Displaying 893 results.

The Cartagena Convention Terrestrial Drainage Area
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: The Cartagena Convention Terrestrial Drainage Area

The Cartagena Convention, IOCARIBE and WECAFC Areas and LMEs
Author: CLME+ PCU
Year: 2020
Keywords: The Cartagena Convention, IOCARIBE and WECAFC Areas and LMEs

The Case for Green Infrastructure in LAC – Conclusions from Stockholm World Water Week 2018
The purpose of this paper is therefore to summarize and synthesize findings, conclusions, and recommendations based on the presentations and discussions held during the aforementioned WWW “Eye on LAC” sessions, with the primary objective being to outline key insights and examples the LAC region can learn from and build on, to move forward. Also, provides recommendations on strategies that will help LAC advance green infrastructure in pursuit of meeting SDG6 targets by 2030.
Author: Sarni, W.
Year: 2018

The Case for IOCARIBE-GOOS: A Strategic Plan
Regional Ocean and Coastal Observing System in the wider Caribbean region including the Gulf of Mexico. This system will be a regional component of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). It will be managed by the IOC’s Regional Sub-commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (IOCARIBE), and will be called IOCARIBE-GOOS. The Strategic Plan was endorsed by the Member States of IOCARIBE meeting in their 7th session (Veracruz, 25 – 28 February 2002).
Author: Advisory Group for IOCARIBE-GOOS
Year: 2004

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP)
This report describes the activities deployed in the context of the IMS/REMP component of the CLME project, in the period between 12 December 2011 and 30 June 2013, and the results achieved. The report also provides a roadmap for IMS/REMP and activities to be included in the next phase of the CLME project. This deliverable D.3.7. includes the following deliverables: D.2.1. (Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5), D.2.3 (chapters 7 and 13), D.2.4. (Chapter 7, 8, 19) and D.3.1. (Chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5). Documents related to the activities in the context of IMS/REMP are available from the IOCARIBE website http://iocaribe.ioc-unesco.org
Author: IO Caribbe
Keywords: Information Management System Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme Knowledge Management, Monitoring & Evaluation

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). A Social Media Strategy For IMS-REMP Deliverable D. 3.7″
This document provides essential background relevant to an evaluation of the challenges and benefits associated with the use of social media strategy for the IMS-REMP.
Author: Amyot, J
Keywords: IMS-REMP social media

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). Brief Report on IMS baseline Information Sources and on the Outcomes of the Evaluation of Regional Capacity and Training Needs & Modalities for IMS use (incl.analysis of potential CLME IMS users)
This document was prepared by Mr. Paul Geerders, Project leader of the IMS/REMP and provides IMS baseline Information Sources and on the Outcomes of the Evaluation of Regional Capacity and Training Needs & Modalities for IMS use including feedback from participating experts and users from regional organizations attending the IMS/REMP Promotion and Awareness Workshop held in January 2013 in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
Author: Geerders, P.
Year: 2013
Keywords: IMS baseline Information Sources Outcomes of the Evaluation of Regional Capacity and Training Needs & Modalities for IMS use

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). CLME-IMS/REMP Workshop – Indicators for Decision Making (Cartagena, Colombia, September 11-13, 2012) Workshop Assessment Part II – Deliverable D.2.2
This document summarizes main discussions and recommendations of the CLME-IMS/REMP Workshop Indicators for Decision Making held in Cartagena, Colombia, September 11 – 13, 2012
Year: 2012

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). Considerations on a Data Policy for CLME and IMS/REMP Deliverable D.3.6
This document presents the results of a study carried out in the context of the IMS/REMP component of the CLME project, on the sharing of data and information and corresponds to deliverable D.3.6. The report discusses and considers the various legal aspects of this important issue for CLME and LMR governance, and subsequently develops a proposal for a CLME Data Policy including guidelines and protocols for managing and sharing of data and information. This sharing of data and information is the cornerstone of the decision-making process, since only on the basis of data and information, indicators can be generated to support decision-makers responding to specific policy issues. This report will be included in the information system IMS.
Author: Der Dunk, V.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Data Policy for CLME and IMS/REMP

The CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP). Ecosystem Goods and Services Valuation: A Short Summary and Analysis of Key Concepts and Applications
Author: Amyot, J.
Year: 2012
Keywords: Ecosystem Goods and Services Valuation CLME Information Management System (IMS) and Regional Environmental Monitoring Programme (REMP)