Combining local ecological knowledge and ciguatera analysis to rule lionfish toxicity and edibility and catalyse infestation control
Brief Description:
Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Other Regional and Global Commitments
Using local ecological knowledge to select a sample of individual lionfish, the project will undertake chemical toxicity analysis to determine their edibility. The results will inform a Humpback whale with calf in Agoa marine mammal sanctuary lionfish control strategy for Saint-Barthélemy. This is a BEST 2 initiative project.
Utilizando el conocimiento ecológico local para seleccionar una muestra de pez león, y llevar a cabo un análisis de toxicidad química para determinar su comestibilidad. Los resultados informarán a una ballena jorobada con cría en la estrategia de control del pez león del santuario de mamíferos marinos de Agoa para Saint-Barthélemy. Este es un proyecto de iniciativa BEST 2.
Lead Organization : Agence Territoriale de l'Environnement de Saint-Barthélemy (ATE)
Donor: European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation (DG-DEVCO)
Project ID:
Geographic Scope:
Project Status: Completed
Start Date: 2017-01-04
End Date: 2018-01-09
Last Update: 11/01/2021
Start Date: 2017-01-04
End Date: 2018-01-09
Project Profile Manager: Olivier Raynaud
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Partners: Anguilla National Trust, IUCN
Grant (USD):
Total co-financing (USD):
(Co) financing not originating from GEF:
Participating Country(s):
Saint Barthélemy
Contributions to the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025)

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Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)

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Other Regional and Global Commitments