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Existing and Potential Sustainable Blue Economy Investors in the CLME+ Project Area
Tier 1 Prospect
(Strong alignment between CLME+ objectives and a) current focal sectors of an entity or institution; as well as b) geographic scope of operations, i.e. emphasis on LAR and/or the Caribbean. Compelling volume of capital to invest.)
Tier 2 Prospect
(Strong potential candidate for investment in the CLME+ region, due to alignment with either a) thematic or b) geographic focus of the entity or institution).
Tier 3 Prospect
(Notional/weaker alignment between CLME+ objectives and focal areas & geographies and those of the entity/institution) ”
The color of Name & Type of Entity, indicates the type of TIER.
Current page: 3
Displaying 150 results.
Blue Marine Foundation
Description of entity:
Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) is a charity dedicated to restoring the ocean to health by addressing overfishing. BLUE is dedicated to creating marine reserves and establishing sustainable models of fishing. Its mission is to campaign against over-fishing and for the effective protection of 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030.
Relevant funding priorities: Strategic interventions are as follows:
-Securing marine protected areas to ensure the protection of at least 30% of the ocean by 2030.
-Developing models of sustainable fishing proving that low-impact fishing benefits marine life, local fishers and communities.
-Restoring marine habitats to revive and protect vulnerable and threatened species and to sequester carbon.
-Tackling unsustainable fishing by highlighting poor practice and developing solutions.
-Connecting people with the sea and enhancing ocean understanding across generations.
Rationale for categorization: Strong thematic alignment, minimal geographic alignment.
Scale of activities investment: Unknown
Other previous investments: Unknown
Sector: Aquaculture, Fisheries
Instrument used: Unknown
Geographic Focus: UK, British Overseas Territories, other
Other information: https://www.bluemarinefoundation.com/
Blue Oceans Partners
Description of entity:
Estd 2019. Specialist blue economy investor; Blue Oceans Partners invests in and supports companies scaling up innovations that help address the most critical threats to our ocean. Primary focus is on solutions to overfishing and plastic pollution.
Website: https://www.blueoceanspartners.com/
Relevant funding priorities: Fisheries, Aquaculture, Renewable Energy, Plastic Pollution
Rationale for categorization: High degree of alignment with CLME+ themes.
Scale of activities investment: 43.000.000
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Plastic Pollution, Renewable Energy
Instrument used: Unknown.
Geographic Focus: Global
Other information: Not specified
Blue Orchard Impact Investment Fund
Description of entity:
Global impact investment manager.
Relevant funding priorities: Has a climate change adaptation investment area, but further information is unavailable. Manages the BlueOrchard UCITS Emerging Markets SDG Impact Bond Fund.
Rationale for categorization: No specific interest noted in the Blue Economy, however, it does manage an SDG focused impact fund. It may be worth discussing opportunities with them should there be a specific blue economy investment opportunity.
Scale of activities investment: Unknown.
Other previous investments: Unknown
Sector: Multiple
Instrument used: Debt and equity
Geographic Focus: Global
Contact: Daniel Perroud, Global Head of Business Development, +41 22 596 4793,
Other information: Not specified
Blue Prosperity Coalition (See also, Waitt Foundation)
Description of entity:
A coalition of NGO’s, academic institutions, foundations, and other organizations working together to assist committed governments in developing and implementing sustainable marine spatial plans to protect the environment and improve the economy at the same time.
Providing expertise, funding, and tools to create a comprehensive Marine Spatial Plan, the Blue Prosperity Coalition aims to promote growth and prosperity while empowering sustainable management of marine resources and ecosystems.
Website: https://www.blueprosperity.org/
Relevant funding priorities: MSP
Rationale for categorization: The coalition, while not providing conventional, return-seeking investment, works to mobilize resources to support governments to complete marine spatial plans. In the Caribbean, Barbuda isa focal country.
Scale of activities investment: n/a
Other previous investments: Barbuda Blue Halo Initiative. The goal of Blue Halo Barbuda is to foster the sustainable, profitable, and enjoyable use of ocean resources for present and future generations.Barbuda is 160 sq. km. island in the Eastern Caribbean known for its blue water and pristine beaches. Barbuda established a marine spatial plan in 2014 protecting 33% (139 km2) of its waters. The Barbuda Council signed a set of new ocean management regulations that zone their coastal waters, strengthen fisheries management, and establish a network of marine sanctuaries.
Sector: Marine spatial planning
Instrument used: Grant.
Geographic Focus: Global, Barbuda notably in the Caribbean
Other information: Not specified
Description of entity:
The Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES, the Brazilian Development Bank), is a national entity headquartered in Brazil whose main mission is to foster sustainable and competitive development in the Brazilian economy, generating employment while reducing social and regional inequalities. BNDES finances projects based on criteria that prioritise development that fosters social inclusion, creating jobs and income. Its operations therefore cover various sectors, such as agriculture, the environment, industry, infrastructure, trade, tourism and urban development. BNDES is also committed to fostering projects that help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change, and plays a key role in supporting programmes, projects and services related to Brazil’s economic and social development.
Relevant funding priorities: Not specified
Rationale for categorization: May present opportunities for a sustainable blue economy-oriented Ecosystem-based Adaptation project, e.g. sustainable infrastructure.
Scale of activities investment: Not specified
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Multiple
Instrument used: Not specified
Geographic Focus: Brazil
Other information: Not specified
BNP Paribas
Description of entity:
BNP Paribas is the only global bank with a specific ocean protection policy. BNP Paribas states its willingness to work withits clients towards the achievement of the SDG 14 (“Life Under Water”) for the conservationand a sustainable use of the ocean. This engagement is reflected on the one hand by settingup criteria framing its financings in activities considered as sensitive from the standpoint of environment and oceanic biodiversity, and on the other hand through the active support forinitiatives towards a sustainable economy, respectful to the marine ecosystems and human beings.
Relevant funding priorities: Not specified
Rationale for categorization: As the only bank with a specific ocean protection policy, it may be interesting to open a dialogue with them. However, there is no explicit reference to investments in the Caribbean.
Scale of activities investment: Not specified
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Multiple
Instrument used: Not specified
Geographic Focus: Not specified
Other information: Not specified
Description of entity:
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), is a regional entity that was established with the objective of promoting economic integration and balanced economic and social development in Central America. CABEI provides financing to both the public and private sectors for the implementation of projects that foster sustainable development and that improve the climate resilience of communities in the region. A variety of financial instruments are deployed by the applicant through projects in sectors such as agriculture, energy, human development and transport.
Relevant funding priorities: Not specified
Rationale for categorization: Relevant geographic focus, unclear linkage/experience in target sustainable blue economy sectors.
Scale of activities investment: Unknown
Other previous investments: Unknown
Sector: Not specified
Instrument used: Unknown
Geographic Focus: Central America
Other information: Not specified
Description of entity:
The Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) – Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (Andean Development Corporation – Development Bank of Latin America) is a regional financial institution established in the late 1960s, located in Venezuela. CAF focuses on the promotion of sustainable development and green economies in over 15 countries in the region through supporting the technical and financial structuring of projects. It offers a wide variety of financial products and services, including loans, equity and guarantees. CAF’s partnerships with public and private sector organizations have allowed it to play an active role in the promotion of projects and programmes that generate environmental benefits and to address climate change impacts. Over US$ 800 million has been invested in green energy and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation projects. CAF sought accreditation to the GCF in order to continue developing climate change projects and programmes together with its partners that will reduce the impacts of climate change in its region.
Relevant funding priorities: Projects have focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy solutions, sustainable transport and climate change adaptation through disaster risk reduction and ecosystem services.
Rationale for categorization: Not specified
Scale of activities investment: Not specified
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Energy, Mutliple, Transport
Instrument used: Not specified
Geographic Focus: CLME+ Region
Other information: Not specified
Calvert Impact Capital (Investment Fund Manager)
Description of entity:
Firm raises capital from individual and institutional investors to finance intermediaries and funds that are investing in communities left out of traditional capital markets. Portfolio sectors: environmental sustainability, renewable energy, sustainable ag. SunFunder (financial intermediary that lends to solar energy co. to reach off-grid communities).
Relevant funding priorities: environmental sustainability, renewable energy. Prioritize opportunities to demonstrate where debt financing can play a role in advancing environmental sustainability across a variety of sub-sectors, including ecosystem protection, stormwater management and water quality, and water utility protection.
Rationale for categorization: Not specified
Scale of activities investment: Not specified
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Multiple
Instrument used: Not specified
Geographic Focus: Global
Other information: calvertimpactcapital.org
Caribbean Biodiversity Fund
Description of entity:
The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund – CBF – is a regional Environmental Fund established in 2012 to provide a sustainable flow of resources for the conservation, protection and maintenance of biodiversity in the Caribbean. While there is no specific business development/blue economy facility currently managed by the CBF, it may prove to be an interesting potential partner working in the space. It currently manages two major funds, a protected areas endowment and a sinking, Ecosystem-based Adaptation Facility. The CBF directly manages a competitive process to program EbA Facility resources. The Protected Areas endowment funds are passed on to partner Conservation Trust Funds, who program resources in line with their own strategic plans.
Relevant funding priorities: Protected Areas, Ecosystem-based Adaptation, Marine Pollution
Rationale for categorization: High degree of thematic and geographic alignment. The CBF’s grant investments could theoretically be used as part of a blended finance package to facilitate investment in blue economy sectors. This would likely require a substantial amount of work/consultation
Scale of activities investment: Not specified
Other previous investments: Not specified
Sector: Biodiversity/Protected Areas
Instrument used: Grants
Geographic Focus: Caribbean
Other information: Not specified