¿Su iniciativa contribuye a la visión a largo plazo para la región del Gran Caribe/CLME+: “un medio ambiente marino saludable que ofrezca beneficios y medios de sustento para el bienestar de los pueblos de la región del Gran Caribe y más allá?

¿Se dirige a uno o más países de esta región?

Compartir su iniciativa en  la base de datos de proyectos de CLME+ permitirá a otros aprender de su trabajo y estimulará la colaboración. ¡Trabajando juntos, podemos lograr mucho más!

La base de datos de proyectos CLME + permite explorar nuevas oportunidades de colaboración y /o aprender más sobre actividades históricas, existentes y aquellas que han sido planeadas y diseñadas recientemente.

Usted puede ingresar fácilmente su inciativa a nuestra base de datos creando un "Perfil Online del Proyecto" usando el siguiente for formulario. Si ya es un usuario registrado que desea actualizar un "Perfil (es) de Proyecto"  existente, por favor inicie sesión haciendo clic en el botón que se muestra a continuación.


Kindly note that red denotes a mandatory field.

Información básica

Nombre completo del proyecto
Project’s acronym or a shortened project title/name if applicable
Brief description of the project/initiative. Recommended length: no longer than half a page
Full name of project (spanish, if applicable)
Brief description (spanish, if applicable)
Indicate the current status of your project/initiative (please remember to update your project profile as soon as the status of your project/initiative changes)
Official start date of the project/initiative: mm/dd/yyyy
Multicountry (regional) is to be used when all participating countries are from the wider Caribbean/CLME+ region, whereas Multicountry (global) is to be used when both a country or countries from within as well as from outside the wider Caribbean/CLME+ region participate.National is to be used when the project is being executed in a single country (the country has to be from the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ region)
Fast select countries:        Wider Caribbean     SICA     CARICOM     OECS     ACP Countries     Reset     Fast select: You can choose one of the following groupings for a faster selection of the participating countries of your project. You can always delete any country not applicable to your project using the "x" on its name

Click to Choose or Drag and drop a file

your image

Información de contacto

Main agency(s) responsible for the implementation/execution of the Project (please use standard acronyms instead of full names)
Name of the person responsible for keeping this Project Profile updated.
Email of the person responsible for keeping this Project Profile updated.
Please add the contact number following the next format +xx (country code ex. +1, +57) xxxxxxxxx (number)
Please enter the website address, starting with "http://" or "https://" (e.g.

Click to Choose or Drag and drop a file

your image

Aliados y financiamiento

Additional entity(s) or organization(s) involved in project execution (please use standard acronyms instead of full names)
Entity(s) and/or Organization(s) funding the project (please use acronyms, when available)
STRONGLY RECOMMEDED - Please provide the official Donor Project ID (E.g. in the case of a GEF project, the GEF Project ID”)
Total amount of Project Grant funds provided by the donor(s)
Co-financing/additional funding provided by other agencies and stakeholders. Please enter a zero (“0”) if this information is not available
DESIRABLE: Please indicate the sum of all contributions (grants and co-financing) NOT provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF)


Objetivo - 
14. Conservar y utilizar en forma sostenible los océanos, los mares y los recursos marinos para el desarrollo sostenible



For new users: once your account and Project Profiles have been verified, you will be able to access them and edit them at any stage. Inclusion of new projects and updates does not require the administrator approval, therefore, we kindly invite to act on the best interest of the region and to keep your Project Profiles up to date, by e.g. registering any change in project implementation status or contact information, and by uploading major project achievements.

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SOMEE content is still under development and is therefore not yet available online. However, you can already check for sample text and materials under the sections in blue text