Displaying 893 results.

Identification Guide to Common Sharks and Rays of the Caribbean
This guide was prepared under the “CITES-FAO collaboration on immediate actions in support of the implementation of CITES listings of sharks and manta rays” project and developed in close collaboration with the FishFinder Programme of the Marine and Inland Fisheries Branch, Fisheries Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations (FAO).
This guide is intended to help fishery workers collecting catch data in the field in the identification of the sharks and rays they might encounter for the specific purpose of improving the quality of catch and landings data. The guide is expected to be useful also for fisheries inspectors, observers and enforcement officers of the navy, coastguard and customs.
Author: FAO
Year: 2016
Keywords: Sharks Working Group

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Associated Drivers
This paper considers the state of knowledge and trends on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and how it contributes to overfishing; if and how climate change contributes to IUU fishing; and if there are particular challenges with IUU fishing on the high seas in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Author: Widjaja, S., Long T., and Wirajuda H.
Year: 2019
Keywords: IUU Working Group

iMarine Community best practices – DRAFT Data access and sharing policy, 2014
This document is at a draft stage of collecting policy principles and best practices for the proper utilization of the iMarine data e-infrastructure along its terms of use.
Author: iMarineBoard
Year: 2014
Keywords: Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group

iMarine Policy and Guidelines – DRAFT Data access and sharing policy
The chapter “Data access and sharing policy” has been elaborated following guidance of the first and second iMarine Board meetings during which principles, concepts, and policy elements were debated and feedback was provided.
Author: iMarineBoard
Keywords: Fisheries Data and Statistics Working Group

Implementation Challenges and Lessons Learnt: Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Regions
This Document shows a description of the challenges and lessons learned during the implementation of the CLME project.
Author: CLME PCU

Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in SID (ISLANDS) – Program Framework Document
This Document Shows the Program Framework Document (PFD) of the Project “Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in SID (ISLANDS)” who main objetivw is to prevent the build-up of materials and chemicals in the environment that contain POPS and Mercury and other harmful chemicals in SIDS, and to manage and dispose of existing harmful chemicals and materials in SIDS.
Author: GEF
Year: 2019

Implementing the Ocean Sustainable Development Goal in the Wider Caribbean: state of play and possible ways forward
In September 2015, the international community adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including a dedicated Ocean SDG: “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” (SDG14). The implementation of this SDG and related targets is first and foremost the responsibility of the national authorities.
This report presents the findings of a scoping report on the potential contribution of regional ocean governance towards the implementation of SDG14 in the Wider Caribbean Region.
Author: Fanning, L., and. Mahon, R.
Year: 2017

Improving the outlook for Caribbean Coral Reefs – A Regional Plan of Action 2014 – 2019
Coral reefs are central to the health of the Caribbean Sea and to the well-being of Caribbean societies. Addressing the risks to these systems is a key element of the CARICIOM response to climate change. This Coral Reef Plan of Action identifies the priority challenges fos sustaining the benefits from coral reefs under a changing climate.
Author: CRFM
Year: 2014

In-depth analysis of Ocean Conference Voluntary Commitments to support and monitor their implementation
The high-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development was convened at United Nations Headquarters from 5 to 9 June 2017. The Conference devoted special attention to the health of our oceans and seas and advance implementation of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 14) 14.
Author: UN
Year: 2017
Keywords: biodiversity, coral reefs, fisheries, marine habitats

Inception Meeting For The Information And Management System (IMS) & amp; Regional Environmental Programme (REMP) For The CLME
The Inception Meeting for the Information and Management System (IMS) & Regional Environmental Management Programme (REMP) for the CLME Project was held at the Hotel Caribe, in Cartagena, December 12 – 14, 2011.
The Agenda of the Meeting is available in Annex I. The List of Participants is available in Annex II to this Report.
The main working documents considered during the meeting were:
1. Caribbean Large marine Ecosystem Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – CLME TDA
2. The emerging ocean governance regime in the Wider Caribbean Region- Policy Perspective
Year: 2011
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems