Maps showing number of projects per country
Insular Caribbean
Central & North America
South America

Displaying 91-100 of 98 results

The verify indicates that the Project Profile has been verified and it’s being managed by the project’s profile manager.

  • MPA Governance    Adaptive capacity for MPA governance in the eastern Caribbean

  •     Building a Sustainable National Marine Protected Area Network

  • Ecolangosta+    Enfoque Ecosistémico para la Pesca de la langosta del Caribe - CLME+ (Subproyecto del PNUD/FMAM CLME+) verify

  • FIT4CC    Fisheries information technology innovations for resource management and climate change adaptation in the Caribbean

  • REBYC-II LAC    Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and the Caribbean Trawl Fisheries

  • CROP    The Caribbean Regional Oceanscape project

  • CBP    Caribbean Billfish Project

  • CLME+    Catalysing Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems verify

    • Achievements on SAP

      -With the support of the Project, the CLME+ Interim Fisheries Coordination Mechanism and CLME+ Interim Coordination Mechanism for Ocean Governance in the wider Caribbean were created. -A Regional Plan of Action against IUU fishing was delivered -the CLME+ Hub was created as a reference platform to be jointly owned by the ICM membership and partners of the CLME+ initiative -a CLME+ SAP actions tracking tool was developed and implemented (and will soon be made available through the Hub The OSPESCA Ministerial Council signed on 11 december 2019 the regional regulation on the Port State Measure Agreement, thereby kicking off ratification of the agreement by all 8 SICA member states.

    • Achievements on SDG

    • Achievements to other regional and global commitments