Displaying 893 results.
Summary of the Tenth Meeting of the Interim Fisheries Coordination Mechanism (IFCM) Miami, Florida, US, Friday, 19 July, 2019
Author: IFCM
Year: 2019
Keywords: IFCM Meeting fisheries

Summary of the Third Sustainable Fisheries Interim Coordination Mechanism Meeting Guadeloupe, French Island, Saturday, 24 June, 2016
This document contains the summary of the Third Sustainable Fisheries Interim Coordination Mechanism Meeting Guadeloupe, French Island, Saturday, 24 June, 2016
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: Summary of the Third Sustainable Fisheries Interim Coordination Mechanism Meeting Guadeloupe, French Island, Saturday, 24 June, 2016

Summary Report of the KAP study and Third National Mini-consultations for Barbados, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago
Author: Caribbean Natural Resources Institute and Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies of the University of the West Indies
Year: 2018
Keywords: Flyingfish Barbados, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago Flyingfish

Support for Coastal and Marine Environmental Management and Protection for Caracol Bay, Haiti for The Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME)
Author: Wiener, J.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Coastal and Marine Environmental Management

Supporting Knowledge Management (KM) and Communications activities in the GEF/UNDP CLME+ Project
In this report assisted the CLME+ Project PCU in diagnosing existing challenges and bottlenecks encountered in the first half of the Project and provided advice on possible ways to address them. The present report summarizes salient issues, action points and recommendations resulting from the interactions between the consultant and the PCU.
Author: Minelli, L.
Year: 2018
Keywords: Knowledge Management and Communication Activities CLME+ GEF/UNDP CLME+ Project Knowledge Management

Survey of the regional science-policy interface for ocean governance in the Wider Caribbean Region
This report, following a brief review of literature on the topic, describes the process and product of an interview investigation of the science-policy interface conducted as part of the Regional Governance Framework (RGF) consultancy with the CLME project. The report contributes to the elaboration of the RGF and formulation of a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) which is the next major stage of the CLME project. The target audiences are all CLME participants and interested parties. Findings should be of particular interest to those dealing with the Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP).
Author: P. McConney, L. Fanning, R. Mahon AND B. Simmons for the CLME Project
Year: 2012

Survey on the State of Coastal and Marine Water Quality Monitoring Programmes and Determination of Pollutant Loads in the Wider Caribbean Region
Author: UNEP CEP
Year: 2006
Keywords: LBS SOCAR Working Group

Sustainable Blue Tourism – Towards a Sustainable Maritime and Coastal Tourism in World Marine Regions
This Report intends to understand and define better the ecological impacts of coastal and marine tourism in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, the north east Atlantic, the south pacific ocean, and the western Indian ocean, the major global marine regions, in order to disseminate field learning and develop common policy recommendations for policy-makers, tourism stakeholders and other relevant institutional and civil society actors.
Author: Fosse, J., Tonazzini, D., Morales, E., Gonzalez, A., Klarwein, S., Moukaddem, K., and. Louveau, O.
Year: 2019

Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions – Second Regional Steering Committee Meeting Cartagena, Colombia, June 6 – 8, 2007 Final Report of the Meeting
Author: CLME PCU
Year: 2007
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems

Sustainable Management of the Shared Living Marine Resources of the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) and Adjacent Regions – First Regional Steering Committee Meeting Panama City, Panama, 2–3 August, 2006 Summary Report
Author: CLME PCU
Year: 2006
Keywords: Large Marine Ecosystems