Does your initiative contribute to the long-term Vision for the Wider Caribbean/CLME+ region: “a healthy marine environment that supports the well-being and enhanced livelihoods of the peoples of this region and beyond”?
Does it target one or more countries from this region?
Uploading your initiative to this database will allow others to learn about your work, and stimulate collaboration. Working together, we can achieve so much more!
The CLME+ Hub’s Projects database makes it possible to explore new opportunities for collaboration and/or to learn more about historic, existing, and newly planned activities.
You can easily upload information about your initiative to the database by creating an “Online Project Profile” using the below interactive form. If you want to update an existing "Online Project Profile(s)" please click on the "edit" button to the right of each of your projects in the table below:
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SOMEE content is still under development and is therefore not yet available online. However, you can already check for sample text and materials under the sections in blue text