A Fisheries Ecosystem-based approach to the development of Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses and a region-wide Strategic Action Programme - CLME+ HUB

A Fisheries Ecosystem-based approach to the development of Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses and a region-wide Strategic Action Programme

A preliminary Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) for the Caribbean LME and adjacent North Brazil Shelf LME was developed during the PDF B phase of the CLME project. Given the complexity and diversity of the region in terms of its biogeophysical, socioeconomic, legislative and cultural characteristics, a sub-regional approach to assessing the status of the region’s living marine resources was selected. For this purpose, the CLME Area was subdivided in 3 geographic subregions: (i) Insular Caribbean subregion; (ii) Central & South America subregion; and (iii) Brazil-Guyanas subregion. However, the updating of the TDA’s under the Full-Sized Project implementation phase used an alternative –innovative- approach: rather than using the physical limits of the 3 former geographic subregions, ecological “limits” corresponding to 3 “fishery ecosystems” considered key to the sustainable management of the shared living marine resources in the Wider Caribbean were used as the departure point for the development of the updated TDAs.

Author: CLME PCU
Keywords: fisheries, Large Marine Ecosystems, marine habitats
       26                          Report issue

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