Displaying 841-850 of 893 results

Towards Marine Ecosystem-based Management in the Wider Caribbean
Abstract: In order to ensure sustainable use of their shared marine resources, the nations of the West Caribbean Region must adopt an approach that encompasses both the human and natural dimensions of ecosystems. This volume directly contributes to that vision, bringing together the collective knowledge and experience of scholars and practitioners within the wider Caribbean to assemble a road map towards marine ecosystem based management for the region. The research presented here will be used not only as a training tool for graduate students, but also as comparative example and guide for stakeholders and policy makers in each of the world’s sixty-four large marine ecosystems.

Towards the establishment of the Permanent Coordination Mechanism: process & timeline

Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 63/214
In this resolution the General Assembly called on the United Nations system and the international community to assist, as appropriate, Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in their efforts to ensure the protection and sustainable management of the Caribbean Sea, and requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its sixty-fifth session on the status of the implementation of the said resolution, and to include “a section on the possible legal and financial implications of the concept of the Caribbean Sea as a special area within the context of sustainable development, including its designation as such without prejudice to relevant international law, taking into account the views expressed by Member States and relevant regional organizations.”

Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 71/224
In this resolution the General Assembly recognized that the Caribbean Sea was an area with unique biodiversity and highly fragile ecosystems and that, when compared with all other marine ecosystems, was surrounded by the largest number of countries in the world, many of which rely heavily on the marine environment for economic growth and sustainable development. The Assembly welcomed the continued efforts of Caribbean States to develop and implement regional initiatives to promote the sustainable conservation and management of coastal and marine resources and recalled the creation of the Caribbean Sea Commission of the Association of Caribbean States. In that regard, the Assembly invited the international community and the United Nations system to enhance their support to Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in efforts to implement the plan of action adopted by the Commission. The General Assembly also invited the Association to submit a report to the Secretary-General on progress made in implementation of the resolution, for consideration by the Assembly at its seventy-third session.

Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generations: resolution / adopted by the UN General Assembly 73/229
In this resolution the General Assembly recognized that the Caribbean Sea was an area with unique biodiversity and highly fragile ecosystems and that, when compared with all other marine ecosystems, was surrounded by the largest number of countries in the world, many of which rely heavily on the marine environment for economic growth and sustainable development. In this 2018 resolution the Assembly underlines the need to address the economic, social and environmental impacts of climate change, and emphasizes the need for regional and international action to enhance efforts at the national and subnational levels, as appropriate, to build resilience. In that regard, the Assembly invited the international community and the United Nations system to enhance their support to Caribbean countries and their regional organizations in efforts to implement the plan of action adopted by the Commission. The General Assembly also invited the Association to submit a report to the Secretary-General on progress made in implementation of the resolution, for consideration by the Assembly at its seventy-fifth session.

Transboundary river basins in CLME+ / Wider Caribbean
To date no abstract has been uploaded for this document

Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean
This report is an output of the Large Marine Ecosystemscomponent of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP)(2013-2015). TWAP conducted indicator-based assessments for transboundary water systems in five categories: aquifers, rivers, lakes, Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) and Open Oceans. These included assessment of governance arrangements and overall architecture for transboundary systems. This report covers thearrangements for LMEs, while its companion (Volume 2) covers arrangement for Open Ocean with a focus on Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ). Each report is summarised as a chapter in the overall assessment report for the respective water category (Open Ocean and LME).

Transfer of marine technology: knowledge sharing and capacity development for sustainable ocean and coastal management
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is the only intergovernmental organization with a specific mandate in marine scientific research, services and capacity building in all of the world’s ocean basins. Established in 1960 through UNESCO’s 11th General Conference, the IOC is mandated “to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States” (IOC Statutes, Article 2.1 ).

Typology and timeframe for implementation of CLME+ SAP Strategies and Actions
CLME+ SAP Annex 2 contains an overview of all 6 SAP Strategies, 4 Sub-Strategies and 76 Priority Actions in table format, with indicative implementation timeline (short and medium-term).

UN Fish Stocks Agreement Ratification in the Wider Caribbean as of 2020
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