Displaying 893 results.
Grupo de Trabajo para la Implementación de las Directrices de la Pesca en Pequeña Escala (GT-DIPPES)
Year: 2016
Keywords: ToR ospesca pesca en pequeña escala EBM, fisheries, governance

Guía Metodológica para el desarrollo de proyectos tipo REDD+ en ecosistemas de manglar
This publication constitutes a contribution from research to lay the conceptual and methodology for the development of REDD+ projects in mangrove forests as an alternative conservation. It indicates the step by step to develop such projects based on the experience gained, highlighting the advantages for environmental and financial sustainability in the MPAs. It is also an invaluable reference and practical guide for communities to entities or countries concerned replicate the proposed methodology to improve the management and conservation of mangrove forests, favouring the maintenance of livelihoods and generation of income by local communities.
Author: Invemar, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras José Benito Vives de Andréis.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Guía, Desarrollo, Proyectos, Ecosistema, Manglar. blue carbon, mangroves, marine habitats

Guidance for national blue carbon activities
Coastal ecosystems – in particular mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses – are globally important natural carbon sinks with rich carbon reservoirs. However, when these ecosystems are converted or degraded, they release this stored carbon into the atmosphere and oceans and become sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The conservation, restoration and sustainable use of these systems can support climate change mitigation, as well as conserve many other benefits these ecosystems provide, such as fisheries support and coastal protection important for climate adaptation.
Author: Herr, D., Pidgeon, E.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Oceans, Carbon sequestration, ecosystem management, Coastal zones, Ecosystem services, Policy making blue carbon

Guidelines for applying the IUCN protected area management categories to marine protected areas
The development of this second edition of these guidelines was in part a response to evidence of the widespread incorrect application of the categories to marine protected areas (MPAs). Marine management and sustainable fisheries management are critical elements of good oceans management, but are not the same as protected areas management, where the primary focus is conservation of nature. The primary purpose of these supplementary guidelines is to increase the accuracy and consistency of assignment and reporting of the IUCN categories when applied to marine and coastal protected areas. These supplementary marine guidelines are aimed at ensuring that the IUCN categories can be effectively applied to all types of MPAs as well as to any marine components of adjoining terrestrial protected areas, provided a site meets the IUCN definition of a protected area.
Author: Day, J., Dudley, N., Hockings, M., Holmes, G., Laffoley, D., Stolton, S., Wells, S. and Wenzel, L.
Year: 2019
Keywords: fisheries, marine habitats

Herbiers Marins – Un Poumon Vert Inestimable Pour La Planete Et L´humanité
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2020
Keywords: Herbiers Marins - Un Poumon Vert Inestimable Pour La Planete Et L´humanité marine habitats, seagrass beds

IDB Blue Economy RG-T3342 Techical Cooperation Procurement Plan
This documents presents the Procurement Plan for Bank Executed Operations for the Unleashing New Avenues for Growth by Tackling Opportunities in the Blue Economy Consultancy.
Author: IDB
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy

IDB Blue Economy RG-T3342 Technical Cooperation Document
This document contains details on the Unleashing New Avenues for Growth by Tackling Opportunities in the Blue Economy Technical Cooperation, whose objective is to support policy action conducive to broaden and accelerate economic growth and inclusive development in the Caribbean by enhancing the economic potential of the Blue Economy under a sustainable growth framework. It targets the effective implementation of policies in small island states in he Caribbean in an area in which new avenues for growth have been identified and have not yet been exploited to its full potential due to a series of bottlenecks to be further identified.
Author: IDB
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy

IDB Blue Economy RG-T3342 Tecnhical Consultation Results Matrix
This documents contains the Result matrix for the Unleashing New Avenues for Growth by Tackling Opportunities in the Blue Economy Technical Cooperation, the matrix includes outcomes and and outputs expected.
Author: IDB
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy

IDB Blue Economy RG-T3342 Tecnhical Cooperation Operation Information
This document contains Unleashing New Avenues for Growth by Tackling Opportunities in the Blue Economy project information regarding country of operation, lead contact, lead executing organization, dates and others.
Author: IDB
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy

IDB Blue Economy RG-T3342 Terms of Reference (ToR) Consultancy for Economic Valuation of current and potential maritime activities
This documents presents the Terms of Reference for the Consultancy for Economic Valuation of current and potential maritime activities, which objective is to provide consultancy services to develop an economic valuation methodology for collecting data, to map the current and potential economic activities in the Caribbean, and to visualize that data for easy accessibility and use amongst to key stakeholders. This consultancy is done under the TC-Unleashing New Avenues for Growth by tackling opportunities in the Blue Economy
Author: IDB
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy