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Billfish Project
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Billfish Project

Biosphere Reserves as of 2019
Year: 2019
Keywords: Habitat

Blue Accelerator Lab
The “Blue Economy and Sustainable Management of Ocean Degradation Lab” (the Blue Lab) is part of the UNDP Accelerator Labs initiative, the world’s largest and fastest learning network that UNDP is building to address development challenges in the new era where changes are happening rapidly.
The primary objective of the Blue Lab is to promote out-of-the-box thinking and experimentation to support Small Island Developing States (SIDS), with a focus on Caribbean countries, in the sustainable development of its ocean-based economic sectors.
Author: UNDP
Year: 2019
Keywords: blue economy

Blue Carbon and Biodiversity within Suriname’s Mangrove Forest
This document contains a Blue Carbon and Biodiversity within Suriname’s Mangrove Forest using a multipurpose National Forest Inventory (NFI).
Author: Wip, G., Wortel, V., Ngu Chin Tjon, A., Marjanom, G., Feyen, J., Crabbe, S., Jairam, R., Traag, D., Landburg, G. & Lingaard, M.
Year: 2019
Keywords: blue carbon

Blue Carbon and other Coastal Ecosystem Services Next steps in international and national policy making and implementation – Workshop Report
Identifying ways of factoring the climate change mitigation role of coastal ecosystems, and trier role in carbon sequestration, into policy making has been the focus of an international workshop held 23-25 June in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Around 50 international experts joined the discussion in Guayaquil, either in person or remotely and shared lessons learnt from national and project level implementation efforts on Blue Carbon (BC).
Author: Conservation International
Year: 2015
Keywords: blue carbon

Blue carbon policy framework 2.0 : based on the discussion of the International Blue Carbon Policy Working Group
Development and implementation of blue carbon-based activities now requires strategic policy and incentive mechanisms to achieve coastal conservation, restoration and sustainable use, and provide disincentives to drain or damage coastal systems. A first effort to develop such a strategic program was set out in the first edition of the Blue Carbon Policy Framework. Based on additional information and current progress a revised Blue Carbon Policy Framework 2.0 has now been developed. It updates the previous version and adds a detailed coordinated program of policy objectives and activities. It outlines the activities needed for the integration of blue carbon into existing policy initiatives and the implementation of coastal management activities. The framework, described in this document, also details a timeline and identifies the possible stakeholders to further develop the activities.
Author: Herr, D., Pidgeon, E., Laffoley, D.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Oceans, Carbon sequestration, ecosystem management, Coastal zones, Ecosystem services, Policy making blue carbon, marine habitats

Blue Carbon: A transformational tool for marine management and conservation globally
Author: Pidgeon, E.
Keywords: blue carbon

Blue Economy Community Solutions
This publication includes examples from across different continents, ecosystems and cultures, but they all address the priorities of livelihoods and conservation in combination and bring benefits on both fronts. By giving local communities an immediate, concrete stake in the sustainable management of the ocean’s resources, these projects have each secured the local stewardship they need to be a viable, long-term part of the blue economy.
Author: UNDP
Year: 2018
Keywords: Blue Economy Community Solutions blue economy

Blue Economy Scoping Study for Dominica
Following the devastating hurricane that struck the island of Dominica in 2017, the Government of Dominica is focusing on the development of a long-term strategy to become the world’s first Climate Resilient country. In this regard, the Government has signalled its desire to integrate the Blue Economy into future resilience building initiatives. The United Nations Development Programme is supporting them in this aspiration and is extending technical support to Dominica to explore options to integrate the blue economy into its broader resilience building activities.
This report, prepared on behalf of UNDP, underpins this technical support and represents the first two of three deliverables under the UNDP programme of assistance, namely: a Stocktake; and a National Diagnostic Analysis. The purpose of these outputs is to provide both UNDP and the Government of Dominica with some understanding of the possible opportunities that the blue economy presents. They provide an overview of current context and opportunities, a technical analysis of impediments, and makes recommendations for ways forward.
Author: Roberts, J.
Year: 2018
Keywords: blue economy

Briefing Paper: Recommendations for a Sustainable and Equitable Ocean Economic Recovery and Improved Resilience in a Post COVID-19 Environment in the CLME+ region
As part of the efforts towards supporting countries in the CLME+ region in dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICM has developed a Briefing Paper entitled “Recommendations for a Sustainable and Equitable Ocean Economic Recovery and Improved Resilience in a Post COVID-19”. The document is available in English and Spanish.
Author: CLME+ ICM
Year: 2021
Keywords: Covid-19, development, ocean economies, economic recovery