Displaying 893 results.
Simultaneous Closed Season in Central America during 2011 Spawning Season
The Spiny Lobster is a transboundary species, which spends a year drifting in the ocean waters while in the larval stage, indicating that some countries are supplying larve to their neighbors or even farther, and that the harvest of one country affects the potential harvest of the neighboring countries.
Author: CLME PCU
Keywords: spiny lobster

Site and National Restoration Potential in the CLME+/Wider Caribbean Region
This map shows the site with potential for restoration in the CLME+/Wider Caribbean region.
Author: The Ocean Foundation, UNEP CEP, CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Site and National Restoration Potential in the Wider Caribbean marine habitats

Small Island Developing States – Waste Management Outlook – Summary for Decision Makers
Waste management is a major issue globally, and the situation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is no exception. The SIDS Waste Management Outlook has been developed as a follow-on to the Global Waste Management Outlook to provide an overview of the current challenges and opportunities for waste management in SIDS. The indings of the SIDS Waste Management Outlook can be applicable beyond SIDS and can be relevant to countries which have populated islands within their boundaries. Such islands number approximately 11,000 worldwide.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2019

Small Island Developing States in the Wider Caribbean
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Small Island Developing States in the Wider Caribbean

Small Island Developing States in the Wider Caribbean Map
This map illustrates the small island developing states in the Wider Caribbean Region.
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020

Small Island Developing States Waste Management Outlook
Waste management is a major issue globally, and the situation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is no exception. The SIDS Waste Management Outlook has been developed as a follow-on to the Global Waste Management Outlook to provide an overview of the current challenges and opportunities for waste management in SIDS. The indings of the SIDS Waste Management Outlook can be applicable beyond SIDS and can be relevant to countries which have populated islands within their boundaries. Such islands number approximately 11,000 worldwide.
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2019

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Multiple Gear Fishing Fleet Exploiting the Caribbean Sea and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
An industrial multigear fishing fleet from Venezuela emerged in 2009 as a governmental strategy to reduce the impact of industrial trawling on the Venezuelan coast of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. The current study aimed to examine the spatial–temporal distribution of fishing effort and the catch levels obtained by the Venezuelan industrial multigear fishing fleet during the period 2015–2018. Fishing gear types employed by this fleet in order of preference were as follows: bottom longline (target sea catfishes [family Ariidae]), trap (target snappers [family Lutjanidae]), pelagic longline (target tunas [family Scombridae]), hand line (target mackerels [family Scombridae]), and shark longline (target sea catfishes and sharks [families Carcharhinidae, Squalidae, Sphyrnidae, Ginglymostomatidae, Alopiidae, and Triakidae]).
Author: Laurent, C., Aguiar, J., Gondim, E., Evaristo, E., and. Freitas, C.
Year: 2020
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems

SPAW Protocol Ratification Among CBC Members as of 2020
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: SPAW Protocol Ratification Among CBC Members as of 2020

SPAW Protocol Ratification Among CCAD Members as of 2020
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: SPAW Protocol Ratification Among CCAD Members as of 2020

SPAW Protocol Ratification Among OECS Members as of 2020
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: SPAW Protocol Ratification Among OECS Members as of 2020