Reduction of vulnerability to coastal flooding through ecosystem-based adaptation in the south of Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces
Brief Description:
Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)
Other Regional and Global Commitments
The project will rely on a combination of natural regeneration and artificial regeneration (planting) to achieve the recovery of structure, function and ecosystem services in mangroves and other associated coastal ecosystems along the 84 km long stretch of coastline between Punta Sucia and Punta Mora. This is an area particularly sensible to saline intrusion into its subterranean aquifers, which are vital for the irrigation of the coastal plains, which are some of the most productive agricultural in the country, and as a source of drinking water for the city of Havana. the mangroves of the area also have some of the lowest health indices in the western region of the country.
El proyecto se basa en una combinación de regeneración natural y regeneración artificial (plantación) para lograr la recuperación de la estructura, función y servicios ecosistémicos en los manglares y otros ecosistemas costeros asociados a lo largo del tramo costero de 84 km de longitud entre Punta Sucia y Punta Mora. Se trata de una zona especialmente sensible a la intrusión salina en sus acuíferos subterráneos, vitales para el riego de los llanos costeros, unos de los agrícolas más productivos del país, y como fuente de agua potable para la ciudad de La Habana. los manglares de la zona también tienen algunos de los índices de salud más bajos de la región occidental del país.
Lead Organization : CITMA-MINAGRI
Donor: Adaptation Fund
Project ID: CUB/MIE/Coastal/2012/1/
Geographic Scope:
Project Status: Ongoing
Start Date: 2014-01-09
End Date: 2020-01-09
Last Update: 07/01/2021
Start Date: 2014-01-09
End Date: 2020-01-09
Project Profile Manager: Lyes Ferroukhi
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:
Partners: UNDP
Grant (USD):
Total co-financing (USD):
(Co) financing not originating from GEF:
Participating Country(s):
Contributions to the 10-year CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (2015-2025)

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Contributions to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda (SDG’s)

Please click on the SDG14 colored icon to see to which specific SDG14 targets this initiative is contributing.
Other Regional and Global Commitments