Displaying 893 results.

Océanos gestionados por la gente: CLME+ Programa de Acciones Estratégicas de la Sociedad Civil (PAE)
El Programa de Acción de Sociedad Civil del CLME+ (C-SAP) proporciona un marco para guiar la participación de la sociedad civil en la implementación del Programa de Acción Estratégica de 10 años para la Gestión Sostenible de los Recursos Marinos Vivos Compartidos de los Grandes Ecosistemas Marinos de la Plataforma del Caribe y Norte de Brasil (CLME + SAP). Describe las prioridades identificadas por la sociedad civil sobre cómo puede contribuir mejor a la implementación de las prioridades bajo el CLME+SAP. Además, identifica los requisitos de creación de capacidad que necesita la sociedad civil para que pueda desempeñar efectivamente un papel en asociación con gobiernos y otras partes interesadas.
Author: CANARI

Océanos gestionados por la gente: CLME+ Programa de Acciones Estratégicas de la Sociedad Civil (PAE) Folleto Informativo
Este documento ofrece un resumen del Programa de Acción Estratégica de la Sociedad Civil (SAP) CLME + construido por CANARI en el marco del Proyecto CLME +.
Author: CANARI
Year: 2018

Oil Refineries and Tanker Terminals
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Oil Refineries and Tanker Terminals

Oil Spills Protocol Status as of 2020
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Oil Spills Protocol Status as of 2020

Open Standards Mangrove Conservation & ICZM Planning Workshop Report
Twenty-three persons representing twelve Government and eleven Non-Governmental Organizations participated in exploring and documenting three visions for North Brazil Shelf coastal conservation. This led to the generation of inputs towards a future stakeholder-driven process for Integrated Coastal Management of mangroves and coastal ecosystems in the region. The Open Standards planning framework was presented as a tool to help structure, develop and evaluate national and regional strategies and a conceptual model proposed as basis for ICM roadmap planning. The methodology helps to enrich the conservation and understanding of the biophysical characterization and threat assessments for coastal ecosystems for Guyana and Suriname.
Author: Conservation International
Year: 2019

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) List of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Recipients in 2020 in the Wider Caribbean
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) List of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Recipients in 2020 in the Wider Caribbean

OSPESCA/CLME Pilot for the Shared Stocks of the Central American Lobster Fisheries – Governance Assessment
This report is mainly for discussion amongst the governmental and nongovernmental case study participants and interested parties. By illustrating strengths and weaknesses in the assessed governance of the system, it contributes to the elaboration of the regional governance
framework and formulation of the Strategic Action Programme (SAP) which is the next major stage of the CLME project.
Author: CERMES
Year: 2012

Out of The Blue – The Value of Seagrasses To The Environment And To People
This global synthesis report highlights the unique range of
values provided by seagrasses to people around the world. It
aims to provide a science-based synthesis of the numerous
services linked to seagrasses and the associated risks in
losing them in the age of climate change, as well as ongoing
global habitat loss and degradation. This report provides
management and policy options at the local, regional and
global levels, with the aim to share best practices and prevent
further losses. It also highlights the opportunities that effective
conservation measures, sustainable management and
successful restoration efforts for seagrass ecosystems can
provide to governments in order to achieve their international
environmental policy commitments, targets and objectives.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2020
Keywords: Out of The Blue - The Value of Seagrasses To The Environment And To People

Out of The Blue – The Value of Seagrasses To The Environment and to People – Summay
This global synthesis report highlights the unique range of
values provided by seagrasses to people around the world. It
aims to provide a science-based synthesis of the numerous
services linked to seagrasses and the associated risks in
losing them in the age of climate change, as well as ongoing
global habitat loss and degradation. This report provides
management and policy options at the local, regional and
global levels, with the aim to share best practices and prevent
further losses. It also highlights the opportunities that effective
conservation measures, sustainable management and
successful restoration efforts for seagrass ecosystems can
provide to governments in order to achieve their international
environmental policy commitments, targets and objectives.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2020
Keywords: Seagrasses ENVIRONMENT SUMMARY Habitat, biodiversity, seagrass beds

Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) Declaration on Ocean
This document contains the declaration of the Overseas Countries and Territories on Ocean, where they have committed to reinforce their efforts with the objective to: 1. conserve and sustainably use the environmental value of Oceans; 2. foster the economic value of Oceans and support a sustainable Blue Economy; and 3. to stimulate the social value of Oceans.
Author: OCTA
Keywords: blue economy, governance