Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean - Summary for decision-makers - CLME+ HUB

Leveraging Multi-Target Strategies to Address Plastic Pollution in the Context of an Already Stressed Ocean – Summary for decision-makers

Over 80 percent of the land mass on Earth is in a watershed that drains directly to the ocean, making it the ultimate sink for anthropogenic pollution. Pollutants enter the ocean through four main pathways: They may be discharged directly into the ocean; discharged into rivers that flow to the ocean; washed from land by stormwater into rivers or directly into the ocean; or deposited from the air onto land to be washed into waterways or directly into the ocean.

Year: 2020
Author: Jambeck, J.,Moss,E., and Dubey, B.
Keywords: pollution
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