Decisions on Coordination Mechanism (CM) - CLME+ HUB



A  milestone decision on Ocean Governance for the Wider Caribbean was taken during the Steering Committee Meeting celebrated from 16 to 18 June 2020, where more than 20 countries along with fourteen organizations from the Wider Caribbean region set up the foundations for a regional “Ocean Governance” Coordination Mechanism.

The CM will seek to enhance collaboration and coordination for the conservation and sustainable use of the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems. In connection to this decision, members of the Steering Committee decided in key aspects of this Coordination Mechanism, which was requested under Action 3.2 of SAP CLME+   



Participant List, Roles and Endorsement : Table Here


Nonetheless, Colombia did not take part of the decision and released the following declaration explaining their reasons for not participating in the decision.

We invite you to read an extract of the decisions taken related to the Coordination Mechanism here.



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