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Areas protegidas costeras y marinas (MPAs) del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano

Este mapa ilustra  las areas protegidas costeras y marinas (MPAs) del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano. 

Year: 2010
       4         1                 Report issue

Areas protegidas costeras y marinas (MPAs) del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano – Primeras prioridades (Provisional Abstract)

Este mapa ilustra las areas protegidas costeras y marinas (MPAs) del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano identidificadas como primeras prioridades. 

Year: 2010
       3         1                 Report issue

Arrecifes coralinos en la región del Gran Caribe

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Year: 2019
Author: CLME+ PCU
       6                          Report issue

Arrecifes Coralinos y las APM en el Corredor Biológico en el Caribe (CBC)

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Author: CLME+ PCU
       4                          Report issue

Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining And Mercury Management – Innovation Programme

Anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2015 were estimated at 2,220 tonnes, approximately 20 percent higher than 2010, according to UN Environment’s Global Mercury Assessment 2018. The report also estimated that almost 38 percent of the global total of emissions was associated with artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), and that the sector was the major contributor to the emissions from South America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Year: 2019
Author: UNDP
       4                          Report issue

Assessing Progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 on Sustainable Marine Fisheries

Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 calls for all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic plants, by 2020, to be managed and harvested sustainably, legally and applying ecosystem based approaches, so that overfishing is avoided, recovery plans and measures are in place for all depleted species, fisheries have no significant adverse impacts on threatened species and vulnerable ecosystems and the impacts of fisheries on stocks, species and ecosystems are within safe ecological limits. This report discusses key elements and approaches for realistic and coherent reporting on the elements of Target 6, including through the use of various indicators and internationally agreed reference points. The connection between Aichi Target 6 and the Sustainable Development Goals (particularly SDG 14) is briefly described. The focus of this report is on marine fisheries, and while many of the considerations are also applicable to inland fisheries, the special characteristics of the latter, including their socio-economic context and intricate link to the terrestrial environment and economic activities, may often require a different set of indicators and reference values.

Year: 2020
Author: Garcia, S., and Rice, J.
       4         1                 Report issue

Baseline Inventory of Existing and Potential Sustainable Blue Finance Investors to Support the CLME+ Vision

This document is a baseline inventory of existing and potential sustainable blue finance investors to support the CLME+ Vision of “a healthy marine environment providing benefits and livelihoods for the well-being of the people of the region”, and the development of a sustainable Blue Economy in the CLME+ region. It offers a summary of existing and potential sustainable blue finance investors, identifies the barriers to sustainable blue economy investment in the CLME+ region, showcases strategic considerations for certain priority sectors relevant to blue socio-economic development, and provides a description of 4 "best practices" from around the world that have increased investments in marine and coastal protection, and the sustainable use of marine resources and biodiversity.

Year: 2021
Author: CLME+ PCU
       3                          Report issue

BE- CLME+: Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities Through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus

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Year: 2020
Author: CLME+PCU
       11                          Report issue

Belize Declaration – On Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) and The Central America Fisheries And Aquaculture Organization (OSPECA) Cooperation For Sustainable Development Of Fisheries And Aquaculture Resources

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Year: 2012
       3         1                 Report issue

Billfish Project

To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Year: 2020
Author: CLME+ PCU
       4                          Report issue

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