NBS Mangrove Project Setting the foundations for zero net loss of the mangroves that underpin human wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME
Descripción breve:
Contribuciones a la Agenda 2030 de Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de Naciones Unidas (ONU)
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The NBS Mangrove Project, was an 18 month project organised under a single component to help establish a shared and multi-national process for an Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) in the NBS. The project recognises the prevalence, socio-ecological importance and connectivity of mangroves in the retention and generation of key ecosystem services (fisheries, coastal protection and defences, water quality, blue carbon etc.) from which communities in the NBS countries are beneficiaries. The countries of Suriname and Guyana were prioritised to consolidate and improve the technical knowledge base necessary to further national and complementary regional coastal management strategies with neighbouring countries Brazil (Amapa state) and French Guiana. In this sense the project builds on, and supports, the antecedents and key elements of the regional agreement established within the CLME+SAP relevant for the NBS region. The objectives of the NBS Mangrove Project are: 1. To generate the necessary baseline knowledge and technical assessments as inputs towards a collaborative vision and a coordinated well-informed management of NBS mangrove systems, with emphasis on the information needs of Guyana and Suriname. 2. To support development of transboundary coordination mechanism(s) between the countries of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Brazil (state of Amapá) towards the improved integrated coastal management of the extensive, ecologically connected yet vulnerable mangrove habitat of the NBS region. The project developed a series of studies and technical outputs to better understand and manage mangrove habitats and coastal ecosystems to the benefit of human well-being in the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem Region.
Organización líder: CI & IUCN
Donante: GEF
ID del proyecto: 9949
Alcance geográfico:
Multicountry (regional)
Estado del proyecto: Completed
Fecha de Inicio: 2018-04-01
Fecha de Finalización: 2020-01-31
Documento Oficial del Proyecto : 5
Last Update: 20200313
Fecha de Inicio: 2018-04-01
Fecha de Finalización: 2020-01-31
Documento Oficial del Proyecto : 5
Página web:https://nbslmegef.wordpress.com/
Project Profile Manager: Emilio Cobo
Correo de contacto: emilio.cobo@iucn.org
Teléfono de contacto:
Correo de contacto: emilio.cobo@iucn.org
Teléfono de contacto:
Aliados: CI - IUCN
Beca (USD):
Co-financiación total (USD):
(Co) financiación no proveniente de GEF:
Países participantes:
Contribuciones al Programa de Acciones Estratégicas (PAE) CLME+ (2015-2025)

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Contribuciones a la Agenda 2030 de Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de Naciones Unidas (ONU)

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