotlight: A social media series highlighting the importance of local knowledge for coastal and marine resource governance and management

The Environmental Awareness Group (EAG) has released a social media series highlighting the importance of local knowledge for coastal and marine resource governance and management The Caribbean Natural Resources Institute provided support to EAG on developing the social media post series under the PISCES project . This social media series was released as three seperate Facebook posts which aim to spotlight recent efforts undertaken in Antigua and Barbuda by three community members. The social media series highlights the benefits of hearing and integrating the voices of all community members for adaptive planning for marine and coastal resources. Learn more about the Community Member Spotlight Social Media Series by clicking the links here: Post 1: Post 2: Post 3: EAG's Facebook page:

Year: 2021
Author: EAG
                                Report issue

Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Management Plan

This Eastern Caribbean Flyingfish Fisheries Management Plan 2020 - 2025 is consistent with the Caribbean Community Common Fisheries Policy (CCCFP). One of the CCCFP’s objectives is to develop harmonized measures and operating procedures for sustainable fisheries management, post-harvest practices, fisheries research and fisheries trade, and the administration of the fishing industry. Internationally recognized standards and approaches, including the precautionary, ecosystem, participatory, and co-management approaches to fisheries management, guide the agreement.

Year: 2020
Author: CRFM
Keywords: Flyingfish
       3                          Report issue

Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy

This discussion document outlines options for a new Eastern Caribbean Regional Ocean Policy that will promote and guide the future sustainable use and development of the region’s marine waters and resources. The document provides an outline of the key threats and challenges faced by policy makers and managers; the basis for such a national policy; a future Vision for the ocean; and a suggested set of principles, and goals for ocean governance in the Eastern Caribbean Region. The document also highlights a number of options for institutional reform towards implementing the regional policy.

Year: 2013
Author: OECS
Keywords: marine habitats
       3                          Report issue

Eaux usées : une ressource inexploitée – Principaux messages Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau 2017

Ce document résume les brefs messages du Rapport 2017 des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau: Les eaux usées: une ressource inexploitée, mettant en évidence les thèmes suivants:

  • Les activités humaines produisent des eaux usées
  • Pas un fardeau mais une ressource
  • Opportunités à saisir Relever les défis

Year: 2017
Author: The World Bank
Keywords: marine habitats, pollution
       3                          Report issue

Economic value of goods and services from marine ecosystems in the Wider Caribbean: State of knowledge and next steps

This document offers perspectives on resource management and environmental policy from The Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (CERMES) by sharing some of the lessons learnt from ongoing research. The information in these policy briefs is for use by policy-makers and their advisers to strengthen the linkages between research outputs and policy-making in the Caribbean.

Year: 2012
Author: CERMES
       7                          Report issue

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