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Amendment to the Fisheries ICM Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
This document contents the signed amendment to the Fisheries ICM Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Author: SAP ICM
Year: 2020
Keywords: Amendment to the Fisheries ICM Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Análisis de la gobernanza de la actividad pesquera en la provincia de Montecristi
La gobernanza se refiere a los procesos de toma de decisiones y sus implementaciones. Su análisis se concentra en los actores formales e informales que están involucrados en dichos procesos. Algunos sostienen que la gobernanza está ligada a los procesos de interacción entre los actores involucrados en un asunto público, que llevan a la toma de decisiones o a la formulación de normas. El presente documento parte de estos conceptos y realiza un análisis de la gobernanza de la actividad pesquera en la provincia de Montecristi, tendiendo en consideración que la existencia de los debidos consensos en cuanto a las metas, roles, responsabilidades y la transparencia de las acciones, facilitan la unión de esfuerzos y voluntades de todos los potenciales actores en cada área de actividad de la pesca arrecifal que es fuente de beneficio colectivo a la población, proporcionando alimento de forma sostenible que a la vez puede contribuir a la preservación del ambiente si se hace de forma responsable.
Consenso, objetivos y normas claras, participación y transparencia son claves para una buena gobernanza!
Author: ViceMinisterio de Recursos Costeros y Marinos, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Republica Dominicana
Year: 2012

Annex 2: Supplementary Reference Materials

Annex 3A. Characterization Form for Defining the Costs and Benefits of Domestic Wastewater Management– Isla Colon, Panama
Define and map the study area including key geographic and land use data to identify wastewater pollution and other water pollution pathways and populations of interest.
Author: Gray, E., Burke, L. and. Lambert, L.

Annex 3B. Characterization Form for Defining the Costs and Benefits of Domestic Wastewater Management – Southwest Tobago
Author: Gray, E., Burke, L., Karim, R., and. Santana, C.
Year: 2015

Annex 3C. Characterization Form for Defining the Costs and Benefits of Domestic Wastewater Management – Chaguanas, Trinidad
Author: Gray, E., and Burke, L.

Annex C – Terminal Report. Management and Conservation of Reef Biodiversity and Reef Fisheries Pilot Project – Pedro Bank.
The Pedro Bank Reef Biodiversity and Fisheries Pilot planned to focus on the development and implementation of an ecosystem-based project which incorporates principles of resiliency and protects and enhances important ecological areas which provide vital ecosystem services and serve as important fish nurseries and feeding grounds.
Author: The Nature Conservancy
Keywords: Terminal report pedro bank

Annex I – Status of National data reported by member states in “the Caricom environment in figures 2014” Classified by environment indicators / statics
Year: 2014

Annual report 2007 (of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission)
The purpose of the Commission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services, and capacitybuilding, in order to learn about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States.
Author: IOC
Year: 2008

Appendix 2: ECROP Three-Year Strategic Action Plan
Author: OECS
Year: 2013