SAP Progress Tracking Portal

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Progress Snapshots - per SAP (sub)Strategy
For Entities Contributing to SAP Implementation: Please Upload Your Progress/Contributions
Please click the corresponding option to either (1) update/edit an existing record in case you previously created a record and want to report on the most recent advances or (2) create a new SAP progress record for any of the SAP’s 76 priority actions.
Click here for a quick video tutorial on this process. A more detailed guidance document is found here.
Search for Contributions to SAP implementation by Agency and Project
Number of Months Since the Last Update Made by the Organization by SAP (Sub)Strategy
Organization | Last update | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S4A | S4B | S5 | S5A | S5B | S6 |
The Number of Progress Records by Organization by SAP (Sub)Strategy
Organization | Total | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | S4A | S4B | S5 | S5A | S5B | S6 |